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Bava Kama 20
1a) [line 1] HA'HU BARCHA - a certain goat
b) [line 1] D'CHAZA LIFTA - that saw a turnip
c) [line 1] A'PUMA D'DANA - on the mouth of a barrel
2) [line 1] SARICH - it scratched (with its paws)
3) [line 2] SALIK - and it went up
4) [line 2] ACHLAH L'LIFTA V'SAVREI L'DANA - it ate the turnip and broke the
5) [line 6] V'ACHLAH ME'AL GABEI CHAVERTAH - and ate from off the back of
another animal
6) [line 8] HAYESAH KUPASO MUFSHELES LA'ACHORAV - his bundle was hanging
behind his back
7) [line 10] KOFETZES - it jumped in order to eat (see Insights)
8) [line 16] MISGALGEL MAHU? - (a) if the animal rolled the food from the
Reshus ha'Yachid into the Reshus ha'Rabim and ate it there (Rashi), (b) if
the the food was rolling from the Reshus ha'Yachid to the Reshus ha'Rabim
and the animal intercepted it before it reached the Reshus ha'Rabim
(Tosfos), what is the Halachah?
9) [line 17] AMIR - bundles of straw
10) [line 19] MASOY - a pack, a bundle
11) [line 23] PESILAH D'ASPASTA - strands of hay
12) [line 30] REVUTZAH - sitting
13) [line 34] AVDEI INSHEI D'MANCHEI GELIMEI U'MISPACHEI - it is accepted
practice for a person to put down his shirt while he stops to rest
14a) [line 35] DEMEI AMIR - the price of hay
b) [line 37] DEMEI SE'ORIM BEZOL - the bargain price of barley, which is
two thirds the regular price (Bava Basra 146b)
- 1 Kav = 4 Lugin
- 1 Log = 6 Beitzim
- 1 Beitzah = 2 k'Zeisim
- 1 k'Zayis = approximately 0.025, 0.0288 or 0.5 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions.
Therefore: 1 Kav = 4 Lugin = 24 Beitzim = 1.20, 1.38, or 2.4 liters,
depending upon the differing Halachic opinions
16) [line 40] OMDIN - assess; approximate
17) [line 42] LO HAVIS GABAN B'URSA BI'TECHUMA - you were not with us
yesterday evening near the Beis Medrash such that you would have been able
to come
18) [line 42] D'IBAYA LAN MILEI MA'ALYASA - so we could ask you a good
19a) [line 44] CHATZER D'LO KAIMA L'AGRA - a courtyard which is not up for
b) [line 45] GAVRA D'LO AVID L'MEIGAR - a person who does not generally
pay for lodging
20) [line 2] L'CHI TESHAMESH LI - in order for me to teach you Torah, you
must first attend to me like a student attends to his teacher
21) [line 2] SHAKAL SUDREI - he took his scarf
22) [line 2] KARACH LEI - he folded it for him
23a) [line 4] KAMAH LO CHALI V'LO MARGISH - how greatly assured is one that
he will not be sick from grief or worry
b) [line 4] GAVRA D'MAREI SAYE'EI - is the person whose Master is his
help, support
24) [line 9] HA'MAKIF CHAVEIRO MI'SHALOSH RUCHOSAV - someone whose fields
surround his neighbor's field on three sides
25) [line 9] V'GADAR - he put up a fence (according to Rashi, between
himself and the neighbor)
26) [line 15] MEGALGELIN ALAV ES HA'KOL - we require him to pay his share in
all of the four sides of the fence
27) [line 17] L'DIDI SAGI LI B'NETIRA BAR ZUZA - for me it would have
sufficed with a cheap protective fence that only cost a Zuz
28a) [line 18] BAYIS - [the ground floor of] a house
b) [line 18] ALIYAH - the second story of a house
29) [line 21] YETZI'OSAV - his expenses
30) [line 24] BEISA L'ALIYAH MISHTA'ABED - the downstairs neighbor is
obligated to the upstairs
31) [line 28] SHACRURISA D'ASHYASA - blackening of the walls
32) [line 28] SHALCHUHA BEI REBBI AMI - they sent the question to the
Yeshivah of Rebbi Ami
33) [line 30] NISYASHEV BA'DAVAR - we will deliberate on the matter
34) [line 36] LAV B'FEIRUSH ITMAR, ELA MI'KELALA ITMAR - it was not said
explicitly by Rebbi Yochanan; rather it was derived through something else
he said or did not say
35) [line 38] KORAH - beam
36) [line 38] LO MA'AL (ME'ILAH)
(a) It is forbidden to derive personal benefit from anything that is
Hekdesh, as the Torah states, "Lo Suchal le'Echol b'Sha'arecha...u'Nedarecha
Asher Tidor" - "You may not eat in your settlements... and your pledges [to
Hekdesh] that you will pledge" (Devarim 12:17) (RAMBAM Hilchos Me'ilah
1:1-3). The minimum amount for which one transgresses this prohibition is a
Perutah's worth of benefit.
(b) If someone benefited from Hekdesh intentionally, he receives Malkos and
must pay to Hekdesh the amount that he benefited. However, the object from
which he benefited remains Hekdesh.
(c) If someone benefited from Hekdesh unintentionally, the object loses its
Kedushah. He must bring a Korban Me'ilah and repay Hekdesh the value of his
benefit plus an additional *fifth* (of the ensuing total, or a *quarter* of
the original value). This is true of any object that has Kedushas Damim
(i.e. its value is consecrated to Hekdesh). An object that has Kedushas
ha'Guf (i.e. an object with intrinsic Kedushah, such as the utensils used in
the Beis ha'Mikdash or a live Korban that is used in the Beis ha'Mikdash "as
is") does not lose its Kedushah under any circumstances (Rosh Hashanah 28a).
37) [line 41] SHE'HENICHAH AL PI ARUBAH - he placed it on top of an
aperture/skylight in the roof
38) [line 46] ASHGUCHEI LO ASHGACH BEI - he did not pay attention to him
39) [last line] HEKDESH SHE'LO MI'DA'AS K'HEDYOT MI'DA'AS DAMI - what is
done to Hekdesh without its knowledge is comparable to what was done to a
private person with his knowledge (for the Almighty is omniscient -- Rashi)
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