Dear Friends,
According to the advocates of natural childbirth, it is
better for the mother to be awake during the birth pangs so
that she can become a partner in the process of giving
birth. As indicated in previous letters, Jewish tradition
favors this natural approach with regard to the birth pangs
of the messianic age. Rachmana - the Loving One -
wants us to be spiritually awake during the birth pangs so
that we can participate in the process of giving birth to
the new age of enlightenment, unity, and shalom. And this
process begins by developing enlightenment, unity, and
shalom within ourselves. We should therefore focus on
activities which lead to this goal such as Torah study,
prayer, deeds of lovingkindness, sharing our resources with
the needy, improving our character traits, forgiving others,
and making peace with those we have quarreled with. In
addition, we should strive to avoid words and deeds which
harm or degrade ourselves and others.
We can easily get discouraged and despondent, however, when
we witness the power of evil in the world. We may wonder if
our individual and collective attempts to give birth to a
new world will ultimately succeed when we witness the
enthusiasm and the strength of those who call for jihad and
celebrate death.
There is a danger that such discouragement can lead to
passivity in the face of evil. After the attack on the World
Trade Center, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Horowitz - known as the
“Bostoner Rebbe” - addressed this issue, and I would like to
share with you an excerpt from the talk of this Chassidic
“As we reflect on the evil of terrorism and the destruction
of the World Trade Center, it is essential to focus on the
concept that good is more powerful than evil; that each of
us has a greater power to build, and to heal, much more so
than those who might succeed in destroying and killing.”
The Rebbe adds: “Our Sages, of blessed memory, tell us that
the force for good is 500 times stronger than the power of
evil. If evil by the hands of a few people can create so
much suffering, pain and devastation, just think how much
more opportunity there is for the multitude to do good, to
move in the opposite direction from evil: comforting,
healing, and building. Each and every one of us possesses
such a great potential for good to contribute to
civilization and the world. This is a powerful message. We
are therefore the bearers of not just a good message, but of
an action plan to build a better world. Our inadequate
feelings and emotions have to be put aside at times, in
order to direct our energies to creating a better world
through building a better community, a better family, a
better self, through attaching ourselves to our Creator.”
(Jewish Observer, Cheshvan 5762, October 2001)
This message can help us to understand why we should not
depend on the media for our sense of reality. The media
tends to focus on the “sensational” news of scandals,
conflicts, and violence, while the good and loving deeds
which add life to the world do not usually get the same
attention. In addition, the reports in the media are not
always accurate, and they can reflect the bias of the one
presenting the news or commentary. We should therefore not
become addicted to getting the news from the media, so that
we can maintain a balanced and healthy perspective on life.
Another reason to avoid an addiction to the media is because
it leads to the illusion that we are involved in the
“action”! This addiction causes us to become spectators of
the birth pangs rather than participants in the natural
process of giving birth to a new world. The observance of
Shabbos can help to weaken this addiction, for on Shabbos,
we put aside the newspapers, and we close our computers,
radios, and television, in order to communicate on a deeper
level with our own souls and the souls of others.
The above insights are especially relevant for the new month
of Ellul which begins today. Ellul is the month before Rosh
Hashana, and it is a month which is devoted to “teshuvah” –
spiritual return and renewal. Ashkenazi Jewish communities
blow the shofar at the end of each weekday morning service
during this month –a reminder to awake from our slumber and
become active in the life-giving process of teshuvah which
will hasten the birth of the age of redemption.
Have a Good Month, and a Shabbos of Shalom!
Yosef Ben Shlomo Hakohen (See below)
Related Comments:
1. Hazon participant, Sarah Shapiro - a noted and gifted
writer - wrote a moving article on how she overcame her
addiction to checking her e-mail first thing on the morning.
In one paragraph, she writes:
If, indeed, I was then greeted by the news, "You've got
mail," proving that there were People Out There who thought
enough of me to send me messages, I was reassured of my
existential importance.
In this article, she tells the fascinating story of how she
found a more meaningful way to start the morning – a way
which helped her turn even the most difficult encounter
during the day into a positive and growing experience. Her
article, “I Got Mail,” appears on the website, and
the following is a direct link to the article:
2. Our previous letter, “Birth Pangs,” appears in the
archive on our website. The following is a direct link to
this letter: