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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Bava Basra 75

BAVA BASRA 71-75 - Sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.


(i) (Rav Dimi): Gavri'el will fight Livyasan (Rashba - to end this world when its allotted time expires) - "Timshoch Livyasan b'Chakah..."
1. He cannot defeat it without Hash-m's help (because Hash-m gave everything power to endure, only He can end it) - "Ha'Oso Yagesh Charbo".
(j) (Rav Dimi): When Livyasan is hungry, it spews hot air from its mouth and boils [makes foam] all the water in the depths - "Yati'ach la'Sir Metzulah";
1. If it would not put its mouth in Gan Eden, no creature could stand its smell - "Yam Yasim ka'Merkachah".
(k) When it is thirsty (and drinks), it makes furrows in the sea - "Acharav Ya'ir Nasiv" (the depths are uncovered).
(l) (Rav Acha bar Yakov): The depths do not return to normal for 70 years - "Yachshov Tehom l'Seivah".
1. Seivah is never less than 70 years.
(m) (Rabah): In the future, Hash-m will make a feast for Tzadikim from the meat of the Livyasan - "Yichru Alav Chabarim".
1. 'Karah' is a language of a meal - "Va'Yichreh Lahem Kerah Gedolah va'Yochelu va'Yishtu".
2. "Chabarim" refers to Chachamim - "Ha'Yosheves ba'Ganim Chaverim Makshivim l'Kolech Hashmi'ini".
3. The rest of Livyasan will be divided among Chachamim and sold in the markets of Yerushalayim (ha'Rif - it will be given to those who supported Chachamim) - "Yechetzuhu Bein Kena'anim";
i. "Kena'anim" means merchants - "Kena'an b'Yado Mozenei Mirmah"
ii. We could also learn from "Sochareha Sarim Kin'aneha Nichbadei Aretz".
(n) (Rabah): In the future, Hash-m will make a Sukah for Tzadikim from the skin of the Livyasan - "Ha'Smalei b'Sukos Oro";
1. It is a Sukah (Rashbam - complete, with walls) for one who merits [did Mitzvos purely to serve Hash-m]; for one with less merit [his Mitzvos were in order to get reward from Hash-m], it is only shade [protects from the day of judgment] - "Uv'Tzaltzal Dagim Rosho".
2. For one with less merit [his Mitzvos were in order to get honor from people], it is a necklace - "Va'Anakim l'Gargerosecha".
3. For one with even less merits [his Mitzvos were in order to get reward from people], it is an amulet - "V'Siksherenu l'Na'arosecha".
4. Hash-m spreads the rest on the walls of Yerushalayim, its radiance shines to the ends of the world - "V'Halchu Goyim l'Orech...".
(i) (R. Shmuel bar Nachmani): "V'Samti Kadchod Shimshosayich" [Hash-m will make a new source of light for us] - two angels argue about this, Micha'el and Gavri'el;
1. Some say, two Amora'im argue about it, Yehudah and Chizkiyah, sons of R. Chiya;
2. One opinion says that this is Shoham, the other says Yashfeh (precious stones of the Choshen).
3. Hash-m decides that it will be 'K'dein uke'Dein (from "Kadchod", i.e. both will be used).
(j) "U'Sh'arayich l'Avnei Ekdach" - as R. Yochanan taught.
1. (R. Yochanan): Hash-m will bring gems and pearls 30 Amos by 30 Amos, and carve out a hole 10 Amos by 20 Amos, and erect them at the gates of Yerushalayim.
2. A Talmid jeered: Today we don't find gems the size of a small egg, will such giant gems be found?!
3. Shortly after this, he was on a boat (Ya'avetz - used names of Hash-m,) and saw angels sawing holes in gems, exactly like the dimensions that R. Yochanan taught. He asked what they are for; they answered, Hash-m will put them by the gates of Yerushalayim in the future. He told R. Yochanan that his teaching was correct.
4. R. Yochanan: Had you not seen it, you would not believe it?! You mock the words of Chachamim!
i. R. Yochanan put his eyes on the Talmid, he became a mound of bones.
(k) Question (Beraisa - R. Meir): "Va'Olech Eschem Komemiyus" - the gates will be 200 Amos tall, twice the Komah (height) of Adam ha'Rishon;
1. R. Yehudah says, it will be 100 Amos, like the height of Heichal and its wall - "Benoseinu ch'Zaviyos Mechutavos Tavnis Heichal".
(l) Answer: R. Yochanan refers to the gates around the windows in the wall.
(m) (Rabah): In the future, Hash-m will make seven canopies for every Tzadik - "U'Vara Hash-m...Anan Yomam (1) v'Ashan (2) v'Nogah (3) Esh (4) Lehavah (5) Laylah Ki Al Kol Kavod Chupah (6). V'Sukah Tihyeh l'Tzel Yom (7)";
1. "Ki Al Kol Kavod" teaches that Hash-m makes a canopy for everyone according to his honor.
(n) Question: Why is there smoke?
(o) Answer (R. Chanina): Anyone who is stingy with Chachamim (does not want them to enjoy his property) in this world, his eyes are filled with smoke in the world to come.
(p) Question: Why is there fire?
(q) Answer (R. Chanina): Everyone is singed by the canopy of someone greater (he will regret that he did not attain that level).
1. Woe, the shame a person will feel!
(r) Similarly: "V'Nasata me'Hodecha Alav" - but not all of your glory.;
1. Chachamim of that generation said that Moshe's face was radiant like the sun, Yehoshua's face was radiant like the moon.
2. Woe, what shame (Shita - of Yehoshua, that he did not reach Moshe's level; Iyun Yakov - of that generation, had they merited, Yehoshua would have reached the level of Moshe)!
(s) (R. Chama b'Rebbi Chanina): Hash-m made 10 canopies for Adam ha'Rishon - "Odem Pitdah v'Yahalom Tarshish Shoham v'Yashfeh Sapir Nofech u'Varkas v'Zahav";
(t) (R. Yochanan): The lowest of them is gold, for it is last.
(u) Question: What does "Meleches Tupecha u'Nkavecha Bach" mean?
(v) Version #1 - Answer (Rav Yehudah): Hash-m told Chiram, king of Tzur: I foresaw that you would claim to be G-d, therefore I made man full of pores (Rashbam - for excrement).
(w) Version #2 - Answer (Rav Yehudah): Hash-m told Chiram, king of Tzur: I foresaw that you would claim to be G-d, therefore I decreed death on Adam ha'Rishon.


(i) Question: What does "V'Al Mikra'eha" mean?
(j) Answer (R. Yochanan): Yerushalayim of this world is not like Yerushalayim of the world to come;
1. In this world, anyone who wants can come to Yerushalayim; in the world to come, one must be invited.
(k) (Rabah): In the future, Tzadikim will be called by Hash-m's name - "Kol ha'Nikra bi'Shmi v'Lichvodi Berasiv".
(l) (R. Shmuel bar Nachmani): Three are called by Hash-m's name - Tzadikim (as above), Mashi'ach and Yerushalayim.
1. Mashi'ach - "V'Zeh Shemo Asher Yikre'o Hash-m Tzidkeinu".
2. Yerushalayim - "V'Shem ha'Ir mi'Yom Hash-m Shamah".
(m) (R. Elazar): In the future, (angels) will say 'Kadosh' in front of Tzadikim (Etz Yosef - those that remain alive at the time of revival of the dead), just as they say in front of Hash-m - "Ha'Nish'ar...Kodesh Ye'amer Lo".
(n) (Rabah): In the future, Hash-m will lift Yerushalayim three Parsa'os - "v'Ra'amah v'Yashvah Sachteha";
1. Question: What does it mean "Sachteha"?
2. Answer: Like the area Tachteha (underneath).
3. Question: How do we know that the area underneath is three Parsa'os?
4. Answer (Rabah): An elder (Ya'avetz - Eliyahu) who had seen the first Yerushalayim told me, it was three Parsa'os.
(o) Suggestion: Perhaps it will be difficult to ascend to Yerushalayim!
(p) Rejection: "Ka'Av Te'ufenah".
1. (Rav Papa): This teaches that clouds are three Parsa'os above the ground.
(q) (R. Chanina bar Papa): Hash-m wanted to put a measure (limit) to Yerushalayim - "Lamod Es Yerushalayim...";
1. The angels protested: You did not put a measure to cities of Nochrim, will You put a measure to Yerushalayim, that contains Your name, Your Mikdash and Tzadikim?!
2. "Rutz...Perazos Teshev Yerushalayim"
(r) (Reish Lakish): In the future Hash-m will add to Yerushalayim 169,000 gardens, 210,000 towers, 146,000 buildings, 345,690 small buildings (Ra'avad - 1,000 locked gardens, 1,000 locked towers, 1,000 locked buildings...)
1. Each of these will be like Tzipori when it was serene.
2. (Beraisa - R. Yosi): Tzipori had 180,000 markets selling condiments.
(s) Question: What does it mean "...Shalosh u'Shloshim Pe'amim"?
(t) Answer (R. Levi): If the future Yerushalayim will be three times as big as the old, each building will have 30 stories; if it will be 30 times as big, each building will have three stories.
(i) (Rav): Meshichah (pulling) a ship any amount acquires it;
(j) (Shmuel): He must pull it its own length.
(k) Suggestion: They argue like the following Tana'im.
1. (Beraisa): Mesirah (handing over to transfer ownership): if the buyer grabbed it by the hoof, hair, saddle or sack on it, bit in the mouth, or bell on its neck, he acquired it;
2. Meshichah: He calls to it and it comes, or he hits it and it runs in front of him - once it moves a foreleg and hind leg, he acquires;
3. R. Achi says, it must move all its legs.
4. Suggestion: Rav holds like the first Tana, Shmuel holds like R. Achi.
(l) Rejection #1: Rav can even be like R. Achi.
1. R. Achi only said regarding an animal that moving a foreleg and hind leg does not suffice, for the animal remains in its place; regarding a ship, moving any amount moves the entire ship.
(m) Rejection #2: Shmuel can even be like the first Tana.
1. The first Tana only said regarding an animal that moving a foreleg and hind leg suffices, for then it surely will go; regarding a ship, he must move it its length.
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