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Menachos 80
1) [line 1] TODAS NEDAVAH - (lit. a voluntary Todah) (a) where the person
said, "Harei Zo Todah" - "This animal is a Korban Todah" (in which case he
is not obligated to bring another animal if the first one he designates gets
lost) (RASHI KESAV YAD, 1st explanation); (b) any other situation where a
person pledges a Korban Todah except where he was saved from one of the
situations about which Rav states (Berachos 54b) "Arba'ah Tzrichin l'Hodos"
(see Background to Menachos 79:28).
2) [line 2] MARBEH B'SODOS HU - he is simply bringing more Korbenos Todah
(without being obligated to do so) [and there is no difference between
before or after Kaparah, since both Korbanos require Lachmei Todah]
3) [line 4] MOSAR D'SODAH HI - it is the "remainder" of a Korban Todah and
does not require Lachmei Todah, before or after Kaparah, since he fulfills
his obligation of the sacrifice with the mother. (When a person designates a
certain amount of money with which to buy a sacrifice and he buys the
sacrifice for less money, the remainder is called "Mosar d'Sodah.")
4) [line 7] ADAM MISKAPER B'SHEVACH HEKDESH - a person may fulfill his
obligation to bring a Korban with the "increase" of Hekdesh, such as if the
animal gives birth of rises in value
There are five Chata'os that are put to death by being locked up without
food until they die:
1. The offspring of a Chatas
2. The Temurah (see Background to Menachos 79:20b) of a Chatas
3. A Chatas the owner of which has died
4. A Chatas of a sheep or goat that became a year old (and is therefore
invalid as a Korban Chatas), the owner of which brought a different Chatas
to atone for his sins
5. A Chatas that was lost and was later found with a Mum, the owner of which
brought a different Chatas to atone for his sins (Temurah 21b)
6) [line 17] KOL SHEB'CHATAS RO'AH - any animal that was designated as a
Korban Chatas about which the ruling is that it is sent out to pasture to
develop a blemish (the Gemara immediately proceeds to classify this case)
7) [line 31] AVUDAH BI'SHE'AS HAFRASHAH MESAH - if an animal was designated
as a Korban Chatas because the original animal was lost, the original animal
is put to death (even if it is found before the second animal is sacrificed)
(a) When a person is worried that his Korban Chatas may be lost, he is able
to designate two animals, saying, "I hereby designate one of these animals
as my Korban Chatas. If that animal gets lost, the other animal will be my
Korban Chatas in its stead." If one of the animals does get lost, he is
permitted to offer the other animal as his Chatas.
(b) If neither animal gets lost, and one animal is sacrificed as his Chatas,
a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai states that the second animal also obtains the
sanctity of a Chatas, to a certain extent. It is called "a Chatas that was
designated for Achrayus (as a substitute)," and it is not sacrificed as a
Chatas because its owner has already brought his Korban Chatas.
above, entry #5. Rebbi Shimon rules that there are no cases of a Chatas
being put out to pasture
10) [line 42] ZO TODAH V'ZO LACHMAH - (that is, if a person pledges a Korban
and says these words)
11) [line 45] LECHEM (LI'GELAL) [GELAL] TODAH - the loaves are brought
because of the Korban Todah animal
12a) [line 19] SHENIYAH TAMUS - the second one is put to death (since it is
a Chatas, the owner of which brought a different Chatas to atone for his
b) [line 20] SHELISHIS TIR'EH - the third one is put our to pasture to
develop a blemish, since it is not a replacement for the first animal
mnemonic device that stands for (a) the names of the Chachamim who make the
suggestions in the following Sugyos (1-7), and (b) hints to the suggestions
that they make (8-14), as follows:
1. *Lemudim* refers to "*Lemedim* Lifnei Rebbi" (line 39)
2. *Leviyim* refers to "*Levi*" (line 46)
3. *Marta* refers to "Rebbi Yitzchak bar Shmuel bar *Marta*" (Daf 81a, line
4. *Alah* refers to "Rav *Ila*" (Daf 81a, line 6)
5. *she'Yesh* refers to "Rav *Shisha* brei d'Rav Idi" (Daf 81a, line 14)
6. *She'KeN* refers to "Amar Lei Rav A*sh*I l'Rav *K*aha*n*a" (Daf 81a, line
7. *Damharya* refers to "Ravina Ikla *l'Damharya*" (Daf 81, line 31)
8. *d'Iy ChaLaSh* refers to the first word ("Iy") of the two suggestions of
Lemedim Lifnei Rebbi, and hints at the two suggestions ("ChaLaSh" stands for
*Ch*u*L*in, *Sh*elamim): 1. "v'Leima *Iy* Hach d'Kaima Todah... Iy Lo,
Leipuk l'*Ch*u*l*in" (line 40); 2. "v'Leima *Iy* Hach d'Kaima Temurah...
v'Ha Sehevei *Sh*elamim" (line 43)
9. *Mosar* refers to the suggestion of Levi, "v'Ha Sehevei *Mosar* d'Sodah"
(line 49)
10. *Temurah* refers to the suggestion of Rebbi Yitzchak bar Shmuel bar
Marta, "v'Ha Sehevei *Temurah* (Daf 81a, line 5)
11. *ba'Chutz* refers to the suggestion of Abaye to Rebbi Ila, "Im Isa
led'Rebbi Yochanan d'Amar *Chutz* l'Chomas ha'Azarah" (Daf 81a, line 7)
12. *Chizkiyah* refers to the suggestion of Rav Shisha brei d'Rav Idi, "Im
Isa *led'Chizkiyah* d'Amar Kadshu Arba'im mi'Toch Shemonim" (Daf 81a, line
13. *Hifrish Chatas* refers to the suggestion of Rav Ashi, "Im Isa led'Rebbi
Yochanan d'Amar *Hifrish Chatas* Me'uberes" (Daf 81a, line 22)
14. *l'Achrayus* refers to the suggestion of Rav Dimi brei d'Rav Huna
mi'Damharya, "v'Idach Sehevei *l'Achrayus*" (Daf 81a, line 35)
14) [line 39] LEMEDIN LIFNEI REBBI - "those who learn before Rebbi" (the
Gemara -- Sanhedrin 17b -- explains that this phrase refers to Levi)
15) [line 42] V'CHI MACHNISIN CHULIN LA'AZARAH? - Are we permitted to bring
Chulin (non-consecrated items, such as the Lachmei Todah that Lavi is
suggesting be brought, should the animal in fact not be a Todah) into the
(a) According to some Tana'im, it is forbidden by an Isur Aseh to bring a
non-sanctified ("Chulin") animal or food into the Azarah of the Beis
ha'Mikdash. This is learned from the verse, "If the place chosen by HaSh-m
is *far* [from where you are]... you may slaughter and eat meat to your
heart's content..." (Devarim 12:21), which implies that we may only
slaughter Chulin *outside* of the Azarah of the Beis ha'Mikdash (Pesachim
22a). According to these Tana'im, if non-sanctified animals are slaughtered
in the Mikdash, it is prohibited with a Lav to eat from them (Pesachim,
ibid.). Other Tana'im maintain that the prohibition of offering Chulin in
the Azarah (and eating from non-sanctified animals that were slaughtered in
the Azarah) is not from the Torah but Rabbinic ("Chulin ba'Azarah *Lav*
(b) The Rishonim argue over the breadth of the prohibition of bringing
Chulin into the Azarah, according to those Tana'im who prohibit it
mid'Oraisa. According to many Rishonim, it is only prohibited mid'Oraisa to
bring objects of Chulin into the Azarah if one performs with them acts which
resemble those done for Korbanos, such as slaughtering them, waving them or
placing them on the Mizbe'ach (TOSFOS to Bava Basra 81b, DH v'Dilma, and to
Pesachim 66b, and other Rishonim). Others maintain that even if no such acts
are performed, it is prohibited mid'Oraisa to bring foods of Chulin into the
Azarah (RAMBAM Hilchos Shechitah 2:3; see Insights to Nedarim 9:2).
16) [line 45] MISHUM D'KA MEMA'ET BA'ACHILAH DI'SHELAMIM - since you will be
limiting the time available to eat the Korban Shelamim, which is normally
eaten for two days and the intervening night. If the animal becomes a Todah,
it is only possible to eat it for the day of its slaughter and the following
17) [last line] MO'ACH - a brain
18) [last line] B'KODKODO - in his head
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