Hilchos B'rachos part XXVII
Birkas Hamazon
we delve into the complex issues of bentching, we will begin with some general
rules and ideas.
Prior to bentching, one should have the kavana (intention) to fulfill the
biblical mitzvah of Birkas Hamazon. One should realize that one is about
to thank Hashem for all one has, all belongings, chessed, food,
clothes, health, and bentching is time to appreciate and thank Hashem for
it all.
Simcha R’ Chaim
Vital in Sha’arei Kedusha
that one should recite Birkas Hamazon with the simcha associated
when one receives a gift. A gift is out of the ordinary. It is exciting and
welcoming to receive a gift. The simcha one feels when receiving a gift
should be transmitted to Hashem through bentching.
might help to remember that appreciating one’s source of sustenance is a superb
way to ask Hashem to continue His benevolence, and the more simcha
and meaning invested in that request, the more probability of it being accepted.
It is correct to bentch from a siddur and not by heart.
One should dress for the occasion. The poskim mention the merits of
wearing a hat and even a jacket for bentching, because it enhances concentration
and fear of heaven.
One should sit during Birkas Hamazon so as to have more concentration.
Leaning against a wall etc. will not solve the problem, because it is not that
one should not walk around, it is a matter of being able to sit with
éùåá äãòú (serenity) and concentrate on
What does åùáòú
(satiate) mean in the possuk of åàëìú åùáòú åáøëú?
There are those that explain åùáòú
to mean drink, i.e. one ate and drank. According to this opinion, one who ate to
one’s fill but did not drink (when thirsty
) is
not satiated and the obligation to bentch is only rabbinical.
Other opinions explain
åùáòú as it says, i.e. one ate to one’s fill.
Consequently, it is correct to drink before Birkas Hamazon so as to be
obligated to bentch mid’oraisso.
The Rama says
if some diners are satiated and others not and one person will be bentching for
everyone else, a person that drank should bentch for the others, because the one
obligated to bentch mid’oraisso should be moitzie those that are
only rabbinically obligated.
If one ate without drinking
(and was thirsty) and bentched, and subsequently drank a cup of tea, must one
bentch again?
The premise of this question
is that if one is only obligated to bentch mid’oraisso after drinking,
and one bentched before drinking, in which case it would seem that his
obligation is only rabbinical, if one drank after bentching he is now considered
satiated and is obligated to bentch mid’oraisso, in which case his
previous bentching does not count.
The S’fas Emes
asked a similar question: one ate a k’zayis of bread, and was not
satiated, and after bentching he ate vegetables till he was satisfied, must he
bentch again.
The S’fas Emes
replied that he need not, because if one bentches when not satisfied, one
is indeed fulfilling a mitzvah mid’oraisso to bentch albeit not being
obligated to do so. So although if subsequent to eating the vegetables one is
satisfied, one’s initial bentching is of biblical ‘quality’.
However, Hagaon HaRav
Sternbuch shlita points out that the Bi’ur Halacha does not seem
to agree with the S’fas Emes and that one who bentches before
being satiated is not fulfilling a biblical mitzvah.
Consequently, if one feels a
need to drink before bentching, one should do so.
But what if one drank after
bentching, according to the Bi’ur Halacha, is one obligated to bentch again?
Since not all poskim
say that satiation means eating and drinking, one will not be required to bentch
again after drinking.
If one cannot recall if one
bentched, must one bentch again?
Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach
ztz”l once commented on an interesting halacha. The halacha
is that if one read Shema and when, for example, he said
åáùòøéê, and he did not know if he was at the
first åáùòøéê or the second, he must say
åäéä àí again, because it is possible he was at
the first.
Rav Shlomo Zalman commented
that it is possible for one to recite Shema and to be totally oblivious
of where he is or what has been said.
The same comment can be
applied in this case. It is sad to think that one can recite the entire
Birkas Hamazon and not be sure whether he recited it or not.
But to the point – if one
ate to his full, his obligation to bentch is biblical and when in doubt one must
recite Birkas Hamazon.
If one
is not satiated, one will not have to recite Birkas Hamazon.