Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Bava Basra 112
BAVA BASRA 112 - This Daf has been dedicated in honor of the birth of Ayala
Kramer (Yerushalayim). May she grow to be a source of Nachas and a credit to
her parents and all of Klal Yisrael.
(a) Question: Why did R. Yishmael need a second verse?
(b) Answer: One might have said, perhaps a husband does not
inherit his wife, and the Torah forbade a woman that
inherits from marrying into a different tribe because her
son (who will be of her husband's tribe) will inherit
1. Therefore, he cited "V'Lo Tisov Nachalah li'Vnei
Yisrael mi'Mateh El Mateh";
2. One might have said, that does not teach that a
husband inherits, rather it adds a Lav to the
positive prohibition for her to marry into another
3. Therefore he cited "V'Lo Tisov Nachalah mi'Mateh
l'Mateh Acher".
4. One might have said, that only comes to add a second
Lav, along with the positive prohibition for her to
marry into another tribe;
5. Therefore, he cited "V'Elazar...b'Giv'as Pinchas".
6. Question: How would Pinchas have land if he did not
inherit it from his father?
7. One might have said, *Elazar* married a woman that
inherited from her father, and Pinchas inherited his
8. Therefore, he cited "U'Sguv Holid Es Ya'ir vaYhi Lo
Esrim v'Shalosh Arim".
9. Suggestion: Perhaps there also, Ya'ir inherited his
10. Rejection: If so there would be two verses showing
that a man inherits his mother!
(c) Question (Rav Papa): Perhaps a husband does not inherit;
the three verses of the Torah all speak of transfer of
inheritance through the son; and Ya'ir and Pinchas bought
(d) Answer (Abaye): You cannot say that Pinchas bought a
field and buried his father in it - since the field
reverts to the seller in Yovel, Elazar would be buried in
someone else's land!
(e) Objection: Still, one could say that Pinchas received a
Cherem field (it is given to the Kohanim in Yovel).
(a) Version #1 (Rashbam) Question (Abaye): A daughter that
inherits both her parents - even if she marries a man of
her father's tribe, her mother's property will transfer!
(b) Suggestion: Perhaps we are not concerned for this, since
the inheritance already transferred from her mother's
tribe to her father's.
(c) Rejection: Perhaps we are still concerned.
(d) Version #2 (Tosfos) Question (Abaye): If the husband does
not inherit his wife, there will still be transferal of
1. A daughter that inherits her father and mother, and
they are of different tribes - no matter who she
marries, there is a transfer!
2. (If a husband inherits his wife, we shall see that
there is a way to prevent additional transfer.)
(e) Suggestion (Rav Papa): Perhaps we are not concerned for
this, since the inheritance already transferred from her
mother's tribe to her father's.
(f) Rejection (Abaye): No, we are still concerned.(End of
Version #2)
(g) Question (Rav Yemar): We understand if we are no longer
concerned - the verses of the Torah speak of transferal
through the husband and the son (in both cases, it
suffices to marry a man of her father's tribe);
1. But if we are still concerned - even if she marries
a man of her father's tribe, this still transfers
the inheritance of her mother!
(h) Answer (Rav Ashi): She marries a man whose parents are
from the same two tribes as her parents; when he inherits
her, no additional transfer occurs.
(i) Question: If so - the Torah should have commanded her to
marry 'A man of the tribe of her father and mother'!
(j) Answer: Had it said so, one would have thought that it
suffices if her husband's father is from her mother's
tribe, and her husband's mother is from her father's
(k) There are two Beraisos; one first learns transfer through
the son, and then transfer through the husband; the other
learns in the reverse order.
1. (Beraisa): "V'Lo Tisov Nachalah li'Vnei Yisrael
mi'Mateh El Mateh" - this refers to transfer through
the son;
2. Suggestion: Perhaps it speaks of transfer through
the husband!
3. Rejection: "V'Lo Tisov Nachalah mi'Mateh l'Mateh
Acher" - this speaks of transfer through the
i. It must be, the first verse speaks of transfer
through the son.
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