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1) [line 1] LO YILMOD ADAM RAVAK SOFRIM - an unmarried man should not teach young children
2a) [line 22] HORA'TI MA'ASAI - I have corrupted my deeds 3) [line 22] ISH TZADYAN - a man of Sidon, a city on the Mediterranean coast, to the north of modern-day Israel. It was the capital of Phonecia. It is within the northwest boundary of the Holy Land (Bamidbar 34:7).
4a) [line 23] CHAMAR - donkey driver 5) [line 25] TOV SHEB'ROF'IM L'GEHINOM - the best of the doctors [will go] to Gehinom (see Insights) 6) [line 26] HA'KASHER SHEBA'TABACHIM SHUTFO SHEL AMALEK - the most fit of slaughterers is a partner with Amalek 7) [line 26] REBBI NEHORAI - (a) Rebbi Nechemya, student of Rebbi Akiva, who was known as Rebbi "Meir," i.e. "the one who lights up [the eyes of the wise through his Halachic teachings];" the translation of "Meir" in Aramaic is "Nehorai" (Eruvin 13b); (b) Rebbi Elazar ben Arach, student of Rebbi Yochanan ben Zakai, known as Rebbi Nehorai for the same reason as above (ibid.)
8a) [line 27] OCHEL MI'SECHARAH B'OLAM HA'ZEH - he eats from its reward in
this world
9a) [line 30] ACHARIS - a hopeful future 10) [line 31] "V'KOYEI HASH-M YACHLIFU CHOA'ACH" - "And those who hope in HaSh-m will have renewed strength." (Yeshayah 40:31) 11) [line 31] "OD YENUVUN B'SEIVAH, DESHENIM V'RA'ANANIM YIHEYU" - "They will still be fruitful in old age, strong and fresh they will be." (Tehilim 92:15) 12) [line 35] SURO RA - his character is bad (he will not be a trustworthy associate, - RASHI)
13a) [line 35] TZORFIM - goldsmiths
14) [line 1] MACHATA D'TALMEYUSA - (a) (O.F. brosder ganbais) embroidery of a doublet (a kind of close-fitting jacket), in which the stitches are in lines like furrows in a field (RASHI); (b) a tailor who sews seams (ARUCH)
15) [line 4] BASAM - a person who deals in spices and perfumes
17a) [line 13] KAYATZ - a watchman who guards the cut figs ("Ketzi'os")
which are laying in the field to dry 18) [line 16] "AVONOSEICHEM HITU [ELEH V'CHATOSEICHEM MAN'U HA'TOV MI'KEM.]" - "Your iniquities have turned away [these (blessings), and your sins have withheld the good from you.]" (Yirmeyahu 5:25)
19a) [line 18] YEMEI YALDUSO - the days of his youth