Dear Friends,
Hazon participant, Chana Besser, lives in Tsfas, a city in
the north of Israel that has been under attack. She has been
reporting on life in Tsfas during this dangerous and
difficult period, including the way the residents of Tsfas
are observing and celebrating Shabbos - even in the bomb
shelters. It is moving to learn about how our brothers and
sisters are celebrating Shabbos with prayers, songs,
and even dancing, when they have to endure very difficult
conditions. As Chana reminds us, Shabbos gives our people
strength and hope. (Chana's articles on Shabbos in Tsfas are
appearing in the English Hamodia.)
Shabbos reminds us that even the difficult challenges during
the"night" of exile have a purpose; thus, we are to have
faith in the One Who will bring the "morning" - the light of
the redemption. In this spirit, we chant on Shabbos evening
and morning the following words from Psalm 92:
"A psalm, a song for the Shabbos day. It is good to thank
the Compassionate One and to sing praise to Your Name, O
Exalted One; to relate your lovingkindness in the morning
and your faith in the nights." (Verses 1-3)
On Shabbos, a day of thanksgiving to the Creator, we are to
focus on the good in all creation - including the good in
other people and ourselves; thus, we are forbidden to engage
in conversation which causes ourselves or others to feel
unhappy. For example, we do not give eulogies on Shabbos,
nor do we engage in the confession of our sins. It is
therefore not in the spirit of Shabbos to complain about
anything or anyone.
This higher conciousness is to affect all our activities on
Shabbos, even the way we eat. For example, you are about to
eat a fruit on Shabbos, and you notice that part of the
fruit has spoiled. According to halacha -
the detailed requirements of the Torah path - you must focus
on the good part of the fruit, and with this consciousness,
you can remove the good part and eat it. It is forbidden,
however, to focus on the bad part of the fruit, and with
this consciousness, remove the bad part. On Shabbos, we do
not focus on the bad, and it is therefore forbidden to
remove the bad from the good. For on Shabbos, our souls are
singing a song of thanksgiving for the good in all creation,
and this song enables us to feel at one with all creation.
The slightest amount of complaining - even in our thoughts -
can cause us to sing "off-key." The song of Shabbos is a
beautiful song that leads to unity, and we should strive to
sing each note of this song in a pleasant and pleasing
May we be blessed with a healing and strengthening Shabbos,
Yosef Ben Shlomo Hakohen (See below)
P.S. While some of our brothers and sisters in the most
dangerous areas have stayed in their homes, others have
temporarily moved to relatively safer areas, thanks to the
loving hospitality of many people who have taken individuals
and entire families into their homes. In addition, a
Torah-committed organization called "Eizer M'Tzion" has
rented out apartments for those who need them. There is a
greater sense of unity in our land, and many people are
increasing their acts of tzedekah (helping the needy) and
acts of chesed (lovingkindness.) May this increased unity
and love lead to a greater spiritual renewal which will
cause us to experience the final redemption of Israel and
the world - the age of universal enlightenment and shalom:
“They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their
spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword
against nation, and they will no longer study warfare”
(Isaiah 2:4)