Free Inspiring ebooks

There's no
such thing as coincidence. Everything that happens is a result of Divine
Intervention. Read these inspiring, and amazing true stories that
demonstrate that everything is the product of Divine Orchestration.
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Celebrating Shabbos:
(Shabbat) is a day of rejuvenation, inspiration and most of all
celebration! Read these true and inspiring stories of how Jews
celebrate Shabbos, sometimes in the most unique circumstances.
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From This World to the Next:
The body and soul journey together in This World until they part
company, to be reunited again when Mashiach comes. The body is buried,
and the soul continues on to The Next World. But sometimes the soul
briefly returns to show us a glimmer of the Next World and the
importance of giving the body a Jewish burial. Read these true and
amazing stories from This World and The Next.
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