Are there
any limitations as to salting vegetables on Shabbos?
Here too Chazal were afraid that if one was permitted to salt
vegetables in the normal fashion it would ultimately lead to processing in a
forbidden manner. Therefore, one should not salt vegetables that are usually
pickled such as cucumbers, onions radishes etc.
unless a) one pours oil onto them, either before one adds salt or immediately
after adding salt,
b) one dips an individual piece of vegetable in salt and eats it.
Does this apply to salting eggs as well?
Eggs are not usually pickled and therefore one may salt any food
item in this category as long as it is being salted for that Shabbos.
There is a bonus for salting it close to the meal.
Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ztz”l adds that sliced tomatoes may be salted
in the regular fashion because only whole tomatoes are pickled and salting
sliced tomatoes does not appear as pickling.
May one crush peppercorns on Shabbos?
Crushing – èçéðä is one of the 39
melachos of the Mishkan and hence violating the prohibition of
crushing involves an issur d’oraisso
biblical prohibition)
and the
bringing of a korban chatas.
Accordingly, if one were to crush peppercorns in a grinder on Shabbos one would
be violating a biblical prohibition! Crushing directly onto one’s food does not
alleviate the prohibition.
weekday crushing method is with the aid of a pestle and mortar. The pestle is
the implement used to grind and the mortar is the vessel into which the
peppercorns are ground. Crushing in this manner on Shabbos incorporates an
issur d’oraisso.
The Mishna Berura
explains that even though one is only liable to bring a korban if one
were to grind a quantity equivalent to the size of a g’rogeres – a dried
fig, nevertheless it is an issur d’oraisso
to grind
even a single peppercorn.
Is there a permitted method to crush
peppercorns on Shabbos?
The permitted method is to modify the crushing implement and the
vessel used to retain the peppercorns. Accordingly one may crush peppercorns
with a knife handle on a table or in a plate.
Cutting the peppercorns with the blade of the knife is problematic as we will
see later be”H.
Is one permitted to use a salt grinder on Shabbos?
The same applies to the using of a salt grinder on Shabbos. The only
way to crush salt on Shabbos is with a knife handle on a plate or on a table.
Is one permitted to crush hard boiled eggs
into small pieces?
The Shabbos melacha of grinding –
èçéðä only applies to items grown in the ground or items that are earth
originating such as mud. Hence it is prohibited to grind pepper, salt, caked
mud, garlic and other similar items. Eggs, on the other hand do not originate
from the earth and therefore there is no issur to grind eggs.
What about grating cheese?
Similarly, cheese does not originate from the earth and therefore
may be grated on Shabbos.
Is one permitted to use a grater for that
Even though one may grate certain items on Shabbos it is forbidden
to use a grater!
The reason for this is because using a grater is considered a weekday activity.
It is not for us to define what is considered a weekday activity and what is
not, it is Chazal who categorized certain activities as weekday
Here are
several examples of what Chazal call òåáãà ãçåì
– a weekday activity: It is forbidden to measure quantities, size or
space on Shabbos.
One is
forbidden to hand an article to someone saying that it is to be used as
about cutting up a salad into very small pieces?
into fine pieces is an offshoot of ‘grinding’ and is forbidden on Shabbos. It
therefore follows that it is prohibited to cut vegetables such as cucumbers and
tomatoes into fine pieces on Shabbos. However, the Rashba says
that one may cut finely, immediately prior to eating, because it is considered
ãøê àëéìä as Chazal did not require one
to eat food in large pieces.
Not all
agree to the Rashba and indeed the Bais Yosef says that even when
one intends eating right away one should not cut the vegetables finely. The
Mishna Berura
sides with the Bais Yosef and agrees that one should not cut the
vegetables finely but says that one should not rebuke people that do cut them
it is extremely important to be aware that everyone agrees that if one
cuts the vegetables finely an hour or two before the meal, or for example one
cuts onions finely and then goes to shul, one is probably liable to bring a
korban chatas, on account of both Borer – separating and
grating the onion.