Hilchos B'rachos part XXX
Zimun Part II
In the previous shiur we
discussed the major criteria needed to make a zimun. The issues mentioned
were 1- eating together, 2- type of food, 3 – eating in one place, 4 – who joins
the zimun.
Briefly, eating together
– at least three people dined together, which required them either to begin
their meal together or conclude it together.
Type of food
- optimally all three would have needed to consume bread, but custom is if the
third person will not wash for bread, suffice if he consumed any type of food or
beverage (except water).
Eating in one place
– They either dine at the same table, or separate tables for lack of space.
Please see the previous sheet for more details, such as eating at separate
tables in a Yeshiva or restaurant.
Who joins the zimun?
According to the Rama
(Ashkenazim), three males above Bar Mitzvah age can form a zimun.
According to the Mechaber,
one child younger than Bar Mitzvah age can join two adults to form a zimun.
We find various opinions to the age of this child, some say above the age of six
and others say above the age of nine.
– three women are permitted to form their own zimun
women may answer men’s zimun, but women may not join men to form a
zimun, even if they are related.
Are women who dined with men
obligated to answer the zimun?
The Shulchan Aruch
women who dined with men are çééáåú –
obligated. Based on this, Rav Moshe Feinstein ztz”l writes
women who are busy tending to a household’s needs, do not intend dining together
with other diners, are not obligated to zimun, but on Shabbos, or when
they intend dining with everyone else, they are obligated to answer zimun.
It is incumbent to begin zimun with all participants present.
If one of the three is in a
rush, may he bentch without waiting for zimun?
Once one is obligated to
zimun (by commencing eating or concluding together), one may not bentch
without zimun.
Consequently, if one of the three would like to bentch and leave, a person may
not do so without zimun. In this case, because they are the majority, the
other two diners are not obligated to stop and allow the third to bentch, but it
is correct for them to do so.
Where two of the three would
like to bentch and the third person is still dining, the third must cease dining
and answer zimun to the other two and then continue.
In other words, a single
person must stop for the other two but two need not halt for the third, although
it is correct to do so.
What does ‘stop eating’
When two people want to
bentch, the third must stop eating for the duration of the zimun.
means that he answers to the zimun and listens to the mezamein
until äæï àú äëì, answers amen and may continue
According to the Mechaber, it suffices to reply to the zimun and
then continue.
When dining at a wedding or
other function, it is all too common that one wants to leave before everyone
else bentches, but since one began eating together with everyone one is
obligated to bentch with a zimun and one may not leave before that.
Is there a solution to this
Rav Moshe Feinstein ruled
that, when necessary, if when one recites the hamotzi on the bread one’s
intention is not to join everyone else, one may bentch without zimun.
In this particular case it
is more complicated, because when a quorum of males dine together they are
obligated with Hashem’s name – ðáøê ìàìå÷éðå
ùàëìðå îùìå, in which case they may not break up into groups of three,
because Hashem’s name will be omitted.
Twenty people may break into two groups (although according to some poskim,
there is merit in this case when more people do a mitzvah together on account of
áøåá òí äãøú îìê – the more people performing a
mitzvah together, the more glorious the king).
So ideally, when some people
would like to leave early before the communal bentching, ten people should
bentch together and recite Hashem’s name in zimun. However, since
such a zimun would most probably reach the ears of the host and upset
him, they may break up into three and bentch the regular zimun, omitting
Hashem’s name.
this should only be done when they have very important issues to attend to or to
perform a mitzvah.
they know beforehand that they want to leave early solely for convenience, they
should have it in mind that they are not joining the diners.
Rav Sternbuch shlita
added that people should try bentch with a zimun of three even when one
had in mind not to join.