Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
Ask A Question on the daf
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Avodah Zarah 57
(a) A case occurred in Neharda'a, a Nochri and a Yisrael
stomped grapes together. Shmuel withheld ruling for three
(b) Question: Why did he wait?
1. Suggestion: He wanted to see if there was a Tana who
forbids benefit from it, like R. Noson (then he
would forbid benefit from it).
i. (Beraisa): If a Nochri measured (the depth of)
wine by sticking in his hand or foot, one may
sell the wine;
ii. R. Noson says, if he stuck his hand in, it is
forbidden to benefit from it; if he used his
foot, one may sell it.
2. Rejection: R. Noson only forbids benefit when he
used his hand, not when he used his foot!
(c) Answer: He wanted to see if there was a Tana who permits
drinking it, like R. Shimon (then he would permit
drinking it).
(d) A Nochri climbed a date tree and took a Lulav; on his way
down, the end of the Lulav (our text; R. Tam - he)
unintentionally touched wine.
(e) Rav: The wine may be sold to Nochrim.
(f) Rav Kahana and R. Asi: But your yourself said that a one
day old Nochri makes Yayin Nesech (if he touches wine,
even though he has no intention)!
(g) Rav: I only meant that it is forbidden to drink it, but
one may benefit from it.
(a) Question (against Rav - Rav Simi bar Chiya - Beraisa): If
one bought slaves from a Nochri and they were circumcised
but did not yet immerse, and similarly children of a
Yisrael's female slave (who did not yet immerse to become
a Shifchah Kana'anis) that were circumcised but did not
yet immerse:
1. Their spit and Medrasan (what they step on) are
Teme'im (by Rabbinic enactment, they are like Zavim,
even) in the market;
2. Some say, they are Tehorim (they are like *doubtful*
Zavim, therefore, they are not Metamei in Reshus
3. Adults make Yayin Nesech, children do not;
i. 'Adult' refers to one who knows idolatry well,
'child' is one who does not.
4. Summation of question: It says that adults make
Yayin Nesech, children do not!
(b) Answer: The Beraisa discusses children (of a female
slave) that were circumcised but did not yet immerse
(they will be raised not to serve idolatry - but Nochri
infants make Yayin Nesech).
(c) Question: But it says *similarly* (children of a female
slave...implying that the law is the same as for slaves
that did not yet immerse, i.e. Nochrim)!
(d) Answer: Their law is the same regarding Tum'ah (of their
spit and Medrasan).
(e) Question: This is according to the opinion that they are
1. But according to the opinion that they are Tehorim,
how can we answer? (All the more so, spit and
Medrasan of sons of slaves are Tehorim, there is no
need to say this; *similarly* must teach about Yayin
(f) Answer: It teaches that slaves born to Nochrim have the
same law as sons of slaves - they make Yayin Nesech
before immersing, but not afterwards.
1. This argues with Rav Nachman.
2. (Rav Nachman): If one buys slaves from a Nochrim,
even after they are circumcised and immerse, they
make Yayin Nesech until their (previous) connection
to idolatry is forgotten.
3. Question: How long is this?
4. Version #1 - Answer (R. Yehoshua ben Levi): Twelve
5. Version #2 - R. Tam - Answer: Like R. Yehoshua ben
Levi said (about a different matter), 12 months.
(g) Question (Rabah - Beraisa): If one bought slaves from a
Nochri and they were circumcised but did not yet immerse,
and similarly children of a slave that were circumcised
but did not yet immerse:
1. Their spit and Medrasan are Teme'im in the market;
2. Some say, they are Tehorim;
3. Adults make Yayin Nesech, children do not;
i. 'Adult' refers to one who knows idolatry well,
'child' is one who does not.
4. Summation of question: It says that slaves who were
circumcised but did not yet immerse make Yayin
Nesech - but not after immersion!
(h) Answer: This refers to children of a female slave (they
were born in the Yisrael's house - but regular slaves
make Yayin Nesech for a year after immersion).
(i) Question: But it says *similarly* (children of a female
slave...implying that the law is the same as for regular
(j) Answer: The law is the same regarding Tum'ah;
(k) Question: This is according to the opinion that their
spit and Medrasan are Teme'im;
1. But according to the opinion that they are Tehorim,
what can we answer?
(l) Answer: It teaches that regular slaves (before immersing)
have the same law as sons of slaves - only adults make
Yayin Nesech, not children.
1. This argues with Rav.
2. (Rav): A one-day old Nochri makes Yayin Nesech.
(a) A case occurred, a Nochri entered Reuven's store and
asked to buy wine.
1. Reuven: We do not have wine.
2. There was wine in a bucket; the Nochri, inserted his
hand, shook it and said 'This is not wine?!' Reuven
angrily took it away and poured it into a barrel
(containing more wine).
(b) Rava: (All) the wine may be sold to Nochrim.
(c) Rav Huna bar Chinena and Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua: It
is forbidden to benefit from it!
1. Rava's Talmidim permitted it, the Talmidim of Rav
Huna bar Chinena and Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua
forbade it.
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