prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Avodah Zarah 3
(a) Seeing as the Nochrim did not even observe their own seven Mitzvos, it
is obvious that they will not be asking for another six hundred plus. What
then will be their complaint against Hashem?
(b) On what grounds will they reject Hashem's answer that ...
- ... *He* will testify how Yisrael had observed the Mitzvos?
- ... Heaven and earth will testify on Yisrael's behalf?
(c) What does Resh Lakish extrapolate from the Pasuk ...
- ... in Bereishis "Vayehi Erev ... Yom ha'Shishi"?
- ... in Tehilim "mi'Shamayim Hishma'ta Din, Eretz Yar'ah ve'Shakatah"?
(d) What will be Hashem's response? Whom will He bring to testify on behalf
of Yisrael?
(a) If Nimrod will testify that Avraham did not worship idols and Lavan,
that Ya'akov did not steal, what will be the gist of the testimony of ...
- ... Potifera's wife?
- ... Nevuchadnetzar?
- ... Daryavesh?
(b) The last set of three men were Beldad ha'Shuchi, Tzofer ha'Na'amasi and
Elifaz ha'Teimani. What is the connection between them and the Pasuk
"Yitnu Eideihen Ve'yitzdaku"? On whose behalf will they testify?
(c) Why would it not be correct to add 'Elihu ben Berechel ha'Buzi' to this
(a) What request will the Nochrim then make of Hashem?
(b) What will be Hashem's initial response? Why will they not really deserve
another chance?
(c) In spite of that, Hashem will concede to their request and give them the
Mitzvah of Sukah. How will He describe it?
(d) We query Hashem's benevolent act from a D'rashah of Rebbi Yehoshua ben
Levi. What dual D'rashah did Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi Darshen from the
Pasuk in the Sh'ma "Asher Anochi Metzaveh Eschem *ha'Yom*"?
(a) The Nochrim will accept Hashem's offer and build a Sukah on their
rooftops. What is the significance of the location?
(b) How will Hashem test the Nochrim?
(c) What does the adage 'Ein Hakadosh Baruch Hu Ba bi'Terunya al Biryosav'
(d) Then why will Hashem test the Nochrim in this way?
(e) How will the Nochrim react to the rest?
(a) Is a Yisrael Chayav Sukah under the above circumstances?
(b) Then what will the Nochrim have done wrong?
(c) How will Hashem react to the Nochrim's behavior?
(d) What does Rebbi Yitzchak comment about that reaction?
Answers to questions
(a) In the second Lashon, Rebbi Yitzchak's comment refers to a statement of
Rebbi Yossi, who says in a Beraisa that in the days of Mashi'ach Ovdei
Kochavim will convert. What does another Beraisa say about converts in the
days of Mashi'ach and in the days of David and Shlomoh?
(b) What is the reason for this ruling?
(c) How do we reconcile Rebbi Yossi with that Beraisa? What are 'Geirim
(d) If the Pasuk in Tehilim "Lamah Ragshu Goyim, u'Le'umim Yehegu Rik"
refers to Gog and Magog coming to attack Hashem and His Mashi'ach, what is
the significance of the Pasuk "Nenatkah es Mosroseimo ve'Nashlich Mimenu
(a) How does the Pasuk there describe Hashem's reactions? What did Rebbi
Yitzchak comment on that?
(b) The Beraisa describes Hashem's daily schedule. If during ...
- ... the first three hours of the day, He studies Torah, what does He do during the second?
- ... the third three hours He feeds all the creatures in the world from the largest beast down to the eggs of lice, what does He do during the last three? From where do we know this?
(a) What does Hashem do in the second period, when He sees that the world
cannot exist on Midas ha'Din?
(b) How does Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak reconcile Rebbi Yossi with this
Beraisa, from which we see that Hashem does laugh in this world?
(c) Why could he not have answered that Rebbi Yossi, who is a Tana, argues
with this Beraisa?
(a) What did Rav Acha say to Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak about the day of the
Churban Beis Hamikdash and onwards?
(b) On what grounds do we reject the source for this as being the Pasuk ...
- ... in Yeshayah "Vayikra Hashem Elokim Tzevakos ba'Yom ha'Hu le'Bechi u'le'Misped"?
- ... in Tehilim "Im Eshkachech Yerushalayim, Tishkach Yemini ... "?
(c) We finally cite Rav Acha's source for his statement as the Pasuk in
Yeshayah "Hecheshesi ne'Olam, Acharish Es'apak' (describing Hashem's silence
following the Churban). In that case, what does Hashem now do during the
fourth period of the day?
(d) Who learned with the children before the Churban?
(a) At nighttime, Hashem may well follow the same timetable as He does by
day. What else might He do, based on the Pasuk in Tehilim ...
- ... "Rechev Elokim Ribosayim Alfei Shin'an"? How would we then extrapolate it from the Pasuk?
- ... "Yomam Yetzaveh Hashem Chasdo, u'va'Laylah Shiroh Imi"?
(b) What does Rebbi Levi say about someone who stops learning Divrei Torah
in order to talk idle chatter?
(c) Based on the Pasuk that we just quoted "Yomam Yetzaveh Hashem Chasdo,
u'va'Laylah Shiroh Imi", what does Resh Lakish say about David Hamelech,
who sang Hashem's praises and studied Torah by night? What does the Pasuk
(d) How does he explain the Pasuk in the second Lashon? What does that have
to do with day and night?
(a) What analogy does Rav Yehudah Amar Rav learn from the Pasuk "Va'ta'aseh
Adam ki'Degei ha'Yam"?
(b) What is the first comparison, based on the fact that a fish that leaves
water cannot survive?
(a) The second comparison is based on the fact that when fish are exposed to
the sun, they die. What two connotations does this have as far as the
comparison of Yisrael to fish is concerned?
(b) The first of these is based on a statement by Rebbi Chanina. What did
Rebbi Chanina list as the only two things that are not in the Hands of
(c) The second, is based on a statement by Resh Lakish. What did Resh
Lakish say about Gehinom in the time of Mashi'ach?
(d) What does he learn from the Pasuk in Mal'achi ...
- ... "Ve'zarchah Lachem Yir'ei Hashem, Shemesh Tzedakah u'Marpei bi'Chenafehah"?
- ... "Vi'yetzasem u'Pishtem be'Eglei Marbeik"?
Answers to questions
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