Hilchos B'rachos Part XXXII
Shehechiyanu for Fruit
Because of the joy one has
upon seeing or eating new seasonal fruit, Chazal instituted that
shehechiyanu should be recited when this occurs.
Although some authorities hold that one should recite the blessing when seeing
the new fruit, custom is that one recites it when eating the new fruit for the
first time in the season.
What if one forgets to
recite the b’racha the first time?
Indeed it should be recited
together with the b’racha on the fruit, i.e. before eating, but if one is
still busy eating one may still recite shehechiyanu. If, for example, one
is about to consume three apricots for the first time in the season, one should
recite shehechiyanu prior to eating. If one forgot, one may recite as
long as one is still eating the apricots. This is because one has simcha
at that initial eating. If one forgets, then the next time around one may not
recite shehechiyanu.
What does one recite first,
the b’racha on the fruit or shehechiyanu?
The P’ri Megadim and
Oruch Hashulchan
that one first recites shehechiyanu and then the b’racha on the
fruit. This is to avoid making a hefsek (break) between the b’racha
on the fruit and the eating. The Mishna Berura
prefers this position.
The Be’er Heitev
others say that one first recites the b’racha on the fruit and then
shehechiyanu, and indeed many have that custom.
If several new fruit are on
the table, does one recite a separate b’racha for each one?
So as not to recite an
unnecessary b’racha , one should only recite one b’racha on all
the fruit, even if one is not eating all of them at that sitting. This is also
based on the opinions who say that one recites shehechiyanu upon seeing
the fruit, so since one is reciting shehechiyanu when eating one or more
of the fruit on the table, one should have in mind that the b’racha
applies to all the fruit.
What qualifies as seasonal
Fruits that appear once or
twice a year.
will recite shehechiyanu when eating new fruit from both seasons, because
after all the fruit is seasonal. Fruit that is in stores all year round will not
merit shehechiyanu.
Seasonal fruit kept in
storage all year round will not merit shehechiyanu, unless the new fruit
is different in taste or appearance. Fresh oranges are usually much tastier then
oranges kept in cold storage.
Likewise, peaches and
apricots etc. are seasonal even though one can obtain those canned fruit all
year round.
If one frequents a place
where there is fruit one has never tasted, does one recite shehechiyanu?
It seems not, because the
b’racha was not instituted for personal reasons, rather upon seeing or
consuming seasonal fruits, i.e. fruits that do not appear all year round and one
has simcha when seeing or eating them.
Does one recite shehechiyanu
on p’ri ha’adamah?
Seasonal vegetables merit
shehechiyanu, however many poskim write that one will not recite
shehechiyanu on vegetables that are not “important” and do not bring
One will recite
shehechiyanu on watermelons, melons, bananas etc. even though the b’racha
for them is ha’adamah, provided that they are seasonal in one’s location.
Does one recite shehechiyanu
on different types of citrus fruit?
Boruch Hashem
we are blessed with many
types of citrus fruits and many want to know whether each one is different with
regards to shehechiyanu. Since each one has a distinct taste, the rule is
that one recites a shehechiyanu on each type, but as stated, when
possible, one consolidates several types with one shehechiyanu when they
are together.
Consequently, grapefruit,
orange, tangerine, pomelo, kumquat etc. all merit shehechiyanu when
seasonal and the stipulations are met.
What about different types
of apples?
The same issue applies to
apples and the many types of mandarins. One does not recite a shehechiyanu
for each type, because the difference is not that discernible and one has less
simcha from the appearance of a different type.
Does one recite shehechiyanu
on unripe fruit?
is not recited unless the fruit is fully ripe. One must therefore take caution
at the beginning of a new season and make sure that the fruit is fully edible
and ripe before reciting shehechiyanu.