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Berachos 7
***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg
and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is
devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara,
Rashi or Tosfos.)
[1] Gemara 7a [line 16]:
"Minayin she'Ein Meratzin l'Adam bi'Sh'as Ka'aso..."
The Dikdukei Sofrim (#30), cites a number of Kisvei Yad which are not Gores
these words here. He supports this by the fact that these are not the words
of Rebbi Yosi, but of Rebbi Shimon (Ben Yochai) at the beginning of Daf 7b,
as the Tzelach and Acharonim point out there. In Maseches Avos 4:18, a
similar quote is cited in the name of Rebbi Shimon *Ben Elazar*. There,
too, it should be corrected to read just "Rebbi Shimon," like the Girsa of
the Machzor Vitri (Avos, ibid).
[2] Gemara 7a [line 19]:
"v'Chamah Rega? Echad me'*58,888* b'Sha'ah"
There is a broad range of variant readings for the number mentioned in this
Agadah (see also Avodah Zarah, bottom of 3a). However, according to the
marginal notes of Rebbi Yeshayah Berlin, this number should read 8,888,
which is the number of verses in the Torah according to the Gemara in
Kidushin 30a. It should be noted, though, that according to the Girsa in
our editions of Kidushin, there are 5,888 Pesukim in the Torah (which is
close to the number of Pesukim (5845) that we actually find in today's
Sifrei Torah, as Rebbi Yeshayah Berlin points out there); accordingly the
Girsa in our Gemara should also be 5,888. The Girsa in Agadas ha'Talmud
(first print of the Ein Yakov), as cited by the Dikdukei Sofrim (#60), is
5,880 (which perhaps should read 5,888), and the Girsa of Rabbeinu Chananel
in Avodah Zarah 4a is *56*,888.
[3] Masores ha'Shas 7a [near the bottom of the right margin]
The references "Sham 34" and "Sham 3" are out of order and should be reversed.
[4] Gemara 7b [line 1]:
"Amar Rebbi Yochanan Mishum Rebbi Shimon Ben Yochai"
It seems obvious that the next statement in which Rebbi Yochanan cites
Rebbi Shimon, "Minayin she'Ein Meratzin l'Adam ..." belongs at the top of
this page and preceds the other statements in which Rebbi Yochanan cites
Rebbi Shimon, since it deals with the issues discusses in the previous
Sugya. Clearly, this is the Gemara's excuse for quoting here the list of
sayings in which Rebbi Yochanan cites Rebbi Shimon (which otherwise are
entirely unrelated to our Gemara.) See above, Girsa #1. However, I have
found no record of such a Girsa in any of the printed or manuscripts
editions of the Gemara. (M. KORNFELD)
[5] Gemara 7b [towards the bottom]:
"u'Chsiv *l'Chaloso* ... uliv'Sof *l'Chaloso*"
This also appears to have been the Girsa of Rashi. However, in our texts of
Divrei ha'Yamim (1:17:9) the verse reads *l'Valoso*
1) [line 27] "CHAVI CHI'M'AT REGA, AD YA'AVOR ZA'AM" - "wait a small
moment, until the wrath passes" (Yeshayahu 26:20)
2) [line 27] KI CHIVRA KARBALTA D'TARNEGOLA - when the comb of the rooster
turns white
3) [line 27] V'KA'I A'CHAD KAR'A - and it stands on one foot
4) [line 28] SHURAIKEI SUMKEI - (O.F. tajes) red speckles. It seems that at
a certain point in the morning these red speckles on the comb turn white.
5) [line 29] BI'KRA'EI - by asking him questions on verses in the Torah
6) [line 30] KAR'EI D'ARSA - the foot of his (Rebbi Yehoshua Ben Levi's)
7) [line 30] ALATYEI - I will curse him
8) [line 33] MARDUS - a blow; self-directed criticism
enters more into an wise man, than hitting a fool a hundred times (Mishlei 17)
10) [line 50] D'VA'A MOSHE RACHAMEI - Moshe begged mercy
11) [line 51] UKMAH B'ZAR'EI - HaSh-m made it happen to his progeny
Gemara switches at this point from Rebbi Yochanan's quotes of Rebbi Yosi,
to his quotes of Rebbi Shimon Ben Yochai. It is apparent that the switch
was prompted by Rebbi Yochanan's *next* citation of Rebbi Shimon Ben
Yochai, which is closely connected to the previous Sugyos, It is unclear
why that statement was not mentioned before this one, since it provides the
connecting link. (See Girsa section #4)
13) [line 16] L'VEN CHAMI - to Esav, the son of my father-in-law
14) [line 24] SHE'RIVAHU - who pleased; satisfied
15) [line 24] SHEMA GARIM - a person's name has an effect on his nature
16) [line 26] TARBUS RA'AH - bad conduct
17) [line 26] MILCHEMES GOG U'MAGOG -
Magog is first mentioned among the sons of Yefes, son of No'ach, in
Bereishis 10:2. The prophet Yechezkel (chapters 38-39) describes a
cataclysmic war lead by Gog of the land of Magog, where many nations
combine forces to wage war against the land of Yisrael. The prophecy
assures Gog that Hash-m Himself will ruin the war effort and will destroy
all of his multitudes. It is traditionally assumed that this war will take
place at the end of days, preceeding the relevation of Hash-m as master of
His world. The suffering of all of the people involved will be
unprecedented. The phrase Milchemes Gog u'Magog has become Chazal's
archetype for unusual misery and affliction.
18) [line 32] L'HISGAR'OS BA'RESHA'IM - to start up with the wicked
19) [line 34] V'IM LACHSHECHA ADAM - if a person whispers to you
20) [line 34] MI SHE'LIBO NOKFO - a person who feels insecure
21) [line 36] SHE'HA'SHA'AH MESACHEKES LO - the occurrences of the time are
in his favor
22) [line 38] "KOL TZORERAV, YAFI'ACH BAHEM" - "all of his adversaries, he
puffs at them" (Tehilim 10:5). He is able to repel his adversaries with
little effort
23) [line 48] L'CHANFEI L'MAR ASARAH - you should gather ten people
24) [last line] LEISI V'LOD'EI L'MAR - let him come and tell you
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