If it is getting late, should the husband light the candles?
This can involve
serious sholom bayis (harmony) problems because the wife may
feel that she was cheated out of a mitzvah unique to her. Indeed if
it is close to sunset the husband must light the candles but
everything should be done to avoid such a situation. Rav Sternbuch
shlita adds that within the five minutes before sunset the
candles must not be lit at all by anyone, as it is difficult to
ascertain the exact time of sunset.
If a couple are eating out on Friday night,
but are sleeping at home, where should they light?
Everyone agrees
that in order to benefit and enjoy the light.
the main place to light Shabbos candles is on or near one’s dining
room table. The problem is that we find that the Mechaber
cites two opinions, as follows:
“when two or three people are dining together, the first opinion,
the MaHaril, says that each person recites the b’racha
individually”. The seemingly weakness of this opinion is that once
the dining room has light from the first set of candles, what does
the second or third person add by lighting there. In addition if
that person does light there, the b’racha would be in vain.
The Mishna Berura explains
that this opinion holds that the more light the merrier and
therefore one may light candles and recite a b’racha even
though other candles are already lit.
The Mechaber
continues: “not all agree to this”, referring to the Ohr Zaruah,
which would mean that even if one were to light next to other
candles, one would not be permitted to recite a b’racha.
Which opinion do we follow?
Although in the
Beis Yosef it says that although the Ohr Zaruah is not happy
with this custom, there are those that do light with a b’racha
next to other candles. The Beis Yosef explains this custom
and says that it is because they hold that the more light the
merrier. Nevertheless, in the Shulchan Aruch he rules that
only one person should recite the b’racha when more than one
person is lighting.
Consequently, when
several people are lighting together in the same place, Sephardim
may only recite one b’racha.
The Rama
continues that we do not follow that custom, meaning that we light
with a b’racha even when other people are lighting there. The
Mishna Berura however adds to this,
that if one has a room for himself, one may light there with a
b’racha even though one is not eating in that room. This implies
that if one is able to light in a place where others are not
lighting, one should l’chatchila do so.
How does this manifest itself in our case?
Sephardim should
light at home and not where they are eating out because the
Mechaber says that one may not recite the b’racha if
other candles are already lit.
Ashkenazim have the
option to light either where they will be eating or in their home,
and it appears from the Mishna Berura that it is preferable
to light at home.
However, whenever
one lights at home, one must make sure that one derives benefit from
the candles, which means that one is home for a while after lighting
them, or they will still be alight when one returns home.
If a couple are invited out for Shabbos and
are sleeping in a separate apartment, where should they light?
The same rule
applies as above.
Sephardim should light candles in the apartment they are staying in
and even Ashkenazim might have a preference to light in this
apartment. They must make sure that the candles are lit in a safe
place, not next to curtains etc. and that they will still be alight
after the meal when they return home.
When a son and daughter-in-law have a room
in their parent’s home, where should they light?
It is not very
practical to light in one’s bedroom and as such it is not a viable
solution. In this case the Ashkenazim would light in the dining room
together with the mother of the house and Sephardim should make one
b’racha for all the candles. This is done by gathering
together at candle lighting and one woman makes the b’racha
and all the women light their respective candles.