  In Heaven

How do you imagine the heavens to be? If you're spending time there every day, in your prayer, with your thoughts and meditations, you should have some sort of picture of what it looks like. Maybe you see great open spaces, glistening lights, a throne of glory...

Here are a few ideas to focus on. The heavens contain all life; from there we may draw down energy and strength. The wisdoms of the world originate in the heavens; sending our thoughts there, allows us to ask for added insight and intelligence. All charm, beauty, health, wealth comes from the heavens; with the right approach we draw more and more of these gifts into our lives.

This being so, it's worth spending time in improving our perception and appreciation of the heavens.


We like to think of ourselves as being free. Still, how free are we? In many ways, we are prisoners to our habits -- a captive to habits that are not always for our good. A second problem is we spend too long indulging ourselves -- looking for what seems will lead us to pleasure. But who dictates that we need these pleasures? Are we slaves to our every urge?

How then are we free? If we decide for ourselves, by ourselves, what is truly good for us -- if we investigate our options and weigh them up with our own logic -- if we choose a path that leads to true achievement -- then we can claim to be free.

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