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1a) [line 4] SARNA D'FACHARA - a potter's wheel (which is turned by hand or
by foot; see BACH YD 7) (see illustration in SEFER SICHAS CHULIN, p. 17)
2a) [line 6] KO'ACH RISHON - primary force (this refers to the force of the
initial surge of water that flows forth and starts the wheel turning when
the Shochet removes the barrier from in front of the water)
3) [line 8] D'CHAFTEI L'CHAVREI - who tied up his fellow man 5) [line 9] GIREI DIDEI HU D'AHANI VEI - his direct actions (lit. arrows) were effectual [in causing the victim to drown] 6a) [line 10] KO'ACH RISHON - primary force (that is, as a direct result of the killer's removal of the barrier from in front of the water, the initial surge of water fell upon the victim and killed him) 7) [line 10] KO'ACH SHENI - secondary force (that is, when the killer removed the barrier from in front of the water, the initial surge of water did not fall on the victim, but rather it had travel some distance before it reached him)
8) [line 10] GERAMA B'ALMA HU - it is only an indirect cause [of death]
(GERAMA B'NEZAKIN PATUR) 9) [line 13] "YA'YIKACH ES HA'MA'ACHELES LISHCHOT" - "And he took the knife to slaughter" (Bereishis 22:10) - a knife for Shechitah is called a Ma'acheles (a) because it "eats" ("Ocheles") the meat (RASHI to Bereishis 22:10, first explanation); or (b) because it renders meat fit for eating by ritual slaughter (RASHI ibid., second explanation); or (c) *this* knife mentioned in the story of Akeidas Yitzchak is called a "Ma'acheles," since Benei Yisrael "eat" the reward that Avraham received for passing the test of the Akeidah (RASHI ibid., third explanation) 10) [line 15] "VAV" DI'CHESIV A'UFTA - it is a letter "Vav" written on a branch of wood (the surface of which is not smooth, and a "Vav" written on it appears to be broken up; so, too, the words of Rebbi have no basis)
11) [line 19] HA'MISHTACHAVEH L'VAYIS - one who worships his house
13) [line 22] HA'KOFEH KE'ARAH - one who turns over a bowl [onto a wall]
15) [line 23] HAREI ZEH B'CHI YUTAN - this is considered "Ki Yutan" and can
become Tamei (HECHSHER / KI YUTAN) 16) [line 23] SHE'LO YILKEH HA'KOSEL - so that the wall will not be damaged (by water falling on it) 17) [line 29] TAVRA! MI SHE'SHANAH ZU LO SHANAH ZU - (a) There is a contradiction (between the two Mishnayos)! The Tana who taught one did not teach the other (RASHI; rather, the Tana of the first statement maintains that a wall, made from stones that were detached and then attached to the ground, is considered "Talush," detached, and the Tana of the second statement maintains that such an object is considered "Mechubar," attached to the ground); (b) Tavra is a word used as an oath (TOSFOS to Kesuvos 75b DH Tavra, citing RABEINU CHANANEL)
18a) [line 30] KOSEL ME'ARAH - the wall of a cave (carved out from stones
that were never detached from the ground)
19) [line 7] D'LO MEVATEL LEI - he does not annul it (that is, he does not leave the knife imbedded in the wall indefinitely, and thus it does not attain the status of Mechubar) 20) [line 17] LI'TZEDADIN KETANI - the two statements are dealing with different cases (the statement that permits the Shechitah when the knife is below and the neck is above refers to when the knife is detached; the statement that permits the Shechitah when the knife is above and the neck is below refers to even when the knife is attached) 21) [line 19] D'KALIL - [the Beraisa is referring to a bird] which is light (and there is no concern that its neck will press against the blade) 22) [line 22] EIN MECHATCHIN BAH BASAR - we do not cut meat with it (because of its tendency to splinter into small, danger pieces)
23) [line 23] EIN MECHATZETZIN BAH SHINAYIM - we do not pick the teeth with
it 25) [line 26] SIMUNA D'AGMA - (O.F. lesche) - the sedge-twigs of the swamp (a rush-like or flag-like plant or reed that grows in wet places which, when dried, is sharp and does not splinter)
26) [line 27] KIRVEI DAGIM - the innards of fish 28) [line 28] RACHICH - it is soft (and will not break off splinters from the reed) 29) [line 30] HA'MEKANE'ACH B'DAVAR SHEHA'UR SHOLETES BO - one who cleans himself (after eliminating) with an object that is flammable 30) [line 30] SHINAV NOSHROS - his rectal muscles (lit. teeth) are damaged (lit. fall out)
31) [line 31] KINU'ACH PI MAKAH - the cleaning of the opening of a wound 34) [line 37] BESAR TA'AVAH - ordinary, non-sanctified meat (lit. meat of craving, referring to meat of Chulin that one eats to satisfy his desire for meat, without having to bring the animal as a Korban)