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Hilchos B'rachos part XVII
Uncertainties and Errors with B’rachos
When in doubt, recite
shehakol, is that true?
Shulchan Aruch writes,
in doubt, i.e. one does not know what the item is, one recites shehakol,
and this is reiterated by the Rama.
It thus
seems pretty straightforward that one may recite shehakol when in doubt,
without having to ‘bother’ and learn hilchos b’rachos. However, the
Magen Avraham writes
when possible, one should eat the item as part of a meal, thereby avoiding the
need to recite a b’racha inaccurately. This proves that it is not glatt
to recite shehakol at whim.
Furthermore, the Rambam writes
if one recited shehakol on all items - éöà,
which means that one’s b’racha is valid, but it does not mean that one
may l’chatchila recite shehakol.
So when does this rule
gemora B’rachos 35a writes “one may not benefit from this world
without first reciting a b’racha." Rashi explains that because the
entire world belongs to Hashem, one who benefits from this world without
a b’racha – îòì, is similar to stealing
from the Beis HaMikdash. The gemora concludes that the solution is
to go to a learned man and learn hilchos b’rachos so as not to come to
Rabeinu Yona
explains that shehakol is always a valid b’racha and one will not
be stealing from Hashem. Nevertheless one must learn hilchos b’rachos
in order to be able to recite the correct b’racha.
Magen Avraham
out that when the Shulchan Aruch wrote that when in doubt one may recite
shehakol, it means that after one has learned hilchos b’rachos and
doubt exists as to a specific food, one may recite shehakol, but prior to
learning, one may not eat until one has learned hilchos b’rachos from a
learned man.
p’sak is cited by the Shulchan Aruch HaRav
the Mishna Berura.
means that one must first learn hilchos b’rachos and if subsequent to
learning one does not know which b’racha to recite over a certain item,
one may recite shehakol.
I don’t recall whether I
recited a b’racha or not, may I eat or continue eating?
Shulchan Aruch writes
one who does not recall whether he recited hamotzi or not, does not repeat the
poskim write
one may continue eating, and although one is entitled to be stringent and not
continue eating,
may not be ‘stringent’ and recite a b’racha, because on the contrary, it
is pronouncing Hashem’s name in vain.
On what grounds may one
continue eating?
requirement to recite a b’racha prior to eating is of Rabbinic origin,
and when in doubt, one is not required to recite one.
Is it perfectly in order to
continue eating or are there methods to create a new b’racha?
Mishna Berura writes
one may continue eating. However, if someone happens to be there and is about to
recite hamotzi (or any relevant b’racha), it is correct to have
the person moitzi the person in doubt.
therefore see that if possible, it is correct to find a method not to eat
without a b’racha.
What other methods are
can recite a b’racha on a different item, with a similar b’racha,
that one did not have in mind to eat.
Another possibility would be to create a hefsek. For example, if one is
eating an apple inside an enclosed area, such as an apartment, and doubt arises
as to whether one recited a b’racha, one should exit the apartment and go
into the street and return, thus enforcing a new b’racha.