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Berachos 38

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 38a [line 1]:
The words "*k'Avin* Chayavin, k'Limudin Peturin"
should be "*Ka'achin* Chayavin, k'Limudin Peturin"
This is the Girsa in many Rishonim and in Dikdukei Sofrim #10. (The Girsa
in Dikdukei Sofrim is actually "Limudin" instead of "k'Limudin," which is
in keeping with the Girsa "Ka'achin" since the Kaf of ke'Achin is part of the Shoresh)

1) [line 1] (K'AVIN) KA'ACHIN - shaped loaves
2) [line 1] K'LIMUDIN - like planks (shapeless)
3) [line 3] GUVLA B'ALMA HU - it is a mere mass [of baked dough] (and does not have the shape of bread)

4) [line 9] DUVSHA D'TAMREI - the sweet liquid that flows out of dates
5) [line 10] ZEI'AH - secretion
6) [line 12] SIFVANIYOS - late grapes that never ripen (as opposed to SISVANIYOS - winter grapes; see Rashi 40b DH Shilhi)

7) [line 14] TARIMA - a food that is made out of something slightly ground, but not crushed

8) [line 16] SHUMSHEMEI - sesame seeds
9) [line 17] KURTEMEI - saffron or safflower
10) [line 17] PURTZANEI - grape pits
11) [line 19] CHASHILATA VADAI KA AMART - you must have meant a crushed food

12) [line 19] ADKARTAN MILSA - you reminded me of something
13) [line 24] SHESISA - (a) a food made from flour that was ground from oven-dried unripe grain (RASHI); (b) boiled flour mixed with water or other liquids (RAMBAM Hilchos Berachos 3:3)

*14*) [line 28] LI'RFU'AH KA AVDI LAH - That is, it is made for drinking and not for eating, and therefore its Berachah is "Shehakol" (RAMBAM ibid., Poskim)

15a) [line 29] BOCHASHIN ES HA'SHESUS - one may stir Shesisa. (This is clearly discussing a thin mixture which can be stirred and not a thick one - TOSFOS DH v'Shavin)
b) [line 30] ZEISOM HA'MITZRI - Egyptian beer

16a) [line 47] D'APIK MASHMA - has a connotation of "he took out"
b) [line 49] D'MAPIK MASHMA - has a connotation of "he takes out"
17a) [line 50] KAD MAPIKNA LECHU - when I will take you out
b) [line 51] D'APEIKIS YASCHON - that I took you out

18) [line 51] MISHTABCHIN LEI RABANAN L'REBBI ZEIRA ... - The Chachamim praised the son of Rav Zevid, the brother of Rav Shimon, as a great person/Talmid Chacham and an expert in the laws of blessings, in front of Rebbi Zeira


19) [line 8] SHELAKOS - thoroughly cooked vegetables
20) [line 19] KERAVA - cabbage
21) [line 19] SILKA - beets
22) [line 19] KARA - gourd; pumpkin
23) [line 21] TUMEI - garlic
24) [line 22] KARTEI - leeks
25) [line 27] RAKIK - wafer
26) [line 36] KAVA ULA L'SHABESHTEI K'REBBI BINYAMIN- Ula based his error on Rebbi Binyamin Bar Yefet's teaching (and thereafter taught it in the name of Rebbi Yochanan)

27) [line 37] TAHI BAH - wondered about it
28) [line 39] DAYIK V'GAMIR SHEMA'ATA - he was extremely careful with what he learned from his teacher

29) [line 44] BAR MIN DEIN - besides this
30) [line 44] TURMUSA - lupine, a type of pod or bean of the pea family
31) [line 46] KINU'ACH SE'UDAH - dessert
32) [line 52] KELACH - stalk
33a) [line 52] KEVUSHIN - pickled
b) [line 53] SHELUKIN - thoroughly cooked
c) [line 53] MEVUSHALIN - cooked
34) [line 53] B'MILSAIHU KAI - are considered unchanged (with regard to their Berachah)

35) [last line] KEIVAN DI'SHEKILA L'GAR'INEI - since its pit is removed

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