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In this week's parashah, we meet some of our formidable enemies. Balak, King of Moav, was a very dangerous person. He wanted to smite us by the sword. But Hashem protected us from him. A much more dangerous fellow was Bil'am, the evil prophet of the nations. He wanted to annihilate us by means of the power of his fatal, supernatural curse. But Hashem turned his curses into blessings, because He loves us (cf. Devarim 23:6). But, with Hashem's help, we have to protect ourselves from the most dangerous people who could totally destroy us, chas veshalom. Following is a highly motivational poem which was once given to me by Avi Shulman, of Monsey, NY. Its message is very important for us to internalize and to pass on to our children and friends.
The Most Dangerous People
It likely will be a well meaning friend,
No, they don't rob you at the point of a gun
When you point to those who already are
Their advice is free and fast to come,
These people judge you by their own experiences
It matters not that their reasoning is wrong
So you're robbed of your dreams -
Robbed of your faith that says,
So the deadliest of men
For that taken by a burglar
Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Jerusalem, Israel