Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Chulin 121
1) "ALAL"
(a) (Mishnah): And the Alal...
(b) Question: What is Alal?
(c) Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): It is Marteka (Tosfos - dead
flesh; Rashi - the hard sinew of the neck and spinal
(d) Answer #2 (Reish Lakish): It is meat that comes off the
knife (and sticks to the skin) when flaying the animal.
(e) Question: "You speak falsity, healers of Elil" - this
implies that Alal cannot heal!
1. Marteka cannot heal, but meat that comes off the
knife can heal!
(f) Answer: All agree that the verse discusses Marteka; they
argue about Alal of our Mishnah.
(g) (Mishnah - R. Yehudah): If Alal is gathered together:
1. If there is k'Zayis in one place, one is liable for
it (for entering the Mikdash after touching it;
Rashi - alternatively, for eating it);
2. (Rav Huna): This is only if an adult gathered it
(h) Question: According to the opinion that Alal is meat that
comes off the knife, we understand why he is liable for a
k'Zayis (by gathering it, he shows that he is concerned
for it, it is not Batel);
1. Question: But if it is Marteka, even if he gathers
it, it is hard like wood, why is it considered
(i) Answer: All agree that R. Yehudah discusses meat that
comes off the knife; they argue according to the first
1. R. Yochanan holds that even Marteka joins for the
Shi'ur for Tum'ah; Reish Lakish holds that only meat
that comes off the knife joins.
(j) Question: What is the case of meat that comes off the
1. If he planned to eat it, it should be Tamei by
itself (but Chachamim say, it only *joins* for
2. If he did not plan to eat it, it should be Batel,
and considered like skin!
(k) Answer #1 (R. Avin or R. Meisha): He planned to eat only
part of it.
(l) Answer #2 (the other of R. Avin and R. Meisha): [He did
not plan to eat it;] some meat sticks to the skin because
a Chayah bit the animal, other meat sticks on account of
the knife. (The former is not Batel and joins for Tum'ah,
the latter is Batel and does not join.)
(a) (Mishnah): The beak and claws are Mekabel Tum'ah,
Metamei, and join for Shi'ur for Tum'ah.
(b) Question: The beak is hard like wood (Tum'ah should not
apply to it)!
(c) Answer (R. Elazar): The Mishnah discusses the lower beak.
(d) Question: The lower beak is also hard like wood!
(e) Answer (Rav Papa): He refers to the inner lining of the
upper beak.
(f) (R. Elazar): The Mishnah discusses the part of the claws
inside the flesh.
(g) (Rav Papa): When our Mishnah discusses horns, it means
(the lower part), where they bleed if cut.
(a) (Mishnah): Similarly, one who slaughters an animal...
(b) (R. Asi): If a Yisrael slaughters a Tamei animal, or if a
Nochri slaughters a Tahor animal, it receives Tum'as
Ochlim only if (a Yisrael) intends to feed it to a
Nochri, and if it is Huchshar through a liquid.
(c) Question: Why does it need Hechsher - the meat will have
Tum'as Neveilah (when the animal stops quivering), it
should not need Hechsher!
1. (Tana d'vei R. Yishmael): "When water will be put on
seeds" - Hechsher is needed only for things such as
seeds, which will never have severe Tum'ah (to be
Metamei people or vessels).
2. (Beraisa - R. Yosi): Nivlas Of Tahor needs intent
(to eat it) to Mekabel Tum'as Ochlim, it does not
need Hechsher;
i. This is because it will have severe Tum'ah (it
is Metamei one who eats it).
(d) Answer (Chizkiyah): (An animal slaughtered by or for a
Nochri) needs Hechsher because one could cut it into
pieces, each smaller than a k'Zayis (while it is still
quivering, so it would not receive Tum'as Neveilah).
(e) Question (R. Yirmeyah): Did Chizkiyah really say that?!
1. (Chizkiyah): If the majority of both Simanim of an
animal were slaughtered, and it is still quivering,
it is not forbidden on account of Ever Min ha'Chai,
even for a Nochri.
2. (R. Yochanan): For a Nochri, the limbs are Ever Min
ha'Chai, they are forbidden.
i. Chizkiyah holds that it is considered dead; R.
Yochanan holds that it is not considered dead.
(f) Answer (R. Zeira): No - Chizkiyah holds that it is no
longer considered alive, but it is not yet considered
(a) (R. Elazar): The Halachah follows R. Yochanan, for a
Beraisa supports him:
1. (Beraisa): If a Yisrael slaughtered the majority of
both Simanim of a Tamei animal for a Nochri, and it
is still quivering, it is Mekabel Tum'as Ochlim, but
not Tum'as Neveilah;
i. If limbs or meat separate from it, it is as if
they separated from a living animal; they are
forbidden to a Nochri, even after the animal
2. If he slaughtered one Siman or its majority, and it
is still quivering, it does not receive Tum'as
i. If he did Nechirah (killed it through the
Simanim, but not through slaughter), it has no
3. If a Nochri slaughtered the majority of both Simanim
of a Tahor animal for a Yisrael, and it is still
quivering, it is Mekabel Tum'as Ochlim, but not
Tum'as Neveilah;
i. If limbs or meat separate from it, it is as if
they separated from a living animal; they are
forbidden to a Nochri, even after the animal
4. If he slaughtered one Siman or its majority, or did
Nechirah and it is still quivering, it has no
5. If a Nochri began slaughter, but did not cut enough
to make the animal Tereifah, and a Yisrael finished
the slaughter, it is Kosher;
6. If a Yisrael began slaughter, whether or not he cut
enough to make the animal Tereifah, and a Nochri
finished the slaughter, the slaughter is invalid.
7. If one wants to eat meat that was *taken* from an
animal before it dies (i.e. stops quivering), he may
cut some meat from where it was slaughtered, salt
and rinse it very well, but should not eat it until
the animal dies.
i. This is permitted both to a Yisrael or Nochri.
ii. This supports Rav Idi bar Avin, who recommended
doing this for good health, and also said that
it is permitted to Nochrim as well.
(b) Question (R. Elazar): If a Yisrael slaughtered a Tamei
animal, or a Nochri slaughtered a Tahor animal, and he
paused during slaughter, or pressed the knife, is it
considered slaughtered (i.e. is it Mekabel Tum'as Ochlim
while quivering)?
(c) Answer (R. Yochanan): It must meet all preparations
(conditions) of Kosher slaughter.
1. Question: Why did he say "preparations"?
2. Answer (R. Shmuel bar Yitzchak): This includes
checking the knife.
(d) Question (R. Zeira): If a Yisrael/Nochri slaughtered a
Tamei/Tahor animal that had swallowed a vessel:
1. While it is still quivering, does it shield the
vessel from becoming Tamei in Ohel ha'Mes?
(e) Answer #1 (Rav Sheshes): The animal receives Tum'as
Ochlim (it is considered dead) - how could it possibly
shield the vessel?!
(f) Objection (and Answer #2 - R. Zeira): The animal does not
have Tum'as Neveilah (it is considered alive), why
shouldn't it save the vessel?!
(g) Answer #3 (Abaye): It does not save the vessel, because
the animal receives Tum'as Ochlim (i.e. we are stringent
to consider it to be dead);
1. If one has relations with it, he is killed, for it
does not have Tum'as Neveilah (i.e. really, it is
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