Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem 1) (a) What is a 'Kisla le'Ugya', and in what context is it brought in our Gemara?2) (a) Why would one take the Mazikin, if one saw them, and place them inside a sealed metal pipe?They are even dangerous to look at. (b) What happened to Rav Bibi bar Abaye when he attempted to see them.3) (a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Melachim "li'Shemo'a el ha'Rinah ve'El ha'Tefilah"?We learn from "Elokim Nitzav ba'Adas Keil", that Hashem is to be found in Shul. (b) What two other things do we learn from this Pasuk?4) (a) And what do we learn from the following Pesukim:5)1. "be'Kerev Elokim Yishpot"?(b) What is the difference whether one person is sitting and learning by himself, or whether there are two people? (a) What do we learn from the Pasuk "Nishba Hashem bi'Yemino u'vi'Zero'a Uzo"?6) (a) What is the significance of the following Pesukim?"es Hashem He'emarta Hayom, va'Hashem He'emircha Hayom".1. "u'Mi ke'Amcha Yisrael, Goy Echad ba'Aretz";(b) Which is the odd man out, and where does it belong? (d) What does this mean, and what does the Gemara prove from here?
7) (a) About whom does Hashem make inquiries if he fails to turn up in Shul?8) (a) Why should one not take big steps when coming out of Shul?9) The most important part of the Derashah (i.e. the part for which one receives the most reward) is being squashed. What is the most important part of ... (a) ...learning a Sugya?10) Someone who Davens behind a Shul is called a Rasha. (a) What is called behind the Shul, and why is that?11) (a) How does the Gemara explain the Pasuk in Tehilim "Kerum Zulus li'V'nei Adam" in the context of Tefilah?12) (a) Although the Gemara does bring proof that Shachris and Ma'ariv are of great importance, what is the Gemara's source for stating that one should take great care to Daven Minchah?13) (a) What does one transgress by attending a wedding and failing to do something to make the Chasan happy?Rav Avahu adds that it is as if he had brought a Korban Todah. (d) What does Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak add to that?14) (a) What does Rav Chelbo, quoting Rav Huna (the author of all the current statements) learn from the Pasuk in Koheles "Sof Davar, ha'Kol Nishma, es ha'Elokim Yera"?Some learn from the final words of the Pasuk in Koheles "Ki Zeh Kol ha'Adam" that the whole world was created only for this person (who has Yir'as Shamayim). (b) Which other two explanations does the Gemara give to explain it? |