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Berachos 17
***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg
and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is
devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara,
Rashi or Tosfos.)
[1] Gemara 17a [line 20]:
"Tirdof Nafshi *v'Satzileini mi'Pega Ra ... ha'Misragshos Lavo la'Olam*"
The words *v'Satzileini mi'Pega Ra ... la'Olam" are not found in Dikdukei
Sofrim #40, Beis Nasan, and the Abudraham. It is also not found in our Sidurim.
[2] Gemara 17a [line 42]:
The words "l'Osim Lo Ne'emar, Ela l'Oseihem*"
should be "l'Lomdeihem Lo Ne'emar, Ela l'Oseihem*"
as noted in the margin. This is the way it is found in Dikdukei Sofrim #300
and in all the old printings of the Gemara. The wording of our Gemara is
based on the emendation of the Maharshal. However, the Maharsha was Gores,
like the Dikdukei Sofrim, "l'Lomdeihem," which seems to fit in better with
the context of the Derash.
[3] Gemara 17b [line 6]:
The words "O Talmid *she'Makdi'ach* Tavshilo ba'Rabim"
should be "O Talmid *she'Yakdi'ach* Tavshilo ba'Rabim *Kegon Yeshu ha'Notzri*"
This is the way it is appears in Dikdukei Sofrim #30, as found in
manuscripts and all the old printings of the Gemara. (Here he is grouped
along with the others who have no portion in the Olam ha'Ba - see the first
Mishnah of Perek Chelek in Sanhedrin)
1) [line 1] PAMALYA - the attendants of the King (angels)
2) [line 6] KEREN ORAH - a corner (position) of light
3) [line 11] SE'OR SHEBA'ISAH - the sourdough in the dough, i.e. the evil
4) [line 17] MAREK - abolish
5) [line 19] SIDOM - shall be silent
6) [line 21] HA'MISRAGSHOS - that rush forth; that are stirring
7) [line 31] MARGELA B'FUMEI - (a) it was a common saying in the mouth of ...
; (b) it was like a *jewel* in the mouth of ...
8) [line 35] EINO MISGADER BI'MLACHTI - he does not try to distinguish
himself with my form of work (learning)
9) [line 36] V'SHEMA TOMAR, ANI MARBEH V'HU MAM'IT - and if you think that
I can learn very much, whereas he would only learn a little bit (so that it
is not worth his while to learn)
10) [line 37] ARUM B'YIR'AH - shrewd to attain fear of Heaven
11) [line 38] MA'ANEH RACH - soft speech
12) [line 42] UV'MINYAN - (a) greater in age; (b) more respectful
13) [line 45] TACHARUS - competition
14) [line 46] ZIV - splendor
*15*) [line 46] GEDOLAH HAVTACHAH SHE'HIVTICHAN - It is not clear why this
is discussed in our Gemara. Apparently, the Gemara is simply quoting (from
here until the end of the Perek) numerous statements that deal with reward
and punishment (in this world and the next), since we mentioned earlier
what the Word to Come is like.
16) [line 47] "NASHIM SHA'ANANOS, KOMNAH ..." - "Rise up, tranquil women
..." (Yeshayahu 32:9)
17) [line 48] AKRUYEI BENAIHU - they exert themselves to make sure that
their sons learn Pesukim
18) [line 48] ASNUYEI GAVRAIHU - they cause their husbands to learn Mishnah
and Gemara
19) [line 48] NATRIN - wait
20) [line 50] YARCHISH RENANOS - will vibrate/move with praises
21) [line 51] AFAPECHA YEISHIRU NEGDECHA - your eyelids will look directly
in front of you, i.e. you will understand correctly the Torah that you
22) [line 51] V'CHILYOSECHA TA'ALOZNAH MEISHARIM - and your kidneys will
rejoice with statements of justice
23) [line 52] U'FE'AMECHA YARUTZU - your feet shall run
24) [line 52] ATIK YOMIN - the Ancient of Days; the Creator
TZEVACHAH BI'RCHOVOSEINU]" - "Our leaders are laden, [there is neither
outburst, nor defection, nor outcry in our streets]" (Tehilim 144:14)
26) [line 1] SI'ATEINU - our following
27) [line 2] ACHITOFEL - advisor to King David who later aided Avshalom in
the revolt against his father (Shmuel 2:15:12-2:17:23)
28) [line 4] DO'EG HA'ADOMI - minister to King Shaul who personally killed
the Kohanim of the city of Nov (Shmuel 1:21:8-1:22:18)
29) [line 5] GEICHAZI - attendant to Elisha ha'Navi who had poor character
(Melachim 2:4:12-2:5:27)
30) [line 7] SHE'MAKDI'ACH TAVSHILO BA'RABIM - that burns his food (sins)
in public
31) [line 10] NIZONIN BI'ZRO'A - are fed by force, i.e. by their merits
32) [line 16] CHANINA - Ben Dosa, Mishnaic sage of whom many incredible
stories are related in Maseches Berachos 33a-34b; 61b and Maseches Ta'anis
33) [line 18] GOVA'EI TIPSHA'EI - foolish inhabitants of Gobaya, a
Babylonian district inhabited by the Giv'onim (Nesinim)
34) [line 21] YEKARA D'ORAISA - the glory of the Torah (when everyone would
gather together before Sukos and Pesach to learn the Halachos of the
35) [line 24] CHAYISH L'YUHARA - advises against doing certain acts which
might be construed as haughtiness
36) [line 32] MUCHLEFES HA'SHITAH - the opinions have been mistakenly
37) [line 44] NOS'EI HA'MITAH - the people who are carrying the bier upon
which the corpse lies
38) [line 44] CHILUFEIHEN - the people who are ready to *replace* the
people carrying the bier
39) [line 47] SHURAH
At the cemetery after the burial, the people who came to the funeral stand
in rows of not less than ten people and comfort the mourners. The mourners
stand to the left of the comforters, and they pass in front of the mourners
one by one, giving Tanchumin (see above, #11). (Rambam ibid. 13:1-2)
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