Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Avodah Zarah 56
AVODAH ZARAH 56 - Dedicated by Barry Epstein of Dallas, Texas -- may the
light of the Torah always illuminate and protect him and his entire family!
(a) (Mishnah): It is not considered wine until it descends to
the pit.
(b) Contradiction (Mishnah): Wine is Tevel (forbidden to
drink until Terumah is taken) after Kipuy (the grape
skins float to the top and are removed).
(c) Answer (Rava): Our Mishnah is like Chachamim, the Mishnah
about Tevel is like R. Akiva.
1. (Beraisa #1): Wine is Tevel after it descends to the
2. R. Akiva says, it is Tevel after Kipuy.
(d) Question: Does R. Akiva refer to Kipuy in the pit, or in
the barrel?
(e) Answer (Beraisa #2): Wine is Tevel after Kipuy; even
after Kipuy, one may drink from the upper Gas or pipe
without tithing.
1. Surely, this discusses Kipuy in the pit (if from the
barrel, this has no effect on the Gas)!
(f) Question: But Rav Zevid taught, it is considered wine
after it descends to the pit and Kipuy is done;
1. R. Akiva says, after he scoops it into barrels (and
does Kipuy).
(g) Answer: This is the meaning of Beraisa #1!
1. (Chachamim say,) wine is Tevel after it descends to
the pit (and Kipuy);
2. R. Akiva says, it is Tevel after Kipuy (and it was
scooped into barrels).
(h) Question: But our Mishnah said that it is not wine until
it descends to the pit;
1. Is there a three-way argument among the Tana'im?!
(i) Answer #1: No - our Mishnah discusses Yayin Nesech, we
are stringent to consider it wine before it really is.
(j) Answer #2: According to Rava (who answered that our
Mishnah is like Chachamim, the Mishnah of Tevel is R.
Akiva), we are not more stringent about Yayin Nesech, we
must say that there is a three-way argument among the
(k) (Mishnah): What descends to the pit is forbidden, the
rest is permitted.
(l) (Rav Huna): This is only if he did not empty out the
Gargusni (a bucket with a strainer at the bottom to catch
the skins and peels and allow the wine to pass through)
back into the Gas - if he did, this forbids the Gas.
(m) Question: What forbids the Gargusni itself?
(n) Answer #1: Because it is Nitzuk (a liquid falling through
the air into another liquid, i.e. the wine in the pit).
(o) Inference: Nitzuk falling into something forbidden
forbids the top liquid.
(p) Rejection (and Answer #2): Elsewhere, R. Chiya
established the case to be a flask that was overflowing -
also here, we can say that the pit was overflowing, it
reached up to the bottom of the Gargusni.
(a) Question: May one stomp grapes with a Nochri?
(b) Answer (a learned six-year old): Yes.
(c) Question: But the Nochri will Menasech the wine
(forbidding benefit from it, i.e. wages for stomping)!
(d) Answer: The case is, the Nochri's hands are tied.
(e) Question: The Nochri will Menasech with his foot!
(f) Answer: That is not the normal way to Menasech, it does
not forbid benefiting from the wine.
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