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Berachos 56
***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg
and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is
devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara,
Rashi or Tosfos.)
[1] Rav Nisim Ga'on 56b
The words "*u'Basrah* Yir'ah, d'Chesiv"
should be "*v'Kisrah* Yir'ah, d'Chesiv"
1) [line 2] AMRISU - they say (about you)
2) [line 3] D'MESHACHAREI LACH PARSA'EI - that the Persians (alt.
Parthians, a people who lived between the Caspian Sea and the Euphrates,
whose empire rivaled Rome) will force you to do public service
3) [line 4] V'GARBEI BACH - and will seize you
4) [line 4] V'RA'AYEI BACH SHAKTZEI - and will force you to graze swine
5) [line 4] B'CHUTRA D'DAHAVA - with a golden rod, which represents the
tariff that the Romans will be forced to submit (ibid.)
6) [line 8] KASHYASA - date or olive pits
7) [line 14] AKRINAN B'CHELMIN - we read these words in our dreams
8) [line 16] ME'UTZVA D'LIBACH - from heartbreak
9) [line 19] K'VISHUSEI - like the (normal) adverse explanation of the
10) [line 24] V'ACHPAH LACH - and she will finally force you
11) [line 25] DEVIS'HU SHECHIVA - your wife will die
12) [line 29] L'FAKUCHEI PACHADACH - to lessen you sorrow and worry
13) [line 31] EIMSACH NAFLAS B'ALMA - you will be world-renowned and
14) [line 31] BEDAYNA - treasury
15) [line 33] CHASA - lettuce
16) [line 33] DANEI - jars
17) [line 33] IF - will double
18) [line 34] BASIM CHAMAREICH - your wine will be exceptionally sweet (of
superior quality)
19) [line 34] TAKIF CHAMAREICH - your wine will go sour
20) [line 36] MADLEI ISKEICH - your [wine] business will boom (lit. will be
elevated like a palm tree)
21) [line 36] CHALEI - will be inexpensive (lit. sweet)
22) [line 36] RUMANA D'KADCHEI - a pomegranate that grew
23) [line 37] ASHIK ASAKEICH - your wares (your wine) will be high-priced,
like the pomegranate
24) [line 37] KAVI ASAKEICH - your wares (your wine) will turn stale [and
taste like a pomegranate]
25) [line 37] BEIRA - a pit
26) [line 38] MISBA'EI ISKEICH - your wares (your wine) will be in demand
27) [line 38] NAFAL PITA B'VEIRA - the bread fell into the pit
28) [line 39] ISDAN - pillow
29) [line 40] GAHIT - was erased (the Sofer mistakenly wrote an unnecessary
letter Vav in the word Chamor and erased it. However, the erasure was still
30) [line 41] DASHA BERAISA - the outside door
31) [line 42] KACHEI V'SHINEI D'NASUR - molars and front teeth that fell
32) [line 43] GARGELIDEI D'LIFTA - turnip tops
33) [line 43] TEREIN KULFEI BELA'AS - you are going to suffer two blows [to
the head]
34) [line 44] KA'MINTZU - were fighting
35) [line 44] L'FARUKINHU - to break up the fight between them
36) [line 44] U'MACHUHU - and they hit him (Rava)
37) [line 45] DALU L'MECHUYEI ACHARITI - they raised [them (their sticks)]
to hit him again
38) [line 45] MISTAYEI - [it is] enough
39) [line 45] TEREIN CHAZA'I - I only saw two [turnip tops in my dream.
Therefore, I don't deserve any more blows]
40) [line 45] ASHISA - (a) the foundations of the walls of my house (RASHI
in Bava Kama 50a); (b) the walls (ARUCH)
41) [line 46] B'LO METZARIM - boundless
42) [line 46] APADNA - (a) palace; (b) courtyard (ARUCH)
43) [line 46] V'CHASYAN - and it was covered [with dust]
44) [line 47] LEVEINASA - brick
45) [line 47] MEVADRAN - will be widespread
46) [line 48] D'AVKA REISHEI - that my head was split open
b) [line 48] V'NASAR MOKREI - and my brain started to fall out
47) [line 48] UDRA MI'BEI SADYA NAFIK - the stuffing or feathers will come
out of your pillow
48) [line 49] ARBA - a boat
49) [line 51] B'DIDACH KAIMA - it was dependent upon you
50) [line 53] D'REISH TURZINA - of the minister in charge of the king's
51) [line 55] TICHLA - a worm
52) [line 56] SHIRA'EI - silk garments
53) [last line] ANA AMAI - how did I [get into this predicament]
54) [line 1] KEFITU TREIN ARZEI B'CHAVLA - they [bent down and] lashed to
the ground two cedar trees
55) [line 3] ITZTALIK REISHEI - his head was split into two parts
56) [line 6] LECHAYAI - my jaws
57) [line 6] GEDUDEI ROMI - bands of Roman troops
58) [line 12] B'ADRUSA - with glory; distinction
59) [line 14] D'KATIF LI KOCHAVA - [I dreamed] that I plucked a star [from
the sky]
60) [line 16] SIHARA - the moon
61) [line 17] DARICHNA B'TUNA D'ASA - I trampled on a canopy of myrtle
62) [line 18] TUNA ME'ILA'I V'HU MI'TASA'I - the canopy was above me and I
was underneath it
63) [line 18] L'PURYEI - to my bed
64) [line 20] U'FARCHAN - and they flew away
65) [line 21] KALIFNA BEI'EI - I peeled eggs
66) [line 21] SHICHVEI KA MESHALCHAS - you undressed dead bodies
67) [line 22] HAI GELIMA D'MICHSA - that cloak that you are wearing (lit.
that is covering)
68) [line 23] KAPUDKIYA - Cappadocia, a district of Asia Minor
69) [line 24] KAFA KESHURA - both words mean "beam". The first part of the
word "Kapudkiya" is Kafa, which is the Greek word for the Persian or
Aramaic Keshura. See the Aruch for a different explanation.
70) [line 24] DEIKA ASARA - both words mean "ten". The second part of the
word "Kapudkiya" is Deika, which is the Greek word for Asarah. See the
Aruch for a different explanation.
71) [line 39] "MI'SUBCHO" - "from his thicket" (Yirmeyahu 4:7) The verse
compares Nevuchadnetzar to a lion waiting to ambush his prey from a thicket
in the forest.
72) [line 41] "K'HAKIR BIR MEIMEHA [KEN HEKERAH RA'ASAH]" - "Like a well
keeps its water fresh, [so she keeps fresh her wickedness]" (Yirmeyahu 6:7)
The prophet reprimands the inhabitants of the city of Yerushalayim for
their sins
73a) [line 43] KARA - pumpkin
b) [line 43] KURA - heart of palm
c) [line 44] KIRA - wax
d) [line 44] KANYA - a reed
74) [line 49] NA'ASEIS LO SHIRA NA'AH - he will have a good day (lit.
pleasant song will be made for him)
75) [line 52] TAYA B'ALMA - a simple Arab merchant, as opposed to Yishmael,
the son of Avraham
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