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1) [line 11] MEDALIN - it is permitted to draw water
2) [line 19] AV HA'TUMAH
(c) When one object makes another object Tamei, the second object has a weaker Tum'ah than the first. If something becomes Tamei from an Av, it is called a Rishon l'Tum'ah. A Rishon makes a Sheni l'Tum'ah. (Liquids are an exception to this rule. The Chachamim decreed that liquids should always be like a Rishon; even if touched by a Sheni.) (d) Chulin cannot be made Tamei mid'Oraisa by a Sheni L'Tum'ah. Even mid'Rabanan, a Sheni cannot make Chulin into a Shelishi L'Tum'ah. Terumah, however, can become a Shelishi L'Tum'ah. (Also, if someone guarded his Chulin from Tum'ah as one normally guards Terumah, it is called "Chulin she'Na'asu Al Taharas Terumah," and can become a Shelishi.) (e) Terumah that is a Shelishi l'Tum'ah cannot make other Terumah Temei'ah. However, it may not be eaten. It is referred to as "Pesulah" (invalid) rather than "Temei'ah." Kodesh (objects associated with the sacrifices) that is touched by a Shelishi l'Tum'ah can become a Revi'i. A Revi'i of Kodesh is also called "Pasul," since it cannot make other items of Kodesh become Tamei. 3) [line 20] VELAD HA'TUMAH (AL YEDEI MASHKIN) (a) In general, the various levels of Tum'ah are called, respectively: 1. Av ha'Tum'ah, 2. Rishon l'Tum'ah, 3. Sheni and 4. Shelishi. The latter two (Sheni and Shelishi) are called "Velad ha'Tum'ah." (b) Normally, utensils can only become an Av ha'Tum'ah or a Rishon l'Tum'ah, but they cannot become a Velad ha'Tum'ah. However, the Chachamim decreed that liquids that are touched by a Rishon or Sheni can make utensils become Teme'im (Shabbos 14b, and Tosfos DH Ela b'Mashkin). A utensil that becomes Tamei mid'Rabanan in such a manner is called a Velad ha'Tum'ah. (c) The reason for the decree of the Chachamim that liquids which acquire Tum'ah from a Rishon and Sheni l'Tum'ah are Metamei utensils, is that there are liquids which are Metamei utensils mid'Oraisa; namely the bodily liquids of a Zav or Zavah. The Zov, semen, saliva and urine of a Zav, and the blood, saliva and urine of a Zavah are all Avos ha'Tum'ah. 4) [line 25] MA'AREMES - she uses a form of deception [to accomplish something that is usually prohibited]
5) [line 26] L'ATBULEI B'EINEI - to immerse them in a Mikvah by themselves 7) [line 37] NIR'EH K'MEIKAR - he appears to be cooling himself off
8) [line 1] SHERAV - a time of dry heat