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Beitzah 33
1) [line 1] BEI'ASA - (a) eggs [that are placed on a tripod-like utensil
(O.F. trepied)] (RASHI); (b) eggs [that are placed over a grill (O.F.
gradil) or over pieces of firewood] (RASHI to Eruvin 101a); (c) an egg [that
is placed over a configuration of other eggs or firewood] (RABEINU CHANANEL,
TOSFOS to Eruvin 101a)
2) [line 1] KEDERAH - a pot [that is placed over the fire and supported by
3) [line 1] PURYA - a (traveling) bed
4) [line 1] CHAVISA - large jugs [that are being stored in a configuration
of (a) one on top of two (RASHI)]; (b) rows (RASHI to Eruvin 101a)
All food items or utensils may be used for any purpose whatsoever on Yom
Tov. Tana'im and Amora'im argue as to the extent of the use of wood on Yom
Tov. Those who hold "Lo Nitnu Etzim Ela l'Hasakah" rule that since wood
often is used for purposes that involve the transgression of Yom Tov, such
as making utensils, it may only be used as fuel for cooking and baking
(RASHI 33b DH Lo Yitol).
6) [line 10] K'MAN D'AZIL L'CHINGA - like he is going to the marketplace [to
sell them]
7) [line 11] CHIZRA - a branch with a pointed end that can be used as a spit
8) [line 11] RETIVA - a moist [branch]
9) [line 21] DIR HA'ETZIM - a shed for storing wood
10a) [line 21] UD - (O.F. forgon) a poker, an instrument used to stoke a
b) [line 21] LITOL MEHEN UD - to take a piece of wood to use as a poker
11) [line 22] L'HASIKO - to burn as fuel
12) [line 24] MUKTZAH (NOLAD)
(a) MUKTZAH - The word Muktzah literally means "set aside at the brink [of
one's intentions for use]." The term is used to describe items that are set
aside not to be used right now, such as wood stacked in a barn. In a broader
sense, the word Muktzah includes anything that a person did not intend to
use during Bein ha'Shemashos at the start of Shabbos (or Yom Tov), for
whatever reason it may be.
(b) THE ARGUMENT OF THE TANA'IM - Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon argue as to
whether one may move or use on Shabbos items that fit into certain
categories of Muktzah. There are at least six different categories of
Muktzah over which Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon disagree [1. Hiktzehu
mi'Da'ato; 2. Nolad; 3. Muktzah Machmas Isur (also known as Migo
d'Iskatza'i); 4. Muktzah Machmas Mi'us; 5. Keli she'Melachto Eino Ela
l'Isur; 6. Muchan l'Adam Eino Muchan l'Kelavim.] On Shabbos, objects that
fit into one of these categories may not be moved according to Rebbi
Yehudah. There are other categories of Muktzah that may not be moved
according to both Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon [such as 1. Muktzah Machmas
Gufo; 2. Huktzah l'Mitzvaso; 3. Davar she'Eino Ra'uy she'Decha'o b'Yadayim;
4. Davar he'Asur Bein ha'Shemashos she'Lo Chashav she'Yavo l'Yedei Heter
b'Shabbos; 5. Muktzah Machmas Chisaron Kis.]
(c) NOLAD - When an item did not exist in its present form during Bein
ha'Shemashos between Friday and Shabbos, but rather it was created (or was
significantly changed) on Shabbos, it belongs to the category of Muktzah
known as Nolad ("born"). Utensils that broke on Shabbos did not exist in
their present form before Shabbos. Therefore, they are considered Nolad.
Similarly, date pits from dates that were eaten on Shabbos are Nolad, since
they were part of a fruit when Shabbos entered and emerged as pits only on
Shabbos. Moving such items is prohibited according to Rebbi Yehudah, since a
person could not have had in mind to use them before Shabbos, when they did
not yet exist. It is permitted according to Rebbi Shimon, since he holds
that advance positive intention to use an item on Shabbos is not necessary.
13) [line 26] ME'EI - its intestines
14) [line 26] SHUNRA - a cat
15) [line 26] MASRECHEI - they spoil
16) [line 28] KISAM - a small thin stick
17) [line 28] MI'SHE'LEFANAV - from what is found in his house
18) [line 5] LACHTZOS BO SHINAV - to clean between his teeth
19) [line 29] MEGABEV - a person may gather together sticks and straw
20) [line 33] RE'AFIM - (O.F. tiules) tiles
21) [line 33] MELABNIN - heat (until the tiles become white-hot)
22) [line 3] L'HANIF BAHEN - to use them as a fan (O.F. venteler - to wave
in the air)
23) [line 4] MOLELO - he rubs it between his fingers
24) [line 4] LO YIKTEMENU - he should not break it
25) [line 8] KASHIN - hard sticks (which are not fit to be fed to animals)
26) [line 18] GROGEROS - dried figs
27a) [line 22] HAVAH MEFASHE'ACH V'YAHIV LAN - he would break off and give
us (O.F. esenbrajier - break off branches)
b) [line 22] ALVASA ALVASA - many large sticks [from a cut branch]
28) [line 23] KATASA D'NARGEI V'CHATZINEI - the handles of axes and
[carpenter's] adzes (a type of ax)
29) [line 26] EIVUS - a feeding stall or trough
30) [line 37] MUSTEKEI - broken utensils that have been put together again
with pitch (O.F. resine - resin)
31) [line 39] TZEVURIN TZEVURIN - piles
32) [line 41] MACHNIF - gather together
33) [line 42] KEDERASO MOCHACHAS ALAV - his pot of food proves that he is
gathering sticks and straw for today
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