prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Chulin 94
CHULIN 92-95 - Sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor.
Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and
prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.
(a) What can we infer from the Lashon 'Shole'ach Adam *Yerech* ... '?
(b) What is the difference between a town where, assuming that all the butchers are Jewish, they announce whenever a Tereifah has been found among the Shechted animals, and one where they do not?
(c) That being the case, what is the problem with our Mishnah, if it speaking in a town where they ...
- ... do not announce a Tereifah?
- ... announce a Tereifah?
(a) We establish the Mishnah according to both customs. How will we explain, assuming that the Tana is speaking in a place where it is customary ...
- ... to announce Tereifos, why one may sell a Nochri a whole thigh? Why are we not worried that the Nochri will cut up the thigh and sell it to a Yisrael?
- ... not to announce Tereifos, why one may not sell him a cut thigh? What are we afraid of, seeing as it is forbidden for a Yisrael to buy from him anyway?
(b) In the latter case, we offer an alternative (intrinsic) reason for the prohibition of selling him a cut thigh, based on a statement of Shmuel. What did Shmuel say about 'Gonev Da'as ha'Beriyos'?
(c) How will that explain the Mishnah?
(a) In fact, Shmuel did not say what we just said in his name, only we infer it from an episode that occurred. Why was Shmuel cross with his servant, when, following his instructions, he paid the ferryman for taking them across the river?
(b) 'be'Mar di'Shechutah' might mean 'be'Chezkas Shechutah' (letting him believe that it was Shechted, when really it died from its wound). What else might it mean?
(c) What is wrong with the first explanation?
(d) According to Rava, Shmuel's servant paid the ferryman with wine. Then why was Shmuel cross with him?
(a) What is the significance of the fact that Shmuel did not actually make the statement that we quoted, only we infer it from the above episode?
(b) To what alternative motive do we attribute Shmuel's anger, according to ...
- ... the first Lashon (in connection with the ferry)?
- ... the second Lashon (in connection with the wine)?
(c) Under what circumstances does Rebbi Meir in a Beraisa forbid ...
- ... pleading with someone to eat by him?
- ... sending him a lot of gifts?
- ... invite someone to anoint himself with oil from an empty jar?
- ... opening for his guest, a fresh barrel of wine which he has sold to a wine merchant?
(d) On what grounds would the guest otherwise feel honored (unjustifiably) by the host's gesture?
(a) Under which circumstances does Rebbi Meir permit the above?
(b) What did Rav Yehudah once do, when Ula came to visit him?
(c) To resolve this with what we just said, we give two answers. One of them, that he informed him that the remainder of the barrel had already been sold. What is the other one?
(a) What does the Beraisa say about going to a Beis-Aveil with an oil jar that is half full of oil ('ha'Miskashkesh' means that it rattles, like a half-empty jar tends to do) or full of water?
(b) In which case does the Tana nevertheless permit doing this?
(c) Besides the fact that a leather shoe that is manufactured from the skin of an animal that died by itself is inferior, why else does another Beraisa forbid selling it on the pretext that the animal has been Shechted?
(a) The Tana also forbids sending one's friend a barrel of wine with oil floating on top (without informing him of the fact). Why is that?
(b) What happened once when someone did that?
(c) Under what circumstances does the Tana permit a guest to offer food from the table to the host's children?
(a) Under what circumstances did a guest once offer food from the table to the host's children without consulting the host? What exactly, did he do?
(b) What did the father find when he entered the room?
(c) What happened subsequently?
(d) Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov concludes that because of this, three people in Yisrael died. Why did the Tana of the Beraisa find it necessary to mention this?
(a) The Beraisa permits sending a Nochri a thigh, without removing the Gid ha'Nasheh, whether it is cut or whether it is whole. What distinction does the Tana draw between sending a Yisrael a complete thigh and one that is cut up?
(b) What two reasons does the Tana give for the prohibition of selling Neveilos and Tereifos to a Nochri?
(c) The Tana also prohibits giving a Dinar to a Nochri to purchase meat (from a Jewish butcher) for two reasons. One of them is because of 'Anasim'. What does that mean?
(d) What is the other reason?
Answers to questions
(a) sWhy must the Tana who permits sending a Nochri a thigh without removing the Gid ha'Nasheh, whether it is cut up or whole, be speaking about a place where the Minhag is not to announce Tereifos?
(b) And how must the Tana be speaking in ...
- ... the Metzi'asa, where he forbids selling Neveilos and Tereifos to a Nochri, in case he re-sells them to a Yisrael?
- ... the Seifa, where he prohibits giving a Dinar to a Nochri to purchase meat, in case the butcher serves him Neveilos and Tereifos?
(c) Why, in the Metzi'asa, is the Tana worried that a Yisrael may purchase the Neveilos and Tereifos from the Nochri, seeing as they must have announced that day that there was a Tereifah in the butchery?
(d) What is now the problem with the Beraisa?
(a) Abaye doesn't find this problematic. What does he say?
(b) Rava establishes the entire Beraisa in a place where it is customary to announce Neveilos and Tereifos. Then how does he explain the Reisha and the Seifa?
(c) Rav Ashi, on the other hand, establishes the entire Beraisa in a place where it was not customary to announce Neveilos and Tereifos. How does he then explain the Metzi'asa?
(a) According to Rav Ashi, why did the Chachamim not issue the same decree in the Reisha , where the Tana permitted sending a Nochri a thigh (whole or cut up), as in the Metzi'asa?
(b) Then why did our Mishnah forbid even sending a cut-up thigh to the Nochri's house?
(a) According to Rav Yitzchak bar Yosef, the wording of the announcement in the butchery was 'Nafal Bisra li'Venei Cheila'. what does this mean?
(b) Why did they not substitute 'Bisra' for 'T'reifsa'?
(c) Then why was this not a contravention of the Isur of 'Geneivas Da'as'?
(d) How will we reconcile this with the cases that we discussed earlier, such as that of opening a fresh barrel of wine that has already been sold, which we forbade?
(a) This new approach is based on an episode where Mar Zutra b'rei de'Rav Nachman, who was traveling from Sichra to bei Mechuza, met Rava and Rav Safra, who had just left Mechuza on their way to Sichra. What did he comment?
(b) What was Rav Safra's response?
(c) On what grounds did Rava object to Rav Safra's response?
(d) How would Rava have justified remaining silent?
Answers to questions
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