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Bava Metzia 59

BAVA METZIA 59 (7 Shevat) - dedicated by Danny & Ramona Schwartz, l'Iluy Nishmat Yochanan Shabsai ben Yair, Z"L, whose Yahrzeit is 7 Shevat.

1) [line 3] "UV'TZAL'I SAMCHU V'NE'ESAFU, [NE'ESFU ALAI NECHIM V'LO YADATI,] KAR'U V'LO DAMU." - "When I limped they rejoiced and gathered, [the lame gathered against me but I did not know,] they tore at me and would not be silenced." (Tehilim 35:15) - Rava expounds the words "v'Lo Damu" to mean "and they did not draw any blood" (as the Targum on the verse translates it).

2) [line 6] LO HAYAH DAMI SHOSES LA'ARETZ - my blood did not spill to the ground [because my blood had diminished due to my embarrassment]

3) [line 7] B'SHA'AH SHE'OSKIN BI'NEGA'IM V'OHALOS - at the time that they were involved in learning the laws of Nega'im (the laws that pertain to Tzara'as on people, garments, and houses) and Ohalos (the laws pertaining to Tum'as Mes and enclosures in which a corpse is found)

4) [line 9] CHENEK - strangulation
5) [line 15] KIVSHAN HA'ESH - a furnace of fire
6) [line 16] "HI MUTZEIS V'HI SHALCHAH EL CHAMIHA LEIMOR: L'ISH ASHER ELEH LO ANOCHI HARAH. VA'TOMER: HAKER NA, L'MI HA'CHOSEMES VEHA'PESILLIM VEHA'MATEH HA'ELEH." - "When she was brought out [to be executed], she sent to her father-in-law, saying, 'By the man to whom these belong, am I with child.' And she said, 'Discern, I beg you, to whom these belong, the signet, the robe and the staff.'" (Bereishis 38:25)

7) [line 19] AM SHE'ITCHA BA'TORAH UV'MITZVOS - [a member of] the nation that is with you in [the observance of] Torah and Mitzvos

8) [line 22] ONA'ASAH KEROVAH - she is easily aggrieved
9) [line 24] "GAM KI EZ'AK VA'ASHAVE'A, SASAM TEFILASI." - "Even when I would cry out and implore, He shut out my prayer." (Eichah 3:8)

10) [line 26] "SHIM'AH SEFILASI HA'SH-M, V'SHAV'ASI HA'AZINAH, EL DIM'ASI AL TECHERASH [KI GER ANOCHI IMACH, TOSHAV K'CHOL AVOSAI.]" - "Hear my prayer, HaSh-m, to my outcry lend an ear, to my tears You shall not be silent [for I am a stranger with You, a settler like all my forefathers.]" (Tehilim 39:13) - The Gemara understands "Al Techerash" not in the simple sense as a request ("do not be silent") but rather as a statement of fact ("You shall not be silent").

11) [line 29] "RAK LO HAYAH CH'ACH'AV [ASHER HISMAKER LA'ASOS HA'RA B'EINEI HA'SH-M; ASHER HESATAH OSO IZEVEL ISHTO.]" - "Just there was no one like Ach'av [who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of HaSh-m, because Izevel his wife incited him." (Melachim I 21:25)

12a) [line 30] ITESACH GOTZA - if your wife is short
b) [line 31] GACHIN V'SILCHOSH LAH - bend down and whisper to her (ask her for, and listen to, her advice)

13a) [line 31] MILEI D'ALMA - worldly matters
b) [line 32] MILEI D'VEISA - household matters
14) [line 33] MILEI DI'SHEMAYA - spiritual matters
15) [line 34] KOL HA'SHE'ARIM NIN'ALIM CHUTZ MI'SHA'AREI ONA'AH - all of the gates [of prayer] are locked except for the gates of Ona'ah (that is, the prayers of one who has been the victim of Ona'ah are answered [immediately, -TUR])

16) [line 35] "[KO HIR'ANI V']HINEH HASH-M NITZAV AL CHOMAS ANACH UV'YADO ANACH." - "[This is what He showed me: And] Behold, HaSh-m was standing on a straight wall, and in His hand was a plumb line." (Amos 7:7) - The straight wall and the plumb line represent the straight line of the law, which is guarded by HaSh-m, meting out retribution upon those who afflict others, especially with words (Ona'as Devarim) (Rashi to Amos ibid.). Alternatively, the Gemara understands the word "Anach" as related to the word "Ona'ah."

17) [line 38] PARGOD - the curtain [that separates the physical world from the spiritual world] (see Rashi)

18) [line 40] "...CHAMAS VA'SHOD YISHAMA BAH AL PANAI TAMID..." - "... thievery and destruction are heard in her upon My face continually..." (Yirmeyahu 6:7) - The Gemara learns from the words "Al Panai" that there is nothing separating the crime from being seen by HaSh-m, and thus the perpetrator is punished immediately.

19) [line 41] "HA'AM HA'MACH'ISIM OSI AL PANEI TAMID, [ZOVCHIM BA'GANOS U'MEKATRIM AL HA'LEVENIM.]" - "The people who anger Me upon My face continually, [who sacrifice (to idols) in their gardens and burn incense on the bricks.]" (Yeshayah 65:3) - "Al Panai" means that there is nothing separating the crime from being seen by HaSh-m, and thus the perpetrator is punished immediately.

20) [line 47] K'MISHLAM SA'AREI MI'KADA, NAKISH V'ASI TIGRA B'VEISA - when the jug of barley is finished, quarreling begins to knock and come into the house

21) [line 51] "V'HAYAH IM ZARA YISRAEL [V'ALAH MIDYAN VA'AMALEK U'VNEI KEDEM, V'ALU ALEHA.] VA'YACHANU ALEIHEM [VA'YASHCHISU ES YEVUL HA'ARETZ AD BO'ACHAH AZAH, V'LO YASH'IRU MICHYAH B'YISRAEL, V'SEH VA'SHOR VA'CHAMOR...] VA'YIDAL YISRAEL ME'OD MIPNEI MIDYAN..." - "And it was that whenever Yisrael would sow [Midyan would come up, and Amalek, and the easterners, and they would surmount it.] They would encamp against them [and destroy the produce of the land until Azah, and they would not leave any sustenance for Yisrael -- sheep, ox, nor donkey...] And Yisrael became very impoverished because of Midyan..." (Shoftim 6:3-6)

22) [line 56] OKIRU LI'NSHAICHU KI HEICHI D'SIS'ATRU - give honor to your wives so that you should become wealthy

23) [last line] CHATCHO CHULYOS, V'NASAN CHOL BEIN CHULYA L'CHULYA - this was originally a dome-shaped clay oven that was sliced into rings (although Rashi here implies that it was built in this manner (i.e. with pieces) to begin with). Sand was placed between each ring and it was plastered together. The Halachah for clay and earthenware utensils is that if they become Tamei, they remain so until they are broken beyond use. Rebbi Eliezer ruled that the process of slicing it rendered it Tahor such that it would never become Tamei, even when re-assembled; it is considered a broken utensil forever. The Chachamim held that it could still become Tamei, since the plastering process rejoined the parts to make a whole oven again.


24) [line 2] SHE'HEKIFU DEVARIM K'ACHNA ZU - for they surrounded it with arguments like this snake (that coils up like a ring)

25) [line 5] CHARUV - the carob tree
26) [line 9] AMAS HA'MAYIM - [the water of] the water aqueduct/stream
27) [line 13] GA'AR - he rebuked
28) [line 14] MENATZCHIM - prevailing [over each other in matters of Halachah]

One of the lower forms of prophecy is called Bas Kol (lit. echo), where certain individuals of a high spiritual status hear a heavenly voice. The Gemara in numerous places cites instances when a Bas Kol was heard, relaying information from Heaven to the earth. The Halachic ruling (Bava Metzia 59b) is that we do not accept the ruling of a Bas Kol when it contradicts the majority opinion of the Sages. (Some Tana'im ruled more stringently, asserting that we do not accept the testimony of a Bas Kol even if it follows the majority opinion. See Background to Yevamos 14:2:b.)

30) [line 24] "ACHAREI RABIM L'HATOS" - "follow (lit. incline yourself towards) the majority" (Shemos 23:2)

31) [line 25] ASHKECHEI REBBI NASAN L'ELIYAHU - Rebbi Nasan found Eliyahu
32) [line 26] KA CHAYICH V'AMAR "NITZCHUNI BANAI, NITZCHUNI BANAI" - He was laughing and saying, "My children have prevailed over Me, My children have prevailed over Me"

33) [line 29] V'NIMNU ALAV U'VERCHUHU - they took a vote about him and put him (Rebbi Eliezer) in Cherem. They excommunicated him because he did not accept the verdict of the majority (which is the sixth of the 24 things for which a person is excommunicated -- see Background to Bava Kama 112:22 and to Moed Katan 15:10:I:a).

34) [line 31] V'NIMTZA MACHARIV ES KOL HA'OLAM KULO - and it would result that he will destroy the entire world (for Rebbi Eliezer was such a great Tzadik and Chacham, that such a slight to his honor would provoke HaSh-m to destroy the world)

35a) [line 32] LAVASH SHECHORIM - he donned black clothing
b) [line 33] NIS'ATEF SHECHORIM - he wrapped himself in black
36) [line 35] BEDEILIM - they are separated from you

37) [line 35] CHALATZ MIN'ALAV - he removed his shoes (one of the practices required of someone in Cherem)

38) [line 35] NISHMAT - he slipped off [of the chair and sat on the ground] (one of the practices required of someone in Cherem)

39) [line 36] ZALGU EINAV DEMA'OS - his eyes poured forth tears
40) [line 36] LAKAH HA'OLAM - the world was smitten
41) [line 37] TAFACH - became ruined
42) [line 38] NACHSHOL - storm
43) [line 41] NACH HA'YAM MI'ZA'APO - the sea rested from its wrath
44) [line 41] IMA SHALOM DEVIS'HU D'REBBI ELIEZER, ACHASEI D'RABAN GAMLIEL HAVAI - Ima Shalom, the wife of Rebbi Eliezer, was the sister of Raban Gamliel

45) [line 41] LO HAVAH SHAVKA LEI L'REBBI ELIEZER L'MEIPAL AL APEI - she did not let Rebbi Eliezer fall upon his face [to say Tachanun each day after reciting the Shemoneh Esreh]

46) [line 42] REISH YARCHA HAVAH - it was Rosh Chodesh (the new month)
47) [line 42] ICHLAF LAH BEIN MALEI L'CHASER - and she switch
48) [line 42] ASA ANYA V'KAI A'BAVA - a poor person came and stood at the gate
49) [line 43] AFIKA LEI RIFTA - she brought out to him a loaf of bread
50) [line 43] AD'HACHI NAFAK SHIPURA MI'BEIS RABAN GAMLIEL D'SHACHIV - at that point an announcement came out from the house of Raban Gamliel that he had died

51) [line 45] HA'LOCHATZO - one who oppresses him
52) [line 47] "V'LO SIHEYEH LO K'NOSHEH" - "and do not be unto him as one who demands [repayment of a loan]" (Shemos 22:24)

53) [line] SURO RA - his character is bad (he will not be a trustworthy associate, - RASHI)

54a) [line 50] D'ZAKIF LEI ZEKIFA B'DEYUSKEI - if there is a case of hanging in one's family,
b) [last line] LO NEIMA LEI L'CHAVREI "ZEKIF BINISA" - do not say to him, "Hang this fish up for me"

55) [last line] EIN ME'ARVIN - it is forbidden to mix

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