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1) [line 1] BA'MEH DEVARIM AMURIM? B'DINEI NEFASHOS - Rebbi Akiva (Daf 5b) teaches that even though the third witness of a group found to be Edim Zomemin in a capital case can claim that the testimony would have been accepted without him, the verse teaches that Beis Din is stringent with him and his claim is not accepted. Similarly, just as if one of the two witnesses is found to be a relative or otherwise unable to testify in court, the testimony is disqualified, so, too, is the case if one of many witnesses is invalid. Rebbi Yosi qualifies Rebbi Akiva's statement, claiming that the ruling only applies to capital cases and not to monetary matters. In a monetary claim, the judgement can be passed based upon the testimony of the remaining valid witnesses. 2) [line 2] TISKAYEM HA'EDUS BI'SHE'AR - the testimony can be upheld with the remainder (i.e. the remaining valid witnesses) 3a) [line 6] V'HU SHE'HE'IDU CHULAM B'SOCH KEDEI DIBUR - and that [implication of the Mishnah that a group of 100 witnesses is no different from a group of two witnesses for various Halachos only applies] if all of them testified within "Toch Kedei Dibur" (see next entry)
b) [line 7] B'SOCH KEDEI DIBUR (KOL TOCH KEDEI DIBUR K'DIBUR DAMI) 4) [line 13] ELA ME'ATAH, HARUG YATZIL - if so (according to Rebbi Yosi that witnesses do not need to have the intention of testifying to be considered witnesses), the victim will save [the murderer from the death penalty, since he is a Karov (relative) with regard to himself, and he disqualifies the other witnesses when he is counted as one of the witnesses to the murder] 5) [line 16] "[... AL PI SHENEI EDIM O AL PI SHELOSHAH EDIM] YAKUM DAVAR." - "[... by the testimony (lit. mouth) of two witnesses, or three witnesses,] shall the matter be established." (Devarim 19:15) - Rava learns from this verse that only the spectators to an event are considered witnesses, and not the people who were directly involved in the event. 6) [line 16] B'MEKAIMEI HA'DAVAR HA'KASUV MEDABER - the verse is referring to the ones who establish the matter 7) [line 19] L'MECHZEI - to [simply] view [the event, without intending to testify]
8) [line 6] HU V'HEN NEHERAGIN - he (the defendant) and they (the witnesses who are found to be Edim Zomemin) are put to death 9) [line 8] "AL PI SHENAYIM EDIM [O SHELOSHAH EDIM YUMAS HA'MES, LO YUMAS AL PI ED ECHAD.]" - "By the testimony (lit. mouth) of two witnesses, [or three witnesses, shall he who deserves death be put to death; but by the testimony (lit. mouth) of one witness he shall not be put to death.]" (Devarim 17:6)
10) [line 10] MESURGEMAN - interpreter
12) [line 12] "... LO YUMAS AL PI ED ECHAD." - see above, entry #9 14) [line 21] IM HAYU RO'IN ES HA'MASREH, O HA'MASREH RO'EH OSAN, MITZTARFIN - if they (the two independent witnesses who would have been disqualified as Edus Meyuchedes) see the person who warns the sinner, or that person sees them, they combine [to form a valid set of witnesses] (this statement of Rava refers to the Beraisa of Edus Meyuchedes and not to the Mishnah -- TOSFOS DH Amar Rava) 15) [line 23] MI'PI ATZMO - by [being warned by (lit. through the mouth of) the victim] himself 16) [line 23] MI'PI HA'SHED - by [being warned by (lit. through the mouth of)] a demon
17) [line 29] CHAVER - a Talmid Chacham who is meticulous in his observance
of Halachah
18) [line 31] LA'OZEI - foreigners