Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem 1) They asked Rav Chisda, whether someone who ate without reciting a Berachah should continue to do so, or whether he should perhaps make a Berachah in the middle of the meal. (a) What did Rav Chisda comment on this Sha'aleh?With regard to reciting a Berachah at the end of the meal, when he has already finished, the Gemara tries to compare it to Tevilah, where the Berachah is recited only *after* the Tevilah. (b) On what grounds does the Gemara reject this proof?2) 'Aspargus' (a drink containing wine) seems to be good for just about every part of the body. (a) When is even this healthy brand of 'Aspargus' extremely unhealthy for the whole body?It is always good for the 'L'a't'. (d) What is the 'L'a't' and acronym of?(Note: Aspargus manufactured from beer has the opposite effect of that manufactured from wine. It is therefore bad for the 'Re'm'at' and good for the 'L'a't') 3) The wine in the Aspargus must be undiluted, the cup must be full and one receives it with the left hand, but drink it from the right, nor should one talk or interrupt whilst drinking it ... (a) Which kind of 'Aspargus must be followed by bread, and which, by the fruit it is made of?'Aspargus made of beer can be dangerous if one does not spit after it. (b) How seriously must one take this?4) Suriel, one of the foremost angels, told Rebbi Yishmael ben Elisha (Kohen Gadol) three things, two of them: 1. not to take his shirt directly from the Shamash whilst dressing; 2. not to allow someone who has himself not done so, to wash his hands for 'Neigel-Vaser'. (a) What was the third thing that he learnt from Suriel (concerning the cup of 'Aspargus')?The Angel of Death also taught Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi three things, the first two, the same as Suriel told Rebbi Yishmael. (c) What was the third thing (concerning women returning from a burial)?5) The Kos shel Berachah requires ten things. (a) What are 'Shetifah' and 'Hadachah'?The Torah (in Devarim) writes about someone who fills the Kos shel Berachah "u'Malei Birkas Hashem, Yam ve'Darom Yerashah". (b) Which two rewards can we derive from this Pasuk?The fourth of the four things listed separately by the Gemara, is 'Chai'. (c) What does 'Chai' mean?6) (a) What do 'Itur' and 'Ituf' mean?During Bensching, one holds the Kos in the right hand. (c) May one use the left hand to help support the Kos?
7) (a) Why should one send the Kos shel Berachah to one's wife?8) (a) What is the meaning of 'Ein Masichin Al Kos shel Berachah' - Is it not obvious that one may not talk during Birchas ha'Mazon? 9) According to Beis Shamai, Kidush precedes the Berachah over the wine for two reasons: 1. Because it is the day which causes the wine to be brought. (a) What is their second reason? |