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Gitin 88
GITIN 88 (13 Iyar) - has been dedicated by Zvi and Tamara Sand of Har Nof,
Yerushalayim, in honor of the Yahrzeit of Zvi's grandfather, Meir ben Reb
Benzion Sand.
1) [line 2] IMLUCHEI IMLICH - he changed his mind
2) [line 4] D'YEDI'AH BEI MESACHTA D'MEGILASA - the stretched edges of the
parchment [upon which the Get is written] are discernible (and it is evident
that the parchment was not cut or manipulated in any way)
3) [line 10] D'RAMI LEI K'IVRA - [signatures] that are placed like a
doorbolt (that is, the names signed between the two Gitin are perpendicular
to the texts of the Gitin, and thus it is not evident at all which Get they
are signed to)
4) [line 14] DISKEI - subpoenas (written summons to appear in court)
5) [line 16] CHASAM SOFER SHANINU - we learned [in the Mishnah] that it is
the signature of the scribe [who wrote the Get, together with the signature
of another witness, which are valid signatures to make the Get valid)
6) [line 17] KESUVAS CHASANIM - the Kesuvah of bridegrooms (i.e. the normal
Kesuvah given to a woman upon marriage)
7) [line 21] CHANICHAS AVOS - the surname of his ancestors
ELOKECHA LE'HACH'ISO]." - "When you bear children and grandchildren, and
have been long in the land, [and you become destructive and you make a
graven statue of some image, and you do evil in the eyes of HaSh-m your G-d,
making Him angry.]" (Devarim 4:25)
9) [line 28] V'ELU HEN... - The kings of the ten tribes and their years of
reign (from The History of the Eternal Nation by Rav Shlomo Rotenberg Z"L)
1. Yeravam's dynasty:
(a) 2964 Yerav'am ben Nevat (22 years)
(b) 2985 his son Nadav (2 years)
2. Ba'sha's dynasty
(a) 2986 Ba'sha ben Achiya (24 years)
(b) 3009 his son Eilah (2 years)
(c) 3010 his slave Zimri (7 days)
3. Omri's dynasty
(a) 3010 Omri (12 years)
(b) 3021 his son Ach'av (22 years)
(c) 3041 his son Achazyahu (2 years)
(d) 3043 his brother Yehoram (12 years)
4. Yehu's dynasty
(a) 3055 Yehu ben Nimshi (28 years)
(b) 3083 his son Yeho'achaz (17 years)
(c) 3098 his son Yeho'ash (16 years)
(d) 3113 his son Yerav'am (41 years)
(e) 3153 his son Zecharyahu (6 months)
5. Last dynasties
(a) 3154 Shalum ben Yavesh (1 month)
(b) 3154 Menachem ben Gadi (10 years)
(c) 3154 his son Pekachya (2 years)
(d) 3166 Pekach ben Remalyahu (20 years)
(3187 Exile of the tribes of Zevulun, Naftali and Dan)
(e) 3187 Hoshe'a ben Eilah (18 years)
(3195 Exile of the tribes of Gad, Re'uven and half of the tribe of Menasheh)
(3205 Exile of the remainder of the Ten Tribes)
B'OD YOMAM, BOSHAH VE'CHAFERAH." - "She is desolate -- the one who bore
seven, her soul has become distressed, her sun has set while it is yet day,
she is embarrassed and ashamed." (Yirmeyahu 15:9)
11) [line 33] MAI KERA'AH? KI SOLID BANIM U'VENEI VANIM - from which Pasuk
do we know that Eretz Yisrael (the Shomron) was destroyed after seven royal
courts ("Batei Din;" -Rashi) worshipped Avodah Zarah? From the Pasuk "Ki
Solid..." as follows (MAHARSHAL; see, however, MAHARSHA):
Ki Solid (when *you will give birth*) = 1
Banim (to *sons*) = 2
u'Venei (and the *sons* of) = 2
Vanim (*sons*) = 2
12) [line 36] "ALAV ALAH SHALMAN'ESER..." - "Upon him (Hoshea) Shalman'eser
came up..." (Melachim II 17:3)
13) [line 37] PARDESI'OS - guards
14) [line 38] YERAV'AM
(a) Yerav'am Ben Nevat of the tribe of Efrayim was the first king of the ten
tribes of Yisrael after their secession from the kingdom of the Davidic
dynasty (subsequently known as Yehudah), as recorded in Melachim I
11:26-12:20. Upon the death of Shlomo ha'Melech, Rechav'am, his son, took
the counsel of his young advisors to increase the high tax and hard labor
that Shlomo had instituted (Melachim I 12:14). As a result, the people
rebelled under the leadership of Yerav'am ben Nevat.
(b) In order to prevent the people of the ten tribes from returning to the
leadership of the Davidic kings, Yerav'am outlawed the Mitzvah of Aliyah
l'Regel, forbidding his people to travel to the Beis ha'Mikdash for Pesach,
Shavu'os and Sukos. Instead, he built two other "Temples," one in Beis El
and one in Dan, where golden calves were worshipped (ibid. I 12:28). He set
up guards on the roads leading to Yerushalayim to prevent anyone from
serving HaSh-m by going to the Beis ha'Mikdash.
HASH-M ELOKEINU." - "And HaSh-m quickened the evil and brought it upon us,
because He is righteous, HaSh-m our G-d." (Daniel 9:14)
16a) [line 46, 47] GALUS TZIDKIYAHU / GALUS YECHANYAH - The Judean kings
from Chizkiyahu until Tzidkiyahu and their years of reign
(a) 3199 Chizkiyahu (29 years)
(b) 3228 Menashe (55 years)
(c) 3283 Amon (2 years)
(d) 3285 Yoshiyahu (31 years)
(e) 3316 Yeho'achaz ben Yoshiyahu (3 months)
(f) 3316 Yehoyakim (Elyakim) ben Yoshiyahu (11 years)
(g) 3320 The fisrt Exile of Yehudah
Nevuchadnetzar took part of the vessels of the Beis ha'Mikdash and youths of
the Royal Family and brought them to Bavel
(h) 3327 Nevuchadnetzar returned and banished Yehoyakim to Bavel, but he
died during the journey
(i) 3327 Yehoyachin (Yechanyah) ben Yehoyakim (3 months)
(j) 3327 The second Exile of Yehudah
After 3 months Nevuchadnetzar exiled Yehoyachin to Bavel. There were ten
thousand men with him, among them the Charash and the Masger
(k) 3327 Tzidkiyahu (Matanyah) ben Yoshiyahu (11 years)
(l) 3338 Churban of the First Beis ha'Mikdash and the Third Exile of Yehudah
17) [line 47] "HE'CHARASH VEHA'MASGER ELEF..." - "the Charash (craftsman)
and the Masger (those who guard and close the gates), one thousand [of
them]..." (Melachim II 24:16) - The Gemara interprets "Charash" and Masger"
to be referring to the Torah scholars who were brought to Bavel to teach
Torah when the Jews were exiled to there.
18) [last line] SHE'HIKDIM SHTEI SHANIM L'"V'NOSHANTEM" - HaSh-m brought the
evil upon Yisrael [850 years after they entered the land, which was] two
years before the intended time of "v'Noshantem" (the Gematriya of which is
852), so that the verse "Ki Avod Toveidun" would not be fulfilled).
19) [line 3] GET ME'USEH - a forced Get, where the man was forced to give
his wife a Get
20) [line 4] CHOVTIN OSO - they beat him
21) [line 14] TOLAH ATZMAH V'OVED KOCHAVIM - she will hire (lit. make
herself depend on) a [tough and violent] Nochri [to beat up her husband in
order to get a Get from him]
22) [line 15] MAFKA'AS - remove herself/leave
23) [line 18] BEDUSA - it is fiction, i.e. a mistake
24) [line 21] HEDYOTOS - rabbinical judges who are not ordained with
Semichah (since Semichah is given only in Eretz Yisrael)
25) [line 22] AGURIYA'OS - gatherings (of Nochrim)
26) [line 24] L'HIZAKEK LAHEM - to submit yourselves to them (for a judicial
27) [line 27] SHELICHUSAIHU KA AVDINAN - we are [acting as the agents of the
courts in Eretz Yisrael by] performing their mission on their behalf
28a) [line 28] HODA'OS - admissions
b) [line 28] HALVA'OS - loans (it is not necessary for judges to be
ordained to rule in cases of monetary admissions and loans, Sanhedrin 2b)
29a) [line 29] GEZEILOS - cases of compensation for robbery
b) [line 29] CHABALOS - cases of compensation for personal injury (such
cases, of robbery and injury, require ordained judges, Sanhedrin 3a)
30) [line 34] AMASLA - a reasonable explanation to show how the report may
have arisen by mistake ("Amasla" may come from the words "Emes Lo," or it
may be an Aramaic form of "Mashal")
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