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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 5

1) Rebbi Levi bar Chama quotes Resh Lakish: 'One should always incite the Yeitzer Tov over the Yeitzer ha'Ra, as the Pasuk in Tehilim writes "Rigzu ve'Al Techeta'u".

(a) What are the next two stages in this ongoing war, should the first stage not succeed, and how do they derive from the continuation of the Pasuk?
He also explains the Pasuk "va'Etna Lecha es Luchos ha'Even, ve'ha'Torah ve'ha'Mitzvah, Asher Kasavti Lehorosam".
(b) How does he explain the five things mentioned in this Pasuk, and what does the Pasuk come to teach us?
2) Rav Yitzchak explains "Romemos Keil bi'Geronam, ve'Cherev Pi'fiyos be'Yadam" to mean that someone who recites 'Keri'as Shema she'Al ha'Mitah', it is as if he was holding a two-bladed sword in his hands.
(a) What makes Rav Yitzchak connect the Pasuk with 'Keri'as Shema she'Al ha'Mitah'?

(b) What is the purpose of the sword?

(a) How does Resh Lakish explain the Pasuk in Iyov "u'Venei Reshef Yagbihu Of" (referring to Torah), and what makes him explain it that way?
According to Rebbi Yochanan, we do not require a Pasuk in Iyov for that, because we have a Pasuk in Beshalach (which even the children - who have not yet reached Iyov, know, and) which teaches us the same thing.
(b) What is that Pasuk?

(c) Rebbi Yochanan does not seem to offer an alternative explanation in the Pasuk in Iyov, but what does he learn from the Pasuk in Tehilim "Ne'elamti Dumyah, Hechesheisi mi'Tuv, u'Che'eivi Ne'echar"?

4) What does the Gemara learn from "Ki Lekach Tov " etc. (Mishlei) to distinguish between a regular seller and Hashem?


(a) What can we learn from the sequence of the following Pesukim regarding 'Yisurin' (Divine-sent suffering): "Nachpesah Deracheinu ve'Nachkorah, ve'Nashuvah ad Hashem"; "Ashrei ha'Gever Asher Teyaserenu Kah, u'mi'Torascha Selamedenu"; "Ki es Asher Ye'ehav Hashem Yochi'ach".

(b) What is the meaning of 'Yisurin shel Ahavah'?

(c) What happens to someone who accepts 'Yisurin shel Ahavah, provided he accepts them graciously?

According to some, they are only called 'Yisurin shel Ahavah' if they do not cause Bitul Torah ; according to others, they must not cause Bitul Tefilah.
A third opinion maintains that *that* is not the criterion, but what the Torah teaches us in the Parshah of 'Shen ve'Ayin'.
(d) What do we learn from 'Shen ve'Ayin'?

(e) How does this conform with Resh Lakish's Gezeirah Shavah of "B'ris" "B'ris" from salt?

6) What are the three wonderful gifts that Hashem gave to Yisrael, and what has this to do with the above Sugya?

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(a) Which three things earn a person pardon for all his sins?
The Gemara says that 'children' are not considered Yisurin shel Ahavah.
(b) What did Rebbi Yochanan used to do which makes this statement unlikely, and why was Rebbi Yochanan not concerned about Tum'ah?

(c) How de we reconcile Rebbi Yochanan's actions with the statement?

8) Tzara'as serves as a Kaparah, but is not Yisurin shel Ahavah. Alternatively, the Gemara explains, it is a Kaparah in Eretz Yisrael, and Yisurin shel Ahavah in Bavel (Chutz la'Aretz).
(a) Why is that?
In its third explanation, the Gemara differentiates between Nega'im be'Tzin'ah and Nega'im be'Farhesya.
(b) What does this mean?
(a) What was the Amora'im's reaction when they asked whether they wanted to be afflicted with pains?

(b) If Rebbi Yochanan was capable of taking the hand of Rebbi Chiya bar Aba, and removing his Yisurin, why could he not remove his own?

(c) Which two kinds of problems did Rebbi Yochanan not consider it worthwhile for Rebbi Elazar to cry over, and why?

(d) Why *did* Rebbi Elazar cry?

10) when Four hundred barrels of wine belonging to Rav Yehudah, the brother of Rav Sala Chasida turned sour, he was advised to examine his deeds.
(a) What did he reply, and what did they answer him?

(b) What *had* he done wrong, and why was his self-justification not justified?

(c) What happened the moment he undertook to rectify his mistake?

11) Aba Binyamin was always careful to Daven next to his bed.
(a) Why can this not be understand literally, and what then, does it really mean?
He also took care to place his bed facing North to South, rather than East to West.
(b) Why did he do this?

(c) What rewards could he expect for that?

(a) What harm does someone cause, if he Davens ahead of his friend and then goes home, leaving him alone in Shul?

(b) On the other hand, what rewards can he expect if he waits for him?

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