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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 50

1) Chazal have remarked that one can tell from the text of a person's Berachos (at the time when their was no fixed written text) whether he is a Talmid-Chacham or not.

(a) What example does the Gemara give for that, from the wording of the Mevarech in Mezuman?
What do we learn from ...
(b) ... the Pasuk in Shmuel "u'mi'Birchascha Yevorach Beis Avdecha Le'olam"?

(c) ... the Pasuk in Tehilim "Harchev Picha va'Amal'eihu"?

(d) How does Rebbi describe a Mevarech who says 'u've'Tuvo Chayim'?

The Halachah is not like the Neherbelai in this matter.
(e) What do the Neherbelai say?
(a) What is wrong with saying 'Nevarech le'Mi she'Achalnu Mishelo'?

(b) Then how is it that we say in the Hagadah 'le'Mi she'Asah la'Avoseinu ve'Lanu, Kol ha'Nisim ha'Eilu'?

(c) How does Rebbi Yochanan describe the Mevarech who fails to insert the word 'mi'Shelo' in Mezuman?

(d) Why is it in order to omit it, when there is a Minyan?

(a) How does Rebbi Akiva explain the Pasuk "be'Makheilos Borchu Elokim, Hashem mi'Mekor Yisrael"?

(b) Surely Rebbi Yossi ha'Gelili agrees with that Derashah! Then how does he learn his Derashah (in our Mishnah) from the same Pasuk?

Sitting in the home of the Chief Rabbi, Rebbi Chama got up to look for a hundred people to participate in the Mezuman.
(c) Why did he do that, and what did they tell him?
When the Amora'im used to eat in the Chief Rabbi's house, they would Bensch in groups of three.
(d) Why did they do that?

(e) Then why did they not Bensch in groups of ten?

(a) If one of a group of three Bensched without waiting for the other two, what happens to the Mezuman?

(b) Why is the person who Bensched not Yotze, too?

(c) Why were the people displeased with Rafram bar Papa, when he began Birchas ha'Torah in Shul with the words 'Borchu es Hashem'?

(d) What did Rava tell him?

5) How many participants would there need to be, for a group to split up ...
(a) ... when there are less than ten?

(b) ... when there are more than ten?

(c) When will two groups eating at the same time in one room not combine to make up a Mezuman of three or of ten?

6) Our Mishnah appears superfluous, since the Tana has already taught us at the beginning of the Perek that three people who ate together are obligated to Bensch Mezuman.
(a) Which three answers does the Gemara give to resolve this difficulty?
Regarding the last answer, Rava explains that *that* speaks only in a case when those who left their respective groups did not yet Bensch Mezuman; because if they did, they can no longer combine.
(b) What is the case?

(c) What is Rava's proof from a Mishnah in Keilim, from a bed, half of which is stolen etc.?

(d) When will two groups eating in the same room, but who cannot see each other, nevertheless combine to form a Mezuman?

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(a) According to Rebbi Eliezer, what Berachah does one recite over undiluted wine?

(b) What else does Rebbi Eliezer say regarding such wine?

(c) What is his reason for these statements?

Shmuel holds 'Oseh Adam Kol Tzerachav be'Pas'.
(d) What is the connection between Shmuel and the Machlokes between Rebbi Eliezer and the Rabbanan?
(a) When do the Rabbanan agree with Rebbi Eliezer: that one does not recite a Berachah before the wine has been diluted?

(b) Undiluted wine does not appear to be drinkable, so why do the Rabbanan require a Berachah at all?

One may not place raw meat on bread, nor may one pass a cup of wine over it.
(c) Why is the latter forbidden?

(d) Which other two things should one not do with bread?

(a) What is the difference between the prohibition of throwing bread and of throwing other hard foods, such as pomegranates and nuts?
It is permitted to draw wine from pipes in honor of a Chasan and Kalah and to throw roasted grains of wheat in front of them.
(b) Is this permitted even if they will get spoilt or go to waste?

(c) Then what is the Chidush?

10) There are three Beraisos regarding someone who has put food in his mouth without reciting a Berachah:
1. He swallows it;
2. He spits it out;
3. He puts it to the side of his mouth whilst reciting the Berachah.
(a) How does the Gemara reconcile all three Beraisos?

(b) Why should he not place the food to the side, even if the food does *not* become disgusting when it is spat out.

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