by Rabbi Ephraim Becker Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Beitzah 18
(a) Question: Why is it clearly not permitted to immerse a
Keli on Shabbos?
(b) Answer (Rabah): It is a Gezeirah lest one carry the
Keli to or from the Mikveh.
1. Question (Abaye): What would then be the Halachah
is one had a Mikveh on his property?
2. Answer: We would prohibit that lest we come to
permit the Mikveh outside his property.
3. Question: What about on YomTov (without the Isur
4. Answer: We prohibit on YomTov lest he permit it on
5. Question: But the Mishnah does not apply that
reasoning (which would cause us to prohibit
Hashakah lest we come to permit Tevilah)!?
6. Answer: The situation is obviously one in which he
has no other water, and the care which he will
naturally exercise precludes the need for a
Gezeirah there.
7. Question: Then how could the Beraisa permit
drawing water with a Keli Tamei (lest he come to
immerse the Keli itself without drawing with it)!?
8. Answer: The fact that he is only permitted to
lower the Keli in order to draw with it serves as
a reminder that he may not immerse it directly (or
carry it).
9. Question: How could the Beraisa permit the
immersion of a Keli which became Tamei on YomTov,
lest he come to immerse a Keli which became Tamei
before YomTov!?
10. Answer: Tumah on YomTov is unlikely (given the
Taharah preparations before YomTov) and thus not
subject to a Gezeirah.
11. Question: Again, we should apply the Gezeirah
reasoning to prohibit immersing a Keli which was
exposed to a Vlad HaTumah (which is Tumah
d'Rabanan in Keilim) lest we immerse one exposed
to an Av HaTumah!?
12. Answer: Such a Keli is only relevant to Kohanim,
who are Zerizim.
13. Question: We should prohibit a woman from
immersing with her clothing lest she immerse the
clothing separately!?
14. Answer: The fact that she is only permitted to
immerse with her clothing will serve as a reminder
(not to carry the items to the Mikveh).
(c) Answer (R. Yosef): It is a Gezeirah lest one come to
1. Question (Abaye): What about non-squeezable Kelim?
2. Answer (R. Yosef): Gezeirah.
3. Question: All the above questions.
4. Answer: All the above answers.
(d) Answer (R. Bibi): It is a Gezeirah lest one leave his
Kelim for Tevilah on YomTov (supported by a Beraisa).
(e) Answer (Rava): Tevilah is prohibited since it appears
like Mesaken Keli.
1. Question: Then the same should apply to a person!?
2. Answer: A person gives the appearance of going
into the water to cool off.
3. Question: But what if the water is turbid?
4. Answer (R. Nachman b. Yitzhok): A tired person
might use even this water.
5. Question: What about when he is not so hot, as in
the rainy season?
6. Answer (R. Nachman b. Yitzhok): A person who is
soiled might rinse off even during the rainy
7. Question: How could it be permitted on Yom Kipur?
8. Answer (Rava): Whatever (Ho'il) is permitted on
Shabbos is permitted on Yom Kipur.
i. Question: But we find that Rava does not
subscribe to Ho'il (since he gave a different
answer to resolve the contradictory Beraisos
dealing with eating and Refuah)?
ii. Answer: Rava reversed his position in that
discussion, and applied Ho'il.
iii. Question: How do we know that he reversed his
position there in favor of Ho'il; perhaps he
reversed his position here against Ho'il?!
iv. Answer: That seems unlikely given the Beraisa
which permits Tevilah on Yom Kipur (which
must be on account of Ho'il).
(a) Question: What is meant by not doing Tevilah?
(b) Answer (Shmuel): It prohibits doing Hashakah with the
water within a Keli in order to be Metaher the Keli as
(c) Question: Who is the author of our Mishnah?
1. (Rebbi) One may not do Tevilah or Hashakah.
2. (Rabanan) One may do either.
3. According to Rebbi, Hashakah is not permitted, yet
our Mishnah permits it.
4. According to Rabanan, Tevilah is permitted and our
Mishnah forbids it!?
(d) Answer: Our Mishnah could be either Rebbi or Rabanan.
1. If Rebbi, we will assume that he forbids Tevilah
on YomTov (when only Hashakah is permitted) and
prohibits Hashakah (the second part of his
statement in the Beraisa) on Shabbos (while our
Mishnah is speaking entirely about YomTov).
2. If Rabanan, they permit both on YomTov and our
Mishnah would be speaking entirely about Shabbos.
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