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Berachos 39
***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg
and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is
devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara,
Rashi or Tosfos.)
[1] Gemara 39b [line 20]:
"b'Soch ha'Sheleimah"
Rashi's Girsa was "Tachas ha'Sheleimah"
1) [line 1] BATZAR LEI SHI'URA - there is no longer a Shi'ur of a k'Zayis
2) [line 4] PASH LEI SHI'URA - the Shi'ur of a k'Zayis remains
3) [line 8] SHE'SHAMNO AGUR B'SOCHO - it oil is stored/collected in it
4) [line 11] KERUV - cabbage
5) [line 11] DURMASKIN - (O.F. adrelces) mountain spinach [and not (O.F.
prunes) prunes]
6) [line 11] PERAGIYOS - (O.F. perdriz) partridge
7) [line 13] LIGLEG ALAV CHAVEIRO - his fried scoffed at him
8) [line 28] GARGELIDEI D'LIFTA - turnip heads
9) [line 28] PARMINHU - (O.F menusier) if he cut them into pieces
10a) [line 28] PERIMA RABA - large pieces
b) [line 29] PERIMA ZUTA - small pieces
11) [line 31] D'NAMTIK TA'AMEI - to sweeten its taste
12) [line 33] TAVSHILA D'SILKA - a cooked dish of beets
13) [line 37] LI'DVUKEI B'ALMA - to merely make it stick together
14) [line 38] TERADIN - spinach
15) [line 40] A'BEI TEFEI - on the opening of the stove or oven (the
hottest part)
16) [line 40] V'AVID TOCH TOCH - and it makes a sound like "TOCH" "TOCH"
(to make sure that it cooks thoroughly)
17) [line 43] MAYA D'SHIVTA - water in which dill (O.F. aneid) is cooked
18) [line 44] L'AVBUREI ZUHAMA - to remove the froth
19) [line 45] SHEVES - dill
20) [line 48] PAS TZENUMAH - dried-out bread
*21*) [line 49] MEVARCHIN ALEHA HA'MOTZI - That is, even if he is also
going to eat from a whole loaf of bread, he makes the Berachah on the dried
out bread, since he prefers it (TOSFOS DH PAS)
22) [line 49] TZARICH SHE'TICHLE BERACHAH IM HA'PAS - the Berachah must be
completed as the bread is cut
23) [line 7] PETITIN - pieces of bread
24) [line 20] BOTZE'A - he breaks the bread
25) [line 26] A'KULA SHEIRUSA - for the entire meal
26) [line 27] MISCHAZEI K'RA'AVTENUSA - it looks like gluttony
27) [line 29] RIFTA D'EIRUVA
(a) The last of the 39 categories of forbidden Melachos (creative acts) of
Shabbos is ha'Motzi me'Rshus l'Rshus. A person is not allowed to transfer
objects from one Reshus (domain) to another on Shabbos. It is a capital
offense to transfer objects from a Reshus ha'Rabim (public domain) to a
Reshus ha'Yachid (private domain). (Mishnah Shabbos 73a)
(b) According to Torah law, in a courtyard which has separate housing
units, all of the neighbors may transfer objects from their houses to the
courtyard and into other houses on Shabbos. The entire area is a Reshus
ha'Yachid. Such is the case in an alley with several courtyards and in a
city that is completely walled. (RAMBAM Hilchos Eiruvin 1:1)
(c) King Shlomo decreed that transferring objects from one Reshus ha'Yachid
to another is forbidden, unless an Eiruv Chatzeiros (lit. a mixing of the
courtyards) is created on Friday, before Shabbos begins. (Shabbos 14b,
Eiruvin 21b). This is accomplished by all of the neighbors collectively
setting aside a loaf of bread, to show that they have an equal share in all
of the Reshuyos ha'Yachid, just as they have an equal share in that bread.
They can be considered one Reshus again. (In the case of an alley or city,
any food is permissible to use as an Eiruv, except for water, salt and
mushrooms. There must be enough food for two meals for one person.)
(d) The bread that was used for an Eiruv Chatzeiros was considered special
by the Chachamim, since it was used for a Mitzvah. They tried to do other
Mitzvos with it, such as using it for the third meal on Shabbos.
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