Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem 1) (a) In the Beraisa of 'Gozel she'Nafal le'Gas', on what basis does Rebbi Yochanan ben Nuri render the Kasher fledgling Tamei, even without Machshavah?The Rabbanan reject his Kal va'Chomer because 'Im Amarta be'Tum'ah Chamurah, she'Kein Einah Yoredes Le'Kach, Tomar be'Tum'ah Kalah, she'Kein Yoredes Le'Kach' - Initially, the Gemara explains 'Yoredes le'Kach' to mean that it does not pass on Tum'ah to something like itself (Adam to Adam). (b) How does the Gemara then explain the words of the Rabbanan, and why can this interpretation not be correct?2) The Gemara ultimately explains it to mean that Tum'ah Chamurah does not require a Hechsher, whereas a Tum'ah Kala does. (a) What does this mean?3) (a) What does Rava say about crops that were originally sown for seeds, but the owner then (whilst they were still attached to the ground) decided use as food - according to Rebbi Yochanan?4) Ravina refutes the proof by establishing the Mishnah according to Rebbi Shimon. (a) What does Rebbi Shimon say?The Gemara ultimately proves Rava's contention that we go by the species, and not just by the article, from a discrepancy between our Mishnah, which writes that 'Kol she'Chayav be'Pei'ah, Chayav be'Ma'asros', and the Beraisa 'ha'Mafkir es Karmo, ve'Hishkim ba'Boker u'Batzro, Chayav be'Peret u've'Olelos, u've'Shikchah u've'Pei'ah, u'Patur min ha'Ma'aser'. (b) How is Rava vindicated from there?
5) (a) How does the Gemara deduce that aniseed is Metamei Tum'as Ochlin from the Mishnah in Pei'ah, which writes that the Chachamim concede to Rebbi Akiva that if someone sows aniseed or mustard-seeds in a few places he gives Ma'aser from each one separately?The Gemara asks on this from Rebbi Yochanan ben Nuri, who disagrees with Rebbi Akiva (who holds that spices can be bought with Ma'aser Sheini money, although they are not Metamei Tum'as Ochlin). In *his* opinion, since spices cannot be purchased with Ma'aser Sheini money, they are not Metamei Tum'as Ochlin either - and aniseed is a spice? (b) How does the Gemara resolve this difficulty by establishing the first Beraisa by 'Sheves ha'Asuyah le'Chamach' - What is 'Sheves ha'Asuyah le'Chamach'?6) (a) What is subject to Matanos, but not to Reishis ha'Gez?7) (a) According to the Gemara's first contention, why does the Pasuk need to write "Senapir"?8) The Mishnah writes that there are certain things over which one recites a Berachah beforehand but not afterwards. The Gemara rejects vegetables and water as being those things, because we find some Amora'im who did make a Nach-Berachah ('Borei Nefashos') over them. (a) Why does the Gemara also reject the possibility that the Mishnah refers to Mitzvos? |