Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Kidushin 10
KIDUSHIN 7-10 - Dedicated by an admirer of the work of the Dafyomi
Advancement Forum, l'Iluy Nishmas Mrs. Gisela (Golda bas Reb
Chaim Yitzchak Ozer) Turkel, A"H.
(a) Question: Does the beginning of relations engage, or the
1. This affects a woman that received engagement money
from Shimon in the middle of having relations (to
make engagement) with Reuven.
2. Also, this affects a Kohen Gadol that engages a
virgin with relations (if he does not acquire her
until the end of relations, she is no longer a
virgin, and she is forbidden to him).
(b) Answer (Ameimar): Everyone that has relations, he intends
for a full act of relations (so he only acquires then).
(c) Question: Do relations make her Mekudeshes, or fully
1. If she becomes fully married, the husband inherits
her, becomes Tamei to engage in her burial (even a
Kohen), and can annul her vows (alone);
2. If she is only Mekudeshes, the above do not apply.
(d) Answer #1 (Abaye - Beraisa): A man has the right to
decide and keep the money from his (minor) daughter's
engagement, be it through money, a document or relations;
1. He receives what she finds, and her earnings;
2. He can annul her vows;
3. If her husband who was Mekadesh her divorces her,
the father receives the Get;
4. He is not entitled to the fruits of her property in
her lifetime.
5. If she gets fully married, the husband has (those
privileges which apply) and additionally receives
the fruits of her property in her lifetime.
i. The Beraisa teaches engagement through
relations, and later mentions marriage - this
shows that relations only engage.
(e) Rejection: Marriage is mentioned regarding engagement
through money or a document, but relations themselves
makes her married.
(f) Answer #2 (Rava - Mishnah): A girl 3 years old and 1 day
can be Mekudeshes with relations; if she falls to Yibum,
her Yavam acquires her through relations;
1. A stranger that has relations with her is liable for
relations with a married woman;
2. One who has relations with her when she is Nidah
becomes Tamei to impart (light) Tum'ah to all
mattresses below him;
3. If she marries a Kohen, she may eat Terumah;
4. If any of the forbidden relatives (punishable by
death) has relations with her, he is killed, she is
5. If she has relations with anyone forbidden to her,
she is disqualified from Kehunah.
i. The Beraisa teaches engagement through
relations, and later mentions marriage - this
shows that relations only engage.
(g) Rejection: The Mishnah says that if her marriage is to a
Kohen she eats Terumah.
(a) Answer #3 (Beraisa - R. Yochanan ben Bag Bag): (To R.
Yehudah ben Beseirah): Do you hold that a Bas Yisrael
Mekudeshes to a Kohen eats Terumah?
(b) R. Yehudah ben Beseirah: The Torah allows this from a Kal
va'Chomer: (A Kohen) who tries to acquire a Kana'anis
slave through relations, she does not eat Terumah; if he
acquires her through money, she eats;
(c) If he acquire a Bas Yisrael through relations, she eats
Terumah - all the more so, if he acquires her through
money, she should eat!
(d) However, Chachamim decreed that she does not eat until
1. Question: In which cases did R. Yehudah say that
mid'Oraisa she eats Terumah if acquired through
i. Suggestion: If after being acquired by
relations (or money) she had Chupah - she
indeed eats (there is no decree)!
2. Answer #1: Rather, she eats after relations with
Chupah, but not after money without Chupah.
i. Rejection: If so, the Kal va'Chomer is invalid
- by relations, she eats after 2 acquisitions,
regarding money, she had only 1!
3. Answer #2: Rather, it refers to relations (or money)
without Chupah
i. If relations makes marriage, we understand why
it is more obvious that she eats after
relations than after money.
ii. Question: If relations only makes engagement,
why it is more obvious that she eats after
relations than after money?
(e) Rejection (Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): Really, R. Yehudah
spoke of relations with Chupah, and money without Chupah;
1. The Kal va'Chomer is valid (as follows) even though
by relations there were 2 acquisitions, and by
money, she had only 1:
i. A Kana'anis slave acquired through relations
does not eat Terumah, even if she had Chupah;
if he acquires her through money, she eats
without Chupah
ii. If he acquired a Bas Yisrael through relations
and Chupah, she eats Terumah - all the more so,
if he acquires her through money alone, she
should eat!
iii. However, Chachamim decreed that she does not
eat until Chupah, because of Ula's concern
(lest she share her Terumah with her siblings).
2. Ben Bag Bag argues with the Kal va'Chomer -
regarding the slave, money was the full acquisition;
regarding engagement through money, Chupah must be
done to complete the acquisition!
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