by Rabbi Ephraim Becker Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Beitzah 19
(a) (Tana Kama) It is not permitted to immerse a Keli
(which became Tamei that day) on Erev YomTov during
Bein HaShemashos.
(b) (R. Shimon Shezuri) The same holds for any other day
owing to the fact that a Keli needs nightfall after
Tevilah before it can be used.
(c) Question: Does the Tana Kama (who seems to permit
Tevilas Bein HaShemashos on a Yom Chol) not hold that a
Keli requires He'erev Shemesh?
(d) Answer (Rava citing the students of Rav): The Machlokes
revolves around relying on the implications of his
actions (in a case where the person is running with the
Keli during Bein HaShemashos to do Tevilah).
1. The Tana Kama permits on a weekday because his
running demonstrates his preparedness to stop if
he does not have He'erev Shemesh (but we restrict
his YomTov activity lest he toil for naught).
2. R. Shimon Shezuri prohibits and does not attribute
his running to anything but his work pattern.
(e) Answer (Rava, his own view): While all concur that
one's actions reveal his intent, they argue whether his
demonstrated (through his question) lack of knowledge
in another area (the Shiur of Tumah, which is not
explicit) causes us to assume his lack of familiarity
with He'erev Shemesh (which is in the Pasuk) as well.
(a) Question: What is Tevilah from Gav to Gav?
(b) Answer: One immerses his Kelim for use with wine or oil
after they were already immersed for oil or wine (this
Tevilah is unnecessary and thus permitted on YomTov).
(c) Question: What is Tevilah from one Chaburah to another?
(d) Answer: Re-immersing his Kelim after doing so to eat
with one Chaburah, in anticipation of eating with a
different Chaburah (again, an unnecessary Tevilah).
(a) (Beis Shamai) One may bring Shelamim, without Semichah,
on YomTov, but not Olos (which are not eaten).
(b) (Beis Hillel) They are both brought, with Semichah.
(a) (Ula) (There is no dispute that Shalmei Chagigah are
brought and that Nedarim and Nedavos are not brought)
the argument is whether there is Semichah by Shalmei
Chagigah and whether Olos Rei'ah are to be brought.
1. Beis Shamai interprets the word Chagosem to permit
Chagigah, not Olos Rei'ah.
2. Beis Hillel interprets the word LaShem in that
Pasuk to allow anything brought to HaShem.
3. R. Ada b. Ahavah affirms that Nedarim and Nedavos
are not brought on YomTov.
(b) Question: But R. Shimon b. Elazar taught that there is
agreement that non-YomTov Olos may not be brought and
YomTov Shelamim are brought and they argue only about
bringing YomTov Olos and non-YomTov Shelamim!?
(c) Answer: That Beraisa should be emended and taught in
accordance with Ula.
(d) Question (R. Yosef): Why do you insist that there can
only be one position of Tanaim; let the matter be a
Machlokes Tanaim, where this Tana disagrees with Ula
(and allows Nedarim and Nedavos), but another Tana
supports him (not permitting Nedarim and Nedavos)!?
1. (Beis Shamai) Semichah is done on YomTov Shelamim
before YomTov.
2. (Beis Hillel) Semichah is done on YomTov.
3. All agree that Nedarim and Nedavos are not brought
on YomTov.
(a) The following Tanaim are similarly arguing over whether
Nedarim and Nedavos are brought on YomTov:
1. (Tana Kama) A Todah (which is Nedarim and Nedavos)
may only be brought on (Chol HaMoed) Sukos.
2. (R. Shimon) If a Korban may not be brought on
Pesach it cannot be brought on (Shavuos or) Sukos.
3. (R. Elazar b.R. Shimon) A Todah may not only be
brought on Sukos, but one fulfills Simchah
(b) We analyze the Tana Kama's position in search of the
reported Machlokes regarding Nedarim and Nedavos:
1. Question: The Tana Kama's statement that a Todah
may not be brought on Pesach because it is Chametz
is obvious!?
2. Answer (R. Ada b.R. Yitzhok): We are prohibiting
bringing the Todah even on Erev Pesach (when
Chametz will have to be burnt before the Korban
would have to be consumed) in order to protect it
from having to be burnt.
3. The Tana Kama's second statement, that the Todah
cannot be brought on Shavuos because of YomTov
establishes him as the first position, forbidding
Nedarim and Nedavos on YomTov.
4. His third statement, that the Todah may be brought
on Sukos must be speaking of Chol HaMoed (since he
just taught that it may not be brought on YomTov).
(c) We analyze R. Shimon's position:
1. R. Shimon appears to be prohibiting Nedarim and
Nedavos even on Chol HaMoed.
2. Question (R. Zeira): If we are allowed to chop
wood on Chol HaMoed for YomTov needs, then
certainly we are permitted to offer Nedarim and
3. Answer (Abaye): The discussion between Tana Kama
and R. Shimon is about the timing of Bal T'acher
(not about Nedarim and Nedavos on YomTov).
i. Tana Kama holds that the Lav is violated
after three consecutive Regalim, counting
from the time he made the Neder.
ii. R. Shimon holds that the three Regalim in
their order must pass for the person to be in
violation of the Lav.
(d) We analyze the position of R. Elazar b.R. Shimon:
1. He allows the Todah to be brought on Sukos.
2. Question: If he allows it on Chol HaMoed, then his
position is the same as the Tana Kama!?
3. Answer: He allows it on YomTov, and he is the
second opinion in the Machlokes which R. Yosef
referred to above.
4. Question: But why did he single out Sukos as being
permitted for bringing the Todah?
5. Answer: To affirm his position in the Bal T'Acher
discussion that Sukos alone causes the Lav.
i. (R. Shimon) Sukos is mentioned in the Pasuk
which is already dealing with Sukos to teach
that it is the last Regel in the sequence of
three Regalim which must pass to violate the
Lav (c.3.ii. above).
ii. (R. Elazar b.R. Shimon) Sukos alone can cause
the violation (if the vow was taken just
before Sukos, he would only have Sukos to
fulfil his vow).
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