Torah Audio Classes, page 2

Avraham Tzvi SchwartzListen to Torah Audio Classes.
Torah  mp3  classes -- listen here or download for free.

Taken from live classes of
Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz

"Blessing and Curse" (61 min)

"The 10 commands and how they affect our every day lives" (64 min.)

"The Golden Calf is alive and well" (62 min.)

"The Best Business" (60 min.)

    Classes from Yeshayahu (Isaiah)
(To see the verses online before listening to these classes,  click here.)

The Remedy  (Yesh'Ch.I -- 43 min)

The Coming of Mashiach  (Yesh' Ch.II -- 36 min)

Revelation of a Higher Reality  (Yesh' Ch.II -- 42 min)

Yeshayahu's Curses  (Yesh' Ch.III -- 42 min)

Consequence and Reward  (Yesh' Ch.III -- 45 min)

Stripped of their Jewelery  (Yesh' Ch.III -- 43 min)

Final Cleanup  (Yesh' Ch.IV -- 43 min)

Hashem's Vineyard  (Yesh' Ch.V -- 37 min)

Wise in their own Eyes  (Yesh' Ch.V -- 38 min)


Check out this special class given at the Ohr Somayach Holiday Program...

Bitachon and Hishtadlus

Explaining the all important concepts of Emuna (Faith), Hishtadlus (Making the Effort) and Bitachon (Trust) ant their effect on our Parnasa (livelihood) - Click here for
the sources.pdf, the Bitachon and Hishtadlus mp3, and a second mp3, Bitachon-2
Also recommended on this all important subject of Trust, is the class given on Parshas BeHar. Click here to access it.

   Torah Audio Classes on mp3 mussar, hashakafa, inpiring thoughts quotes lessons for life -- listen here or download now free. Taken from live classes of Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Schwartz.

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