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1) [line 1] KERIVEI D'ARAVA - relatives of the guarantor
5a) [line 30] PELACH - region, county 6) [line 34] ORACH AR'A - (lit. the way of the world) the normal occurrence
7a) [line 36] TEREIFAH b) [line 36] SHALEM - whole, healthy
8) [line 37] SAYIF - a sword
10) [line 41] ELU HEN HA'GOLIN (GALUS) 11) [line 41] HAYAH ME'AGEL B'MA'AGEILAH - if he was smoothing the layer of mortar that covers a roof with the downward motion of a Ma'ageilah, a roller-type tool made out of wood (RASHI) or stone (TOSFOS) used for this purpose 12) [line 42] HAYAH MESHALSHEL B'CHAVIS - if he was lowering a barrel [from a height]
13) [line 42] HAYAH YORED B'SULAM - if he was climbing down a ladder
15) [last line] HAYAH DOLEH B'CHAVIS - if he was drawing [water] with a
17) [line 4] "VA'YAPEL ALAV VA'YAMOS" - "[Or with any stone, whereby a man could die, without having seen,] and caused it to fall upon him, that he died, [and he was not his enemy, nor sought his harm.]" (Bamidbar 35:23) 18) [line 6] "... BI'SHEGAGAH." - "[Then you shall appoint cities to be cities of refuge for you; that the man who kills any person] unintentionally [may flee there.]" (Bamidbar 35:15)
19a) [line 6] SHEGAGAH - unintentional [murder] 20) [line 6] "BI'VELI DA'AS" - "[And this is the matter of the [unintentional] murderer, who shall flee there, that he may live; one who kills his neighbor] without knowledge, [whom he did not hate in times past.]" (Devarim 19:4) 21) [line 7] MISKAVEN - intention [to kill a person] (this is the Gemara's assumption) 22) [line 8] OMER MUTAR - (lit. saying it is permitted) one who thinks it is permitted to perform a prohibited action, such as a person who thinks that the killing of a certain individual is permitted
23) [line 12] BAR KETALA HU! - He is deserving of the death penalty!
25a) [line 14] NEFEL - a premature baby that was born alive but has signs
that it will not live for thirty days 26) [line 14] "IM B'FESA" ... - "But if [he pushed him] suddenly [without enmity, or hurled upon him anything without lying in wait.]" (Bamidbar 35:22) - See next entry. 27) [line 15] PERAT L'KEREN ZAVIS - to exclude the case of a person who turns around a corner and kills another person unintentionally, i.e. the murderer does not go to Galus, since he should have been more careful in this situation (RASHI, aided by the translation of TARGUM ONKELOS, learns that the word "b'Fesa" means "adjacent," indicating the close proximity of the murderer and the victim, such as when the murderer turns a corner carelessly) 28) [line 19] "VA'ASHER LO TZADAH..." - "And if a man lies not in wait, [but HaSh-m delivers him into his hand; then I will appoint for you a place where he shall flee.]" (Shemos 21:13) - RASHI explains that the simple meaning of this phrase is, "And if a man not intend that the murder weapon fall *at his side*," but rather, he intended for it to travel the distance to which he threw it. He unfortunately did not know that a person was there. Our Gemara learns an *extra* Halachah from this phrase, which could have been omitted from the verse, that one who throws a murder weapon to an unintended place does not go to Galus; it is deemed closer to Ones (an accident) than Shogeg (unintentional murder). 29) [line 20] "VA'ASHER YAVO ES RE'EHU BA'YA'AR..." - "And when a man goes into the forest [with his fellowman to cut wood, and his hand swings the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slips from the handle (alt. and the axe fires out a chip of wood from the tree), and it strikes (lit. finds) his neighbor, so that he dies; he shall flee to one of those cities and live.]" (Devarim 19:5) 30) [line 24] NISHMAT HA'SHELIVAH MI'TACHTAV - the rung [of the ladder] is dislodged from beneath him
31a) [line 31] KATZAV - a butcher 35) [line 46] MIN HA'ETZ HA'MISBAKE'A - (a) [the iron axe-head fired out a chip of wood] from the tree that is being hewn (RASHI); (b) [the iron axe-head slipped from its handle and rebounded] off the tree that is being hewn (RAMBAM Hilchos Rotze'ach 6:15) 36) [line 48] V'NASHAL HA'BARZEL ME'ETZO - and the iron [axe-head] slipped from its handle 37) [line 48] "[V'NASHAL HA'BARZEL] MIN HA'ETZ" - "[... and the iron [axe-head] fires out a chip of wood] from the tree..." (Devarim 19:5)
38a) [line 49] NE'EMAR ETZ L'MATAH - the word "ha'Etz" is stated below [in
the verse, "v'Nashal ha'Barzel Min *ha'Etz*"]
40a) [line 51] V'NISHAL - and it fires out