Melech Publications Acclaimed Author, Rosally Saltsman:
   I am fascinated by the idea of a soul returning to this world multiple times; I explored this idea in this novel...

soul journey  Soul Journey
Heartwarming, thought-provoking, follow the the spiritual travels of a soul reincarnated through five priods of Jewish history from the birth of the nation to the present. As it refines itself, the soul attains loftier levels achieving perfection and finding its way back "Home." With an approbation by Rabbi Zev Leff.

"So marvelous, so poignant, so well-written"
Sheindel Weinbach

"This novel has a lot of merit as a literary work."
Miriam Zakon

Only $9.95 (43nis) inc. shipping in Israel. Outside Israel add $1.95 for shipping.

To order write to the author, Rosally Saltsman

"A masterful exhilarating read..." Darla Stone (New York)

"Wonderfully written, imaginative, insightful and thought provoking."   Maureen Azimov (Montreal)

"Couldn't put it down until I'd finished. The concept is intriguing and the stories, captivating."
Ruth Fogelman (Jerusalem)
"Myself and my two daughters read it and we actually enjoyed it very much.  It was very well written.  We have a hard time finding "frum" books that are also well written, and we appreciated this one."
Betty Goldberg, Boca Raton, FL.

A Portion of KindnessA Portion of Kindness: Each Torah portion offers insights into doing chesed, acts of kindness. Acts of kindness are one of the three pillars on which the world stands. Doing kindness is one of the ways in which we emulate God. A Portion of Kindness, provides examples of ways to learn from the chesed of the patriarchs, matriarchs, leaders and progenitors of the Jewish Nation in every sphere of life.

With approbations by Rav Zev Leff and Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn.

Read an excerpt

Order “A Portion of Kindness” for only $12.50 (55nis) inc. shipping in Israel. Outside Israel add $1.95 for shipping.

To order write to the author, Rosally Saltsman

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