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Berachos 6

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Tosfos 6a DH ha'Mispalel:
The words "Piresh Rabbeinu *Tam*" (R"T)
should be "Piresh Rabbeinu *Chananel*" (R"CH)
This is the way it is brought in the Tur Orach Chayim #90, and so it
appears from Talmidei Rabbeinu Yonah. It is also indeed to be found in the
Peirush of Rabbeinu Chananel.

1) [line 6] MAZIKIN - demons
2) [line 7] KI KISLA L'UGYA - like a furrow that surrounds the ditch in which a grapevine is planted

3) [line 9] DUCHAKA - feeling of being cramped
4) [line 10] KALAH - the assembly of Babylonian students in the months of Adar and Elul
5) [line 10] BIRKEI D'SHALHEI - weary knees
5) [line 11] MANEI D'RABANAN D'VALU - clothes of the scholars that wear out
6) [line 11] ME'CHUFYA DIDHU - (O.F. freier) from their friction (rubbing)
7) [line 12] KAREI D'MENAKFAN - knocking legs
8) [line 13] KITMA NEHILA - sifted ashes
9) [line 13] U'NEHADER A'PURYEI - and spread it on the floor around his bed
10a) [line 15] SHILYESA - fetal membranes in which the fetus forms; alt. placenta
b) [line 15] SHUNRISA - a female cat
c) [line 15] UCHMESA - black
d) [line 16] BUCHARTA - first-born
11) [line 18] GUVSA D'FARZELA - an iron tube
12) [line 18] GUSHPANKA - seal
13) [line 38] MICHTEVAN MILAIHU - their words are written
14) [line 40] DINA, SHELAMA B'ALMA - passing judgment is merely making peace
15) [line 48] "HE'EMARTA" - "you extolled"
16) [line 49] CHATIVAH ACHAS - a singular Object of praise


17) [line 1] B'EDRE'EI - on [the Tefilin of] His arm
18) [line 4] "SHOME'A B'KOL AVDO" - lit., "who hearkens to the voice of his servant (prophet)" (Yeshayahu 50:10); homiletically, "who listens to the voice of the Chazan" (MAHARSHA)

19) [line 13] OMRIM LO - they say about him
20) [line 21] L'MIRHAT - to run

21a) [line 25] AGRA D'FIRKA, RAHATA - the reward given for listening to a Derashah is for *running* to hear the Derasha (RASHI); the reward is given when one runs so that he gets there in time to hear the whole Derashah (RABBEINU CHANANEL)
b) [line 25] AGRA D'CHALAH, DUCHKA - the reward given for coming to the class in the Halachos of each holiday was for the discomfort felt because of the large crowd. The class was given on the Shabbos before each holiday.
c) [line 25] AGRA D'SHEMA'ATA, SEVARA - the reward given for learning a Sugya is for the toil entailed in understanding the logical arguments behind the Sugya
d) [line 26] AGRA D'VEI TAMAYA SHETIKUSA - the reward given to a mourner who sits in a house of mourning is for his remaining silent (and accepting HaSh-m's decree with love) (RABBEINU CHANANEL); the reward given to those who visit a mourner is for remaining silent until the mourner starts a conversation (RAMBAM Hilchos Avel 13:3)
e) [line 26] AGRA D'TA'ANISA, TZIDKASA - the reward given for fasting is for the charity given to the paupers so that they can buy food to break their fast
f) [line 26] AGRA D'HESPEDA, DELUYEI - the reward for a person who is giving a eulogy is for the raising of his voice so that the people will cry
g) [line 27] AGRA D'VEI HILULEI, MILEI - the reward given for participating in a wedding is for the words spoken to make the Chasan happy

22) [line 29] IDMI LEI K'TA'AYA - he appeared to him like an Arab merchant

23) [line 30] KEDU BAR, KAIMAS KAMEI MARACH - you are standing before your Master as if there are two omnipotent powers

24) [line 30] SHALAF SAFSERA - he drew his sword

25) [line 31] "KRUM ZULUS, LI'VNEI ADAM" (Tehilim 12) - "when vileness is exalted among the children of men"

*26*) [line 32] KEIVAN SHE'NITZTARECH ADAM LA'BERIYOS - that is, the Gemara interprets the beginning of the verse "Saviv Resha'im Yis'halachun" ("The wicked walk on every side"), as referring to the creditors who are calling in their outstanding loans.

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