
Happy buyers - letters from satisfied readers

I am deployed to Iraq/Kuwait and wanted to let you know how wonderful I thought your “Keep Smiling” thoughts/lessons of the day have been. I received them prior to my departure, and enjoyed them back then, however, here and now, your words are even more confirming and inspirational to me and the non-Jewish people with whom I share them. I don’t know if I would ever be able to express to you, how much your words apply to our mission here, and motivate me even at the end of a very long day. The impact is really wonderful and improves my morale and that of the soldiers…

Captain Estee Pinchasin,
249th Engineer Battalion, US Army

… a positive and thoughtful outlook in a world that is so troubled.

Bernard Rosenberg, Brewster, New York

I look forward to the moment of thought that each article brings and am strengthened by so many of the ideas that just seem to make perfect sense. It brings clarity as to why we are here, what we are doing and how we can do it better.  My husband laughs at my saying: “I just got another message from G-d”.  So many times it comes at the right time, saying the words I so badly needed to hear.  This is my inspiration that I put on my refrigerator and draw from along with my whole family…

Orit Riter, Fairlawn, New Jersey

…for most of my adult life, I have suffered with periods of depression. It has taken a great toll on me, my family, and my friends. I have found your books to be a great help recently in combating this illness. Because depression is a daily flight, and I … relentlessly try to work to combat it starting with morning readings. Your books have served as one of the ingredients in my recent success…

Name withheld

…reading your message the first thing in the morning … makes such a difference.

Rhoda Schnarch, Toronto

You remain a constant inspiration to me. Thank you for all the time and energy you put in to helping people see the deeper meaning of life.

Charles Joffe, Johannesburg

Over the past few months I have been reading the great wisdom and humor in your words. As a Roman Catholic (not a very good Catholic) I have found a deep happiness in your work. The People of the Book have much to share with Jews & non-Jews alike … Hashem must have a great sense of humor to have created us in the first place.

Allen R. Campbell, Dakota Historical Society
Santa Barbara, California

I enjoy it a lot.

Manuel Avshalom Valdez, Guatemala City, Central America

…very enjoyable, thought provoking, and refreshing while giving a lot of POSITIVE and NEEDED CHIZUK. Keep up your great work.

Yaakov Langer, Baltimore

Just the clear message I needed to meditate on for the week ahead. An idea I have heard so often but your medium is succinct enough for me to hold it.

Terry S., Johannesburg

Awakens our inner energies … to come in contact with the Divine in meditation, prayer and worship … for me what you do is “Torah Therapy” … you must know that every time I receive one of your messages, it’s like they were sent by Hashem … always at the right moment and with the right message!

Maayan Ohr, Tekoa, Israel

…really a source of inspiration and chizuk.

Shlomo Ouaknine, Paris

I am a deaf Jew struggling while living in a predominantly non-Jewish community. I use the computer to stay close to other Jews. Your work is inspiring and helps me.

Name withheld

Thanks for these inspirational words, there are currently very applicable

Saul Sackstein, Johannesburg.

Thank you for all the energy you are giving me.

Judy Moritz, Johannesburg

Thank you for your great insight and comfort. I will work hard on your thoughts … One of my dreams is to put more spirituality in business (being a corporate advisor); less fear and more faith … your words are great. You really make a difference.

Darren Kramer, Johannesburg

Thank you once again for your tireless devotion to inspiring me, and presenting me with such treasured items … even if you simply wrote these pieces once a year, it would be life-changing.

Daniel Freedman, Sandton

Thought provoking … may your candle burn bright and continue inspiring all your readers.

David Balassiano, Brooklyn NY

Your words and insights shine light on my path. It’s a blessing to let you know how important your writing is.

Paula Baruch Maggid, Peterborough, Ontario


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