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Berachos 57

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Torah Or 57a:
The words Mishley 7
should be Mishley 2:3
the words Mishley 6
should be Mishley 7:4

[2] Gemara 57b [line 15]:
Rebbi *Yishmael Ben Elisha* Yid'ag Min ha'Pur'anus
In Avos d'Rebbi Nasan, the Girsa is Rebbi *Akiva* (Hagahos Rebbi Elazar Landau)

[3] Gemara 57b [line 23]:
"Kol Minei *Ofos* Yafin l'Chalom Chutz Min Karya v'Kipofa *v'Kurperai*'
The Girsa in Dikdukei Sofrim #8 is "Kol Minei *Sheratzim* Yafin l'Chalom
Chutz *mi'Kurperai* v'Chol Minei Ofos Yafin l'Chalom Chutz mi'Karya v'Kipofa"

It is clear that this was Rashi's Girsa also, since he translates Kurperai
as "talpe", which is a mole. He uses the same Old French word to translate
Kurperai in Chulin 63a, when the Gemara classifies Kurperai as a type of Sheretz.

[4] Gemara 57b [line 40]:
The words "Mafrin *u'Mavrin*"
The Girsa in Dikdukei Sofrim and the Aruch is "Mafrin *u'Marbin*"
However, in Beis Nasan and the Soncino Printing, the Girsa is
"Mafrin *u'Marbin u'Mavrin*", like the Girsa in the Gemara 40a. This
appears to be Rashi's Girsa, also.

1) [line 1] MESAREG - (a) saddled; (b) with a halter attached (to lead it)
2) [line 12] D'LO SIYEM - that he did not finish [his prayer]
3) [line 26] SOREIKAH - a branch
4a) [line 28] PARI ASAKEI - his wares will be fruitful
b) [line 28] RAVEI ASAKEI - his wares will multiply (this is greater than Pari)
5) [line 28] PALGEI - pieces

6) [line 29] "ASHKECHA MI'YAYIN HA'REKACH, ME'ASIS RIMONI" - "I would cause you to drink spiced wine; [and] of the juice of my pomegranate" (Shir ha'Shirim 8:2) The spiced wine refers to the Torah (see Vilna Ga'on to Mishley 9:5), and this verse compares it to the juice of pomegranates

7) [line 30] "K'FELACH HA'RIMON RAKASEICH" - "your forehead is like a piece of pomegranate" (Shir ha'Shirim 4:3)

8) [line 36] KANAIHU - while they were still attached to the ground (lit. in their base)

*9*) [line 38] SHENE'EMAR "CHACHMOS BA'CHUTZ TARONAH" - That is, a goose makes a loud cry in the wild, which corresponds to this verse, "Wisdom cries aloud outside" (Mishley 1:20)

10) [line 40] TARBITZAH NA'AN V'GILAH - (a) a pleasant garden which brings joy (RASHI);
(b) pleasant Batei Midrash which bring joy (ARUCH)

11) [line 44] D'MEDALYEI DELUYEI - which is riding on the crest [of the waves of the sea]]

12) [line 44] HA'NIFNEH - one who defecates
13) [line 47] HA'NITPAS LI'SRADYOT - one who is arrested by a [Roman] officer
14) [line 47] KOLAR - [Roman] prisoner's band or chain around the neck
15) [line 49] ROSH LI'VNEI CHALAH - the best student in the Yeshivah, who was appointed to answer any questions pertaining to the classes of the Rosh Yeshivah

16) [line 52] V'TALA'I TAVLAH - and I was wearing a bell around my neck
17) [line 52] V'NAVCHI BAH NEVUCHEI - and I rang it loudly
18) [line 53] SEDURIN LIMACHEL - [his sins] are arranged (ready) to be forgiven
19) [line 54] HARGO, AVDAH PARNESASO - if he kills it (the snake), he will loose his livelihood
20) [line 55] CHIVYA - a snake


*21*) [line 16] HA'RO'EH BEN AZAI B'CHALOM - Ben Azai connotes Chasidus, as is evident from the Gemara Chagigah 14b (RASHASH)

22) [line 18] KIPOD - (O.F. martrine) marten; alt. a long-tailed ape
23a) [line 19] MAR - (O.F. fosoir) hoe; pick-ax
b) [line 19] PASAL - (O.F. doledoire) adze; chisel
c) [line 19] KARDOM - spade
24) [line 20] KATAIHU - equipped with their handles
25) [line 20] PAGEI TEMARAH - underdeveloped dates
26) [line 21] ROSHEI LEFATOS - turnip tops
27) [line 22] KANAIHU - while they were still attached to the ground (lit. in their base)
28) [line 23] KARYA - (O.F. javanz) tawny-owl
29) [line 23] KIPOFA - (O.F. cuete) owl
30) [line 24] KURPERAI - (O.F. talpe) mole. See Girsa section #3.
31) [line 25] GUDGANIYOS - (O.F. cerises) cherries
32) [line 25] KAFNIYOS - poor-quality dates

33a) [line 28] MESHIVIN DA'ATO - (lit. to return his peace of mind) The Vilna Ga'on explains that these things help a person who feels sorrow come back to himself
b) [line 29] MARCHIVIN DA'ATO - (lit. to broaden his peace of mind) The Vilna Ga'on explains that these things add an element of expansion even to a person who is in broad spirits already

34) [line 34] ITUSH - (O.F. esternuder) sneeze
35) [line 34] SHILSHUL - diarrhea
36a) [line 39] KRUV - cabbage
b) [line 39] TERADIN - (O.F. blez) beets
c) [line 39] SISIN YEVEISHIN - (O.F. poliol) a type of mint
d) [line 39] KEIVAH - stomach
e) [line 39] HARAS - (O.F. vedelure) the womb of an animal
f) [line 39] YOSERES HA'KAVED - (O.F. ebres) the diaphragm muscle
37) [line 40] MAFRIN U'MAVRIN - cause people to have children and to make them healthy. See Girsa section #4

38) [line 41] SHECHALAYIM - a type of cress
*39*) [line 45] MES BA'BAYIS - That is, he dreams that he sees a dead person in his house. The Gemara now returns to the subject of the Sugyos at the top of the page, namely dreams. When the Gemara above mentioned the interpretations of dreams in groups of three, it went on to list other groups of three, such as the three things that enter the body, the three things that do not enter the body, etc. Afterwards came groups of five, six and ten, until this point, when it returns to dream interpretation. (MAHARATZ CHIYOS)

40) [line 46] MESANA - shoe
b) [line 46] SANDELA - sandal
*41*) [line 47] CHARDELA - mustard seed, which is granular like Afra (dirt or sand). Accordingly, it is also an inauspicious omen predicting burial.

42) [line 56] CHAMAREI D'SHAKLEI AFARA - donkeys that were carrying dirt
43) [line 56] TARIF LEHU YADA AL GABAIHU - he would slap them (the donkeys) on the back with his hand

44) [line 56] REHUTU - run
45) [last line] "V'TEITEISIHA B'MAT'ATEI HASHMEID" - "and I will sweep it with the broom of destruction" (Yeshayah 14:23)

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