Berachos 161) HABIT TOOK HIM OPINIONS: A Tana taught before Rebbi Yochanan that if one was reciting the Shema and he erred and forgot what he was reading, but he remembers reciting the verse, "Lema'an Yirbu...," then he need not return to an earlier point in Shema. We assume that "his habit took him" (and he did not skip anything). What does this mean?(a) RASHI (DH Sirchei Nakat) explains that from "Lema'an Yirbu" until the end of the Shema, the words flow easily. Therefore, if one knows he has passed "Lema'an Yirbu" but he does not remember saying the words between "Lema'an Yirbu" and the point at which he is now holding, we assume that habit took him and he said all the words between "Lema'an Yirbu" and the point at which he is now holding. He does not have to go back to "Lema'an Yirbu."HALACHAH: The SHULCHAN ARUCH (OC 64:4) rules like the Rashba. 16b2) REBBI YOCHANAN'S PRAYERQUESTION: When Rebbi Yochanan completed his Shemoneh Esrei, he added his own prayer in order to arouse Hashem's mercy. "May it be Your will, Hashem... that You don Your mercy and cover Yourself with Your strength...." If Rebbi Yochanan was praying for mercy, why did he daven for *strength* ("Oz")? Isn't strength usually used for bringing about justice ("Din"), the opposite of mercy? ANSWERS:(a) The TZELACH explains that the phrase "and cover Yourself with Your strength" really means "and cover Your strength." Rebbi Yochanan prayed that Hashem should cover His strength, i.e. His attribute of strict justice, and conduct Himself only with mercy. |
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