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1) [line 2] LEFUM SHE'EIRAH TEN KESUSAH - according to her body (her build) give her clothing
2) [line 5] SHECHAKIM - worn out clothes
4) [line 13] IY D'ORCHAH - if is the practice of her family [to have these
things] 6) [line 31] TINAVEIL - she will be disgraced
7) [line 7] HIGI'A ZEMAN V'LO NIS'U, OCHLOS MI'SHELO V'OCHLOS BI'TERUMAH - [After Eirusin (betrothal), the Rabanan decreed that a virgin must be given twelve months to prepare her jewelry and her other needs for the wedding and a widow must be given thirty days. After this time, the groom must consummate the marriage through Nisu'in.] If the time for the Nisu'in came and they did not get married [because the groom delays the wedding, he is obligated to begin supporting his wife even though they are not yet married.] The Arusos eat (are provided for) from the grooms' possessions and eat Terumah (if the grooms are Kohanim) (Kesuvos 57a). 8) [line 8] KA MASHMA LAN, L'OLAM - our Mishnah teaches us that she may not eat Terumah even though she is provided for by her groom [who is a Kohen] until the marriage 9) [line 14] LO SEIZLU BASAR IPCHA - do not ask a question from (lit. do not go after) a Mishnah that can be inverted (i.e. that can be understood in two different, opposing ways)
10) [line 15] YACHOL LI'SHENUYEI LECHU - he is able to answer you 12) [line 35] SETAMEI SETAMEI KETANI - the Tosefta delineates cases where the intentions of the couple are unspecified [as to whether they intend only to rest (la'Lin) or to get married (l'Nisu'in), and rules that the Halachah is based upon the owner of the courtyard into which they entered]