Questions for the Week of Parshas Achrei Mos
Food For ThoughtWhen reciting al hagefen for wine must one recite boreh nefashos for other beverages? How should one hold the challos for lechem mishne? From which part of the challa should one eat after the b’racha? Can frozen challa be used for lechem mishne? Answers coming be"H next week. Erev Pesach There are only two Mitzvos Aseh (positive mitzvos) whose abstention involves the severe punishment of karet (untimely death from heaven) – B’ris milah and korban Pesach. B’nei Yisrael did not merit being exiled from Egypt and in order to be worthy Hashem assigned two mitzvos that involved mesirus nefesh – self sacrifice to the point of death. Both involve blood and both could lead to death. There is a small chance of dying from the b’ris, as the possuk says òìéê äåøâðå ëì äéåí – we die for You each day, which Chazal interpret to mean the b’ris. Tying the lamb to the bedposts involved self sacrifice as the lambs were worshiped by the Egyptians and B’nei Yisrael were afraid to the point of death from this action. The B’nei Yisoschor explains that since these two mitzvos merited the foundation of our nation by catalyzing the redemption and therefore abstention from performing these great two mitzvos revokes the raison d’etre of one’s life and thus the punishment is karet. May we merit bringing the korban Pesach already this year. For a printed version, click here.
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