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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Bava Basra 113

BAVA BASRA 113 (2 Av) - Dr. and Mrs. Andy and Dianne Koenigsberg, of New York, have dedicated this Daf l'Iluy Nishmas Dianne's father, Reb Aharon Dovid ben Elimelech Shmuel Kornfeld (Muncasz-Mukachevo/Israel/New York), who passed away on 2 Av 5761. May his love for Mitzvos and for Eretz Yisrael be preserved in all of his descendants.


(a) (Beraisa): "V'Lo Tisov Nachalah mi'Mateh l'Mateh Acher" - this refers to transfer through the husband;
1. Suggestion: Perhaps it speaks of transfer through the son!
2. Rejection: "V'Lo Tisov Nachalah li'Vnei Yisrael mi'Mateh El Mateh" - this speaks of transfer through the son!
i. It must be, the other verse speaks of transfer through the husband
(b) Question: Both Beraisos agree that "V'Lo Tisov Nachalah mi'Mateh l'Mateh Acher" refers to transfer through the husband - how did the Tana'im know this?
(c) Answer #1 (Rabah Bar Rav Shilo): The verse says "Ish" (which can mean 'husband').
(d) Objection: Both verses say "Ish"!
(e) Answer #2 (Rav Nachman Bar Yitzchak): It says "Yidbeku" (clinging is said by a husband).
(f) Objection: Both verses say "Yidbeku"!
(g) Answer #3 (Rava): It says "Yidbeku Matos" (marriage makes two tribes cling).
(h) Answer #4 (Rav Ashi): It says, "L'Mateh Acher" - a son that inherits is not called 'Acher'.
(a) Question (R. Avahu): How do we know that a husband does not inherit what was potentially going to be his wife's, and that he only inherits what she had when she died?
(b) Answer (R. Avahu): "U'Sguv Holid Es Ya'ir vaYhi Lo Esrim v'Shalosh Arim".
1. Question: How would Ya'ir have land that did not belong to his father?
2. Answer: It must be, Seguv married a woman, and she died before a relative that was standing to bequeath to her. When that relative died, Ya'ir inherited through his mother.
(c) It also says, "V'Elazar...va'Yikberu Oso b'Giv'as Pinchas Beno".
1. Question: How did Pinchas have land that did not belong to his father?
2. Answer: It must be, Elazar married a woman, and she died before a relative that was standing to bequeath to her. When that relative died, Pinchas inherited through his mother.
(d) Question: Why was it also necessary to bring a proof from Pinchas?
(e) Answer: One might have said that Ya'ir married a woman and inherited her; therefore, he brought a proof from Pinchas.
1. Suggestion: Perhaps Pinchas received a Cherem field!
2. Rejection: It says "(B'Giv'as Pinchas) Beno" - the inheritance was fitting to fall to Elazar, but fell to his son.
(a) (Mishnah): Sons of sisters ...
(b) (Beraisa): Sons of sisters, not daughters of sisters.

(c) Question: What does this teach?
(d) Answer (Rav Sheshes): That the sons inherit before the daughters.
(e) (Rav Shmuel Bar Rav Yitzchak): "V'Yarash" - this equates the second inheritance (i.e. not of sons) to the first inheritance (of sons).
1. Just as sons inherit before daughters, also regarding other inheritances, sons inherit before daughters.
(f) (Rabah Bar Chanina): "B'Yom Hanchilu Es Banav" - inheritances fall during the day, not at night.
(g) Question (Abaye): Will you say that if a man dies at night, his children don't inherit him?!
1. Suggestion (Abaye): Perhaps you referred to judging cases of inheritance.
2. (Beraisa): "V'Haysah li'Vnei Yisrael l'Chukas Mishpat" - the entire Parsha is given the status of judgment.
3. (Rav Yehudah): Three men came to visit a sick man (and he commanded who should inherit his property) - they may write down his command, or execute it, whichever they want.
i. If two men came, they write down his command, but may not execute it.
4. (Rav Huna): This only applies during the day; at night, even three can only write, and they cannot execute (even the next day).
5. This is because they were only fit to be witnesses when they heard the command, not judges; and a witness cannot be a judge (on what he saw).
(h) Answer (Rabah Bar Chaninah): Yes, I referred to judging inheritance.
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